Nutrition and Dietetics
facilities and
of Physical Body Analysis (LAFICO)
Its purpose is to facilitate and develop physical, human and technological resources for the proper description and measurement of the physical components of the human body in its different evolutionary and functional stages.
This Laboratory has the necessary equipment to develop and strengthen the teaching, research and social projection processes
- N/R
Some softwares are available
Comprehensive Body Composition Software-DOS- Human kinetics, MNGN0487. ISBN: 0-88011-487-8, Practical Body Composition Kit (VHS), Human Kinetics MHKPO515- ISBN: 0-88011-515-7.
– Digital balance capacity 450 lbs and sensitivity of 100 g,
(Healt Meter),
-Scale detected capacity of 125 Kg, bend calibrators (Slim guide),
-Bend calibrators (Lange),
-Bend calibrators (Harpenden),
-C digital bend allbrators, vernier calibrator,
-Ananthropometer for larger oil diameters,
-Anthropometer for smaller oil diameters,
-Smedly series 55100257 light dynamometer,
-Gulick fiberglass metric tapes, 2-step rack,
-It isportable trimeters,
-Tanita Body Fat Monitor/Scale, with body composition analyzer,
-Chatillon Scale balance.
It also has technical support teams such as,
-Digital camera,
-Standard articulated skeleton
School Program of Nutrition and Dietetics
Phone: +57 (607) 6344000
Extension: 3154-3128
of Food Preparation and Sensory Analysis
Its main objectives are: to encourage students to create micro-enterprises of food products and food service providers, to promote the development of food research lines. Advise small and medium-sized enterprises on the formulation and nutritional labelling of foodstuffs. Provide sensory food assessment services through determinations such as evaluating a product’s organoleptic quality, evaluating product preference and overall acceptability, and establishing integration with food and collective food companies.
The services it offers are: dand sensory assessment of food throughdeterminations such as the evaluation of the organoleptic quality of a product, evaluation of preference between products and general acceptability and establish integration with companies in the food and collective food sector.
- N/R
The equipment that is part of our endowment are:
For the preparation section you have:
-Giant gas module,
-Cold room,
-Industrial kitchen,
-General purpose trolley,
-Oven for bakery,
– Refrigerator,
-Kitchen battery,
-Preliminary preparation table,
-Mechanical scale,
-Extractor hood,
-Work tables,
For the sensory analysis section:
– Texturometer,
-Industrial digital thermometer,
-Electronic and mechanical balance,
-Stereo binocular microscope,
-Portable refractometer
School Program of Nutrition and Dietetics
Phone: +57 (607) 6344000
Extension: 3154-3128
Do you want more information?
Contact Us
School of Nutrition and Dietetics
Phone: +57 (607) 634 4000
Extension: 3128 / 3154
UIS Main Campus
Bucaramanga, Santander
Cra 27 calle 9 Ciudad Universitaria
Universidad Industrial de Santander.
Office hours:
Monday to Friday
7:00 a.m. – 12:00 m.
2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Do yo want more information?
Contact Us
School of Nutrition and Dietetics
Phone: +57 (607) 634 4000
Extension: 3128 / 3154
UIS Main Campus
Bucaramanga, Santander
Cra 27 calle 9 Ciudad Universitaria
Universidad Industrial de Santander.
Office hours:
Monday to Friday
7:00 a.m. – 12:00 m.
2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Do yo want more information?
Contact Us
School of Nutrition and Dietetics
Phone: +57 (607) 634 4000
Extension: 3128 / 3154
UIS Main Campus
Bucaramanga, Santander
Cra 27 calle 9 Ciudad Universitaria
Universidad Industrial de Santander.
Office hours:
Monday to Friday
7:00 a.m. – 12:00 m.
2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.