Terms and Conditions






The general terms and conditions presented below are applicable and must be complied with by users of the Universidad Industrial de Santander website when accessing the portal.



  • Website: online page that can be accessed through an internet browser, which contains relevant information of the Institution in different formats such as: texts, videos, links to other web pages, among others.
  • User: person who makes use of computer services through Internet browsing. Understood in this document as user.
  • Contents: This refers to information produced through: messages, graphics, photographs, drawings, designs, logos, names, trademarks or other types of audio or image files, any software in general or any kind of material accessible through web channels.
Fotografía del interior del Edificio Federico Mamitza Bayer


Terms and Conditions

At the moment of entering the Universidad Industrial de Santander website (www.uis.edu.co) the cybernaut adopts the condition of user; therefore, from now on when referring to them, they will be referred to as ‘users’.

Consequently, the ‘user’ must carefully read the terms and conditions each time they use the University’s website.

The terms and conditions may be subject to complete or partial modification or adjustment. It is up to the Universidad Industrial de Santander to adopt the changes or adjustments, whose implementation and application will be effective from the publication or dissemination of the change or adjustment through any means that guarantees the publicity of those.

Failure to comply with the ‘Terms and Conditions of Use’ (by action or omission) will allow the Universidad Industrial de Santander, suspend or terminate the provision of services accessed by the user through the Institutional web portal.

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