Student Welfare

Administrative Unit






Student Welfare, a unit attached to the Academic Vice Rectory in charge of directing, guiding, coordinating and executing the services and programs aimed at the integral development of the student community and the continuous improvement of the students’ quality of life.

Photo taken on a white background with the director in the center.

Diego Hernando

Hernández Velásquez


Photo taken on a white background with the director in the center.

Diego Hernando

Hernández Velásquez


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Assistance consultations: health care consultations in the areas of: General Medicine, General Dentistry, Physiotherapy, Nutrition, Psychology, Social Work and Psychopedagogy.

Specialized Consultations: ophthalmology, optometry, gynecology and urology consultations, provided by external providers, in authorized entities. Specialized psychiatry and sexology consultations with specialized professionals from Student Welfare.

Nursing Care: nursing care related to injecting, healing, minor procedures, ear washing, eye washing, taking blood pressure, taking electrocardiograms, giving medications and triage care.

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Emergency Medical Service and Hospitalization: the University provides emergency medical, surgical and psychiatric care and the resulting hospitalization, through agreements with Hospital Universitario de Santander and Hospital Psiquiátrico San Camilo.

Accident and traumatic emergency care:  the University has purchased a group accident policy from an insurance company for the benefit of students who pay health fees, in order to cover these contingencies.

Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests Service: clinical laboratory tests corresponding to the first level of care are offered through an agreement with the Clinical Laboratory of the UIS School of Bacteriology.

Pharmacy Service: basic medications required by students who pay health fees are provided through the pharmacy located in the Student Welfare facilities.

Protocol for dealing with gender-based violence incidents: Its purpose is to establish measures for the attention, assistance, follow-up and referral of acts of gender-based violence committed in any space, physical or virtual, in the Institution or externally, within the framework of missionary activities.

The Protocol does not replace processes, procedures, instances or authorities that, in compliance with the law or internal norms, the University has for other types of conducts, facts or circumstances. The purpose of this protocol is not to determine the veracity or not of the events, nor to establish the responsibility of those involved in cases of gender-based violence.

This Protocol will be activated in cases of gender-based violence, which are understood as those acts based on sex, gender identity or sexual orientation, that effectively or potentially result in affectation, suffering, damage or death, as well as threats to cause such results, both in the public and private spheres.


Educational Programs

Health Maintenance: its purpose is to prospectively care for the health of all students enrolled at the UIS, with emphasis on the early detection of risk factors and established pathologies through a biosocial approach, in order to promote self-care and a culture of prevention and timely treatment of health problems. The activities developed in this program include:

– Entrance exam for first level students.

– Elaboration of the individual health profile through a comprehensive evaluation.

– Early detection of health problems and disease risk factors.

– Referral to pertinent programs or services.

– Medical attention to students with high risk factors.

Healthy Back: this program is aimed at the UIS student community and its objective is to encourage healthy lifestyles and promote the adoption of proper postural habits, in order to reduce the risk factors associated with spinal disorders. The program includes the following activities:

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– Individual healthy back: postural assessment, assessment of flexibility, socialization of the results of the assessment, education in postural hygiene and plan of recommendations.

– Group healthy back: functional training (circuit of exercises focused on strengthening the stabilizing muscles of the spine) and educational sessions on postural hygiene carried out in study centers, libraries and outdoor spaces.

Cardiovascular Risk Management: the purpose of this program is to prevent the appearance of modifiable risk factors for cardiovascular disease in the healthy student population through educational interventions aimed at modifying attitudes and behaviors to promote healthy lifestyles. It also seeks to reduce the incidence of cardiovascular disease in students with modifiable or non-modifiable risk factors, through health care intervention strategies.

– Screening of risk factors (Wellness to School).

– Health and movement activities. (Dance class and yoga class).

– Personalized education on risk factors and their prevention.

– Individual control of risk factors identified through general medical consultation.

Nutrition Education: the purpose of this program is to motivate and encourage changes in eating habits in order to achieve a healthy nutritional state among the university community. The following activities are carried out:

– Guidance and individual advice.

– Medical assessment and referral to a specialist.

– Nutritional counseling.

Oral Health: the purpose of this program is to promote oral health self-care attitudes and behaviors through educational and preventive interventions. The program carries out the following activities:

– Oral health assessment upon entry to the University.

– Caries prevention campaigns.

– Oral cavity examination.

– Prophylaxis and treatment of calculus.

– Personalized and group education on tooth care.

– Workshop on correct brushing.

– Annual check-up.

Visual Health: this program promotes visual health and early detection of eye disorders that affect the student community. The activities carried out include:

– Educational and screening campaigns with defined schedule.

– Medical evaluation and referral to the optometrist according to need.

Mental Health Promotion: this program develops intervention processes at the assistance, preventive and promotional levels in order to create a space for reflection, generate healthy habits and restructure affective, cognitive and behavioral schemes to improve mental health. The program includes the following activities:

– Individual attention.

– Therapeutic groups.

– Support networks.

– Promotion and prevention campaigns.

Strategic Response Service for the prevention of psychoactive substance use (SER-UIS): this program prevents the consumption of psychoactive substances (legal and non-legal) in the UIS student population, through the development of pedagogical and therapeutic strategies. Its activities include:

– Universal Prevention Campaign through play, art and recreation, self-recognition and development of social skills.

– Selective Prevention Campaigns: Develop through educational actions with information about psychoactive substances, its prevention and mitigation.

– Prevention Actions Indicated for individual therapeutic care for students who use psychoactive substances, who voluntarily request psychosocial support.

Prevention of cervical, breast and testicular cancer: contributes to prevent cervical, breast and testicular cancer morbidity among university students, especially those who have already begun their sexual life, through early detection and timely treatment, with emphasis on education to promote a culture of self-care. The following activities are developed:

– Women’s Week: Cytology and breast self-examination.

– Men’s week: “Preventing testicular cancer”, STIs and condoms.

– All against cancer

– Promotion of condom use “condón manía una manía saludable”

– Dissemination of information through posters and the facepage: Educational Programs – Preventive.

– Wellness at School

– Educational activities for the promotion of sexual and reproductive health.

– Gocebakano

Prevention and Care of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), especially AIDS: it provides students with information, education and counseling on Sexually Transmitted Infections/HIV in order to promote healthy sexual behavior, increase awareness of the social problem, improve understanding of the real vulnerability of young people to these situations and promote the use of condoms to reduce the incidence of these diseases. The program includes the following activities:


– Educational activities for the promotion of sexual and reproductive health.

– Casino against AIDS, playing to win life (education, counseling and serological testing).

– Gocebakano

– Dissemination of information through posters and the facepage: Educational

– Preventive Programs.

– Wellness at School.

Fertility Control Provides: women, men and couples of childbearing age with information, education and counseling on the use of contraceptive methods appropriate to their needs and preferences, with the objective of promoting healthy sexual behavior and avoiding unplanned and unwanted pregnancies. It includes the following activities:

– Personalized and group education on fertility control methods.

– Educational activities for the promotion of sexual and reproductive health.

– Walk of “responsibility” (planning methods).

– Gocebakano

– Dissemination of information through posters and the facepage: Educational

– Preventive Programs.

– Wellness at School.

Comprehensive Care for Pregnant Women: provides timely, adequate and comprehensive care at the first level of complexity to students or pregnant couples, in order to monitor the evolution of pregnancy, early detect complications and guide treatment, perform educational interventions for new constructions of motherhood and fatherhood. The program includes the following activities:

– Educational interventions for new constructions of motherhood and fatherhood.

– Periodic monitoring by health professionals of the gestation process.

Preparation for entry into working life: prepares students who are about to graduate from the UIS to assertively face the process of entering the labor market through effective advice.

It develops through a theoretical-practical seminar-workshop, the aspects to take into account when participating in the labor selection processes as soon as the studies are completed.

Support in Academic-Administrative Procedures:  Academic Administrative Procedure that allows establishing the socioeconomic and psychosocial circumstances that may interfere in the fulfillment of academic activities by the students before the Academic Units (extra time, excuses, career transfer, cancellation of semester, among others).

Program for the Inclusion of Students with Disabilities (PIESD): offers academic support to students with temporary or permanent disabilities based on the services and/or programs available at Student Welfare.

UIS Professor as a facilitator of student health and wellness: it constitutes a set of actions aimed at early detection and prevention of risk factors in the classroom, which are present in student population; these actions range from the training of teachers in the risk approach applied to health, techniques of helping relationship and active listening, to the care and treatment of students addressed to the strategy; articulating the teaching work with the prevention, health promotion and welfare of students, fostering human quality and collaborative culture between professors and students of the Industrial University of Santander. The program carries out the following activities:

– Socialization of the strategy in the different Academic-Administrative Units (Schools, professors, extended cloisters of professors, Cededuis, etc.).

– Training of professors in the approach to students.



Canteen service: aimed at low-income students who meet the requirements established in Agreement No.094 of 2016 by which the regulations of the benefit of the student canteen service, approved by the Agreement of the superior council No.090 of 1984, were updated.

Residential services: this service is aimed at low-income students (men) from remote regions of Santander and other departments, who require housing support and meet the established requirements. Students are assigned based on the availability of rooms and the fulfillment of the established requirements.

Female student support grant: housing rental subsidy aimed at thirty (30) female students whose place of origin and family nucleus are outside the metropolitan area of Bucaramanga. The amount is equivalent to 1.5 minimum wages per semester.

Cafeteria service: service offered to the entire UIS community, in the form of breakfast, lunch and snacks in general. Currently the University manages 6 cafeterias, located at different points within the campus: Main cafeteria located in the Student Welfare building, AKDmia (faculty cafeteria) located in the Camilo Torres building; Bien-Estar-Bien located in the School of Industrial and Business Studies, Humanitas located in the Human Sciences Building, Plazoleta Camilo Torres next to the Camilo Torres building, and Cafeteria El Bosque behind the School of Industrial and Business Studies.

Healthy combo: it is a service offered only at lunch time. It is nutritious, balanced and is aimed exclusively at UIS students located in the Central Campus and the Faculty of Health.

To access the service, students can make the purchase at a considerably economical price, presenting the student card at the University’s Bank Facilitators from Monday to Friday from 7:00 am to 10:00 am. The Healthy Combo is claimed by presenting the purchase ticket from 11:15 am to 12:45 pm at the Bienestar Campestre Restaurant located next to the parking lot of Student Welfare or in the Gymnasium Area of the Faculty of Health.

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Special food services: this service provides refreshments, lunches, snacks and other related requirements for special events organized by the academic and administrative departments of the UIS or others both inside and outside the University. In addition, surprise breakfasts are offered upon request.

Student Auxiliary – Canteens: benefit granted to interested students who were not beneficiaries of the canteen service and who meet the requirements stipulated in agreement No.006 of 2017, by which the auxiliary of the dining room and cafeteria service of the University Welfare Division is created and regulated.

Scholarships to children and spouses of employees: in accordance with current provisions, the Superior Council established a social welfare system for UIS employees, and its beneficiaries: spouse or permanent partner, sons and daughters of UIS employees enrolled in undergraduate, academic, administrative and social projection programs of the University. The university grants a subsidy of 90% of the tuition and in return, the student agrees to work a total of 32 semester hours per semester in academic or administrative work according to the needs of the requesting academic administrative unit, without establishing any employment relationship.

Participation in the Enrollment Committee: the Enrollment Committee is the competent entity to receive, analyze, document, resolve and respond to requests for tuition reinstatement made by undergraduate students of the Industrial University of Santander. Tuition reinstatement is a right of students whose socioeconomic conditions have changed, generating an unfavorable situation that jeopardizes their permanence at the University.

The Enrollment Committee is composed of the Financial Division Head or his/her representative, the Director of Student Welfare, two student representatives appointed through a democratic election process, and a social worker who serves as the committee’s technical secretary, who is also in charge of the socioeconomic studies of students who request it or who are summoned by this entity.

Support to sports groups: it provides logistical support to the sports teams endorsed by the Department of Physical Education and Sports that represent the University in zonal, regional, national or international events.

Program for the promotion of health insurance for UIS students (PAS): provides advice related to the steps that undergraduate and graduate students who are not linked to the General System of Social Security in Health, must take as holders of duties and rights in health, to access the services of an administrative entity of benefit plans (EAPB), formerly known as EPS.

Safe families: the “Safe Families” strategy for UIS professional training is developed as an accompaniment proposal that contributes to the permanence and graduation of students. The initiative seeks to recognize the role of the family in the academic training process of university students by improving the family-university and family-student relationship.

The proposal has been developed through the implementation of communication channels with parents and/or guardians of UIS students, based on the guidelines for the implementation of the management model for student permanence and graduation in higher education institutions of the Ministry of Education.

Promotion of the socioeconomic benefits offered at the UIS: the University has several socioeconomic assistance programs such as: dining services, university residences, female support assistance, administrative, teaching, outreach and research assistantships, Student Welfare dining and cafeteria service assistantships, and the procedure for tuition reimbursement, for which informative spaces are developed about the guidelines and requirements for access to these benefits.

The socioeconomic assessments conducted by the Student Welfare social workers are a requirement for the assignment of some of these benefits that seek to favor the permanence and quality of life of students who demonstrate a vulnerable situation and/or an unfavorable condition of their family economic unit (UEF).

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Icono de la ubicación para la atención de la unidad

Student Welfare

634 4000 Ext. 2278

Icono de la unidad responsable

UIS  Main Campus

Bucaramanga, Santander

Address Cra 27 street 9 Ciudad Universitaria

Indicatives: Country: 57 City: 7 A.A 678

Icono del horario de atención

Office hours:

Monday to Friday

7:00 a.m. – 12:00 m.

2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

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Contact Us

Icono de la ubicación para la atención de la unidad

Student Welfare

634 4000 Ext. 2278

Icono de la unidad responsable

UIS  Main Campus

Bucaramanga, Santander

Address Cra 27 street 9 Ciudad Universitaria

Indicatives: Country: 57 City: 7 A.A 678

Icono del horario de atención

Office hours:

Monday to Friday

7:00 a.m. – 12:00 m.

2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Do yo want more information?

Contact Us

Icono de la ubicación para la atención de la unidad

Student Welfare

634 4000 Ext. 2278

Icono de la unidad responsable

 UIS  Main Campus

Bucaramanga, Santander

Address Cra 27 street 9 Ciudad Universitaria

Indicatives: Country: 57 City: 7 A.A 678

Icono del horario de atención

Office hours:

Monday to Friday

7:00 a.m. – 12:00 m.

2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

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