
Public Health

Health Faculty



The road to


The Department of Public Health is one of the pillars in the training of undergraduate students in the area of health, starting them in the invaluable study and population monitoring work necessary in the provision of services to the community.

At the graduate level, the Department of Public Health is responsible for training Masters in Epidemiology and Health Services Management Specialists for professionals in the area of health and administration, high academic level with social vision in the national context.

The general public and the educational community are introduced to Professor Álvaro Javier Idrovo Velandia of the Department of Public Health. The photo was taken in close-up, with a white background, and the professor is centered.

Álvaro Javier

Idrovo Velandia

Department director

The general public and the educational community are introduced to Professor Álvaro Javier Idrovo Velandia of the Department of Public Health. The photo was taken in close-up, with a white background, and the professor is centered.

Álvaro Javier

Idrovo Velandia

Department director






We have


labs and



Get to know the
in studies and research ...

We have

excellent labs and study


Get to know the laboratories specialized in studies and research.



Álvaro Javier Idrovo Velandia

Doctor of Public Health with Emphasis on Epidemiology.

The photo was taken in the foreground, white background and Professor Aurora Inés Gáfaro Rojas is located in the center.

Aurora Inés Gáfaro Rojas

Doctor of Applied Mathematics

Claudia Isabel Amaya Castellanos

Master in Public Health with Emphasis on Social and Behavioral Sciences

The photo was taken in the foreground, white background and Professor José Moreno Montoya is located in the center.

José Moreno Montoya

Doctor en Ciencias de la Salud Pública en Epidemiología

Laura Andrea Rodríguez Villamizar

Doctor of Public Health Sciences Epidemiology

Lina María Vera Cala

Doctor of Public Health Sciences Epidemiology

Mary Lupe Angulo de Meza

Master in Public Health

Myriam Ruiz Rodríguez

Doctor of Public Health with Emphasis on Health Systems

The photo was taken in the foreground, white background and Professor Victor Mauricio Herrera Galindo is located in the center.

Víctor Mauricio Herrera Galindo

Doctor en Epidemiología


Groups and Hotbeds


and allies

The UIS has established different agreements with national and international entities in order to have a greater impact on their training, teaching, research and related processes in the articulation of the public university with the different social actors.


Every day something new happens!

The most important news from our school that motivates us to continue growing

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Contact Us

Department of Public Health

Phone: +57 (607) 634 4000

Extension: 3195


UIS Health Campus

Bucaramanga, Santander


Cra 32 #29-31 Facultad de Salud UIS. Edificio de Morfopatología, 3er piso, Oficina 301.

Universidad Industrial de Santander

Office hours:

Monday to Friday

7:00 a.m. – 12:00 m.

2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Do yo want more information?

Contact Us

Department of Public Health

Phone: +57 (607) 634 4000

Extension: 3195


UIS Health Campus

Bucaramanga, Santander


Cra 32 #29-31 Facultad de Salud UIS. Edificio de Morfopatología, 3er piso, Oficina 301.

Universidad Industrial de Santander

Office hours:

Monday to Friday

7:00 a.m. – noon

2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Do yo want more information?

Contact Us

Department of Public Health

Phone: +57 (607) 634 4000

Extension: 3195 – 3123.


UIS Health Campus

Bucaramanga, Santander


Cra 32 #29-31 Facultad de Salud UIS. Edificio de Morfopatología, 3er piso, Oficina 301.

Universidad Industrial de Santander

Office hours:

Monday to Friday

7:00 a.m. – 12:00 m.

2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

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