Administrative Vice-rectory

Administrative Unit






At the beginning of 1981, the Universidad Industrial de Santander, in use of its legal powers and especially those conferred on it by Article 59, letter b. Of Decree-Law 80 of 1,980 of the Presidency of the Republic, agreed to issue its General Statute.

By means of the aforementioned Statute, the legal nature of the same was ratified, the general principles and objectives were defined and the basic functions, rules and procedures that would regulate the direction and administration of the University were established.

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In the General Statute of 1981 it is mentioned for the first time that the University will have an Administrative Vice-Rector, whose appointment would correspond to the Rector with the ratification of the Superior Council. In this way the position of Assistant Rector disappeared.



Latorre Bayona





Latorre Bayona



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The Administrative Vice-rectory Office of the Universidad Industrial de Santander has the following main functions established in the General Statute of the UIS:

  • General direction and development: Directs and promotes the functioning and development of the dependencies under its charge, ensuring the efficiency of administrative and operational services.
  • Supervision of regulatory compliance: Supervises the application of the Administrative Regulations and ensures compliance with institutional administrative rules and policies to maintain standards of quality and transparency.
  • Administrative Management: This is the administrative body for matters related to personnel, finance and other administrative processes, ensuring that they are carried out in accordance with current regulations and promoting efficiency and equity.
  • Institutional modernization: Coordinates institutional modernization through the implementation of innovative strategies and technologies that optimize resources and strengthen administrative capacity, in support of missionary processes.






Administrative policies are consistent with institutional policies; each of the Divisions that make up the organizational chart of the Administrative Vice-Rector’s Office establish and adopt appropriate strategies so that these policies are viable and manifested in the daily progress of the Universidad Industrial de Santander

In accordance with the Management Plan and the budget approved annually by the Higher Council of the University, each Division prepares its annual work plan. This should be evaluated at the end of each term.

Under the above criteria, the Administrative Vice-Rectory is conceived as an entity that coordinates a work team and, based on this dynamic, tries to meet the programmed and urgent needs of all the academic and administrative units of the university.

It is based on the principle that our programming is coupled with the programming defined by each director or boss for his School or his Section.

The timeliness and quality of service offered by each Division depends fundamentally on the Work Plan of each School.




  • The specific mission of the Administrative Vice-Rector’s Office is to manage the administrative processes of the UIS in order to make possible the fulfillment of the mission, policies and institutional objectives.
  • The Administrative Vice-Rector’s Office is aware of its facilitating role so that the mission of the people who constitute the estates of the UIS is developed in an agile and efficient way.
  • The Administrative Vice-Rectory guides the administration of the Public University, enjoys the autonomy granted to it by the Colombian Constitution and has as its fundamental criterion the institutional organization around knowledge.




Organization chart



This project seeks to generate spaces for innovation and serve as strategic points of relationship between Universities, Research Centers, technology-based companies, entrepreneurs and R&D business units with the purpose of articulating research with the needs of the productive sector, and favoring technology transfer among them.

  • General Objective: 

Contribute to the transformation of Santander’s scientific and technological knowledge by increasing the levels of wealth and well-being, through the generation of a favorable environment for the creation and attraction of R&D business units.

  • Specific Objectives:
  1. Establish R&D business units in the new spaces of the Guatiguará Technology Park.
  2. Implement a visibility and marketing strategy for the attraction of R&D business units to the Guatiguará Technology Park.
  3. To form the Portfolio of services to be offered by the Guatiguará Technology Park to the regional and national productive sector.
  4. Boosting the integration of the Guatiguará Technology Park into the Innovation ecosystem





Joint University-Business Research Projects developed by park agents.





Adequate spaces generated for the creation and establishment of business development units and technology-based ventures incubated in the Guatiguará Technology Park


Square meters



R&D business units established in the PTG.





Strategic visibility and marketing plan implemented





Portfolio of services formed





Levels of Integration of the activities of the Guatiguará Technology Park with the rest of the Regional Innovation Ecosystem. (Agreements, internships, research projects)





The project was approved by Agreement No. 001 December 20  , 2012, by the Collegiate Body of Administration and Decision OCAD of the Science, Technology and Innovation Fund of the General Royalty System. Likewise, according to Agreement No. 002 January 21, 2013, the approved financing for the project is ratified, as well as the Universidad Industrial de Santander as its executor. The OCAD and the Ministry of Finance decide to make the total transfer of the financing $ 19,500,000,000 in a single turn, in that way, this budget was added to the University according to Resolution 274 of 2013, and the transfer was received on April 19,  2013.

  1. Presentation of the Project. August 2012.
  2. Approval of the Project. December 2012
  3. Disbursement of Resources. May 2013
  4. Start of Execution. May 2013

The project has an execution horizon of 4 years, and consists of 3 stages as listed below:

Pre investment: Stage prior to the start of the execution, among its activities is the design of the first Master Plan of the PTG, realization of a market study and the preliminary designs of the business buildings.

Investment: Within this stage we find the acquisition of a team of CTeI, the construction of two buildings for R&D business units, an Access portal and the respective urban planning.

Operation: It corresponds to the maintenance of the equipment acquired, the public services necessary for the operation of the buildings, within the horizon of the project.

The overall budget of the project is $32,075,650,670, financed as follows:


General Royalty System

Universidad Industrial de Santander


Total Pre-investment


$ 1,253,936,200

$ 1,253,936,200

Total Investment

$ 19,500,000,000

$ 8,831,396,544

$ 28,331,396,544

Total Operation (4 years)


$ 2,490,317,926

$ 2,490,317,926

Total Project

$ 19,500,000,000

$ 12,575,650,670

$ 32.075.650.670

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Administrative Vice-Rectory

Phone: +57 (607) 634 4000 

Extension:  2218 




Icono de la ubicación para la atención de la unidad

UIS Central Campus

Bucaramanga, Santander

Carrera 27 calle 9. Ciudad Universitaria. Edificio Administrativo 3, segundo piso.

Universidad Industrial de Santander.

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Office Hours

Monday to Friday

7:00 a.m. to 12:00 m.

2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Do yo want more information?

Contact Us

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Administrative Vice-Rectory

Phone: +57 (607) 634 4000 

Extension: 2218

Directo: +57 (607) 6352010



Icono de la ubicación para la atención de la unidad

UIS Main Campus

Bucaramanga, Santander

Carrera 27 calle 9. Ciudad Universitaria. Edificio Administrativo 3, segundo piso.

Universidad Industrial de Santander.

Icono del horario de atención

Office hours:

Monday to Friday

7:00 a.m. – 12:00 m.

2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Do yo want more information?

Contact Us

Icono de la unidad responsable

Administrative Vice-Rectory

Phone: +57 (607) 634 4000 

Extension: 2218

Directo: +57 (607) 6352010



Icono de la ubicación para la atención de la unidad

UIS Main Campus

Bucaramanga, Santander

Carrera 27 calle 9. Ciudad Universitaria. Edificio Administrativo 3, segundo piso.

Universidad Industrial de Santander.

Icono del horario de atención

Office hours:

Monday to Friday

7:00 a.m. – 12:00 m.

2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

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