Coordination of Programs and Projects

Administrative Unit






Advise researchers on the administrative and financial management of externally funded research projects, taking into account the UIS regulations and the guidelines of the funding entity.

Inform project managers about the status, times for execution, and fulfillment of commitments.

Permanently inform researchers of the guidelines related to the procedures for the acquisition of goods and services.

Execute the purchases and generate the commitments required by the projects with external financing for the fulfillment of their objectives.

Support researchers and support staff in aspects related to the financial management of research projects.

Prepare financial reports and certificates of counterpart, of the Research Programs and Projects.

Manage the VAT refund before the Accounting Section of purchases of the purchases made in the Research Projects.

Prepare and send to the financing entity the proof of payment of the expenses executed in the project and discriminated by item, in cases where it is required.

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Provide advice to the co-executing entities in the preparation of the financial reports requested by the financing entities.

Train the staff that supports the development of the projects regarding the documentation and formats that are required for the contracts.

Support the different users in the classification of the elements or services to be acquired to select the appropriate item and manage the acquisition.

Provide advice to researchers and project managers regarding the administrative and technical procedures required to comply with the terms agreed in projects with external funding.

Assist in the audits carried out by external entities, making known the financial management carried out in the UIS, in the execution of the resources from the financing entities.

Make the financial execution report as of December 30 of each term, of the research projects in charge of the Coordination of Programs and Projects, for the respective financial closing.

Support with activities of the SpGR Expenditure Budget Profile for the execution of projects by the VIE financed with resources from the General Royalty System.

Support in the loading of information in GESPROY of the state of progress of the projects in charge of the VIE financed with resources of the General System of Royalties.

Support in the presentation of offers and approval of contracts, loading of collection accounts, guarantees, and other activities through SECOP II, in relation to research and extension projects that are managed in the VIE.

Provide accompaniment and advice in the stage of formulation, presentation, execution, and completion of projects with external financing.

Support with the review of aspects related to compliance with terms of reference and financial in the formulation, registration, evaluation, legalization, management, monitoring, completion, settlement, and organization of research projects.

Propose and implement mechanisms that streamline administrative procedures in the formulation and execution of research programs and projects.

Support in the administrative and financial review of research projects that comply with the terms of reference of the calls and the institutional guidelines for COIE endorsement.

Management of institutional endorsement of proposals that are presented to external financing entities.

Review of funding sources – Calls for research to socialize with the university community.

Support in the submission of UIS legal documents and follow-up in the receipt of contracts to be signed for the external financing of research projects.

Activities developed from the Coordination of Programs and Projects CPP of the Vice-Rectory of Research and Extension:

Attention to researchers regarding the administrative and financial management of projects funded by external entities.

Provide information to staff supporting project managers and also to professors regarding the procurement of goods and services from the resources of externally funded research projects.

Train in administrative and financial issues the staff that supports the development of research projects with external funding in issues of support documents and formats for the acquisition of goods and services.

Support the different users in the classification of the elements or services according to the items of the manual of budgetary accounts for processes of acquisition of goods and services.

Permanently inform the project managers about the status and appropriate times for the execution and fulfillment of commitments derived from the development of projects financed with external resources.

Provide information regarding procedures for the acquisition of goods and services from projects financed with resources from external sources.

Provide information and advice to researchers and project managers regarding the administrative and technical procedures required to comply with the agreed terms for the development of projects with external funding.

Prepare and follow up on financial reports derived from the commitments acquired in projects with external financing.

Provide accompaniment and advice in the stage of formulation, presentation, execution, and completion of projects with external financing.

Execute the acquisition of goods and services and generate the commitments required by the projects with external financing for the fulfillment of their objectives.

Offer technical and administrative assistance to the university community, in aspects related to the financial administration of research projects, as well as in the formulation, registration, evaluation, formalization, management, monitoring, completion, liquidation, and organization of research projects with external funding.

Propose and implement mechanisms that streamline administrative procedures in the formulation and execution of research programs and projects.

María Otilia Moreno Capacho

Maria Otilia

Moreno Capacho

Program and Project Coordinator

María Otilia Moreno Capacho

Maria Otilia

Moreno Capacho

Program and Project Coordinator

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Contact Us

Coordination of Programs and Projects

Phone: +57 (607) 634 4000 

Extension: 1003


UIS  Main Campus

Bucaramanga, Santander


Cra 27 calle 9, Ciudad Universitaria.

Universidad Industrial de Santander.

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Office hours:

Monday to Friday

7:00 a.m. – 12:00 m.

2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Do yo want more information?

Contact Us

Coordination of Programs and Projects

Phone: +57 (607) 634 4000 

Extension: 1003


UIS  Main Campus

Bucaramanga, Santander


Cra 27 calle 9, Ciudad Universitaria.

Universidad Industrial de Santander.

Icono del horario de atención

Office hours:

Monday to Friday

7:00 a.m. – 12:00 m.

2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Do yo want more information?

Contact Us

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Coordination of Programs and Projects

Phone: +57 (607) 634 4000 

Extension: 1003


 UIS  Main Campus

Bucaramanga, Santander


Cra 27 calle 9, Ciudad Universitaria.

Universidad Industrial de Santander.

Icono del horario de atención

Office hours:

Monday to Friday

7:00 a.m. – 12:00 m.

2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

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