
Chemistry school



Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy (LEAM)


The School of Chemistry invites you to get to know its Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy Laboratory, which is at the disposal of its students and the educational community. Photo taken at the School of Chemistry, in a general shot where two students appear in the center of the image, with their backs turned, working in the laboratory booth.

The Molecular Atomic Spectroscopy group develops fundamental research activity in the areas of the Spectroscopic Study of the Structure of Matter and monitoring of physical-chemical processes at the molecular atomic level. In parallel with the fundamental research activity, the group has been developing research activity in practical applications of spectroscopy.

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Profesor(a) a cargo

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Doctor(a) en …


Organic Synthesis (LSO)


The School of Chemistry invites you to get to know its Organic Synthesis Laboratory, which is at the disposal of its students and the educational community. Photo taken at the School of Chemistry, in a general shot where on the right side appears a student sterilizing the tools that the laboratory has at its disposal.

The Laboratory of Organic Synthesis (LSO) is attached to the School of Chemistry of the Universidad Industrial de Santander. Its research activities are oriented to the synthesis of Heterocyclic compounds.

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Profesor(a) a cargo

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Doctor(a) en …


The School of Chemistry invites you to get to know its Organic Synthesis Laboratory, which is at the disposal of its students and the educational community. Photo taken at the School of Chemistry, in a general shot where on the right side appears a student sterilizing the tools that the laboratory has at its disposal.

Organic Chemistry and Biomolecular (LQOBio)


The School of Chemistry invites you to get to know its Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry Laboratory, which is at the disposal of its students and the educational community. The photo was taken at the Faculty of Chemistry, it is a detailed plan where you can see one of the funnels available in the laboratory.

The Laboratory of Organic chemistry and biomolecular (LQOBio) is a research group specialized in scientific and technological development in the field of organic chemistry, medicinal chemistry and the Colombian pharmaceutical industry. It is a group attached to the School of Chemistry of the Universidad Industrial de Santander  founded in 2004 by Dr. Vladimir V. Kouznetsov. Currently, LQOBio is categorized by Colciencias as group A1 according to the 2015 call for recognition of groups.

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Profesor(a) a cargo

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Doctor(a) en …


Chemical Industrial Consultation


The School of Chemistry invites you to get to know its Chemical Laboratory for Industrial Consultations, which is at the disposal of its students and the educational community. The photo was taken at the School of Chemistry, it is a general shot where one of the members of this laboratory can be seen pouring a substance into the test tubes.

The Chemical Laboratory of Industrial Consultations is an extended body that is attached to the School of Chemistry of the Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS), located in the city of Bucaramanga, department of Santander (Colombia).

As part of an official University, the Chemical Laboratory of Industrial Consultations is an official unit that must act under the policies and regulations governing higher education institutions in Colombia.

  • Mission

The Chemical Laboratory of Industrial Consultations aims to link the academic and research activities of the UIS with the activities of industry and the community in general, through the provision of an agile, timely and personalized service, within the highest quality standards promoting the values of honesty, respect, responsibility and social commitment to the environment and its customers.

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  • Vision

In 2018 the Chemical Laboratory of Industrial Consultations of the Industrial University of Santander will be recognized by accreditation and certification before the competent authority as a reference laboratory at the local, departmental and national level for the analysis of water, soils, fertilizers and raw materials providing its customers with reliable and timely services.

Independent text of vision: The Chemical Laboratory of Industrial Consultations has a Quality Management System implemented under the process scheme and to ensure the integrity and maintenance of the quality system has as a quality policy and objectives.

  • Migration of metals in different matrices and raw materials for import and export.

  • Analysis of metals in air filters for risk assessment in the field of occupational health.

  • Determination of selenium in eggs, meat and poultry products. Quantification of metals in food.

  • Characterization of all types of water. Risk analysis of water quality for human consumption and different reuses.

  • Fertilizer and fertilizer analysis. Analysis of metals in soils and TCLP.

  • Remediation of hydrocarbon contaminated soils using natural and modified zeolites.

The Chemical Laboratory of Industrial Consultations is accredited by the IDEAM under resolution No. 1659 July 12, 2011 in the water and soil matrices for the following parameters:

  • Water Matrix

pH: Electrometric, SM 4500-H+B.

Chemical Oxygen Demand: Closed reflux – Volumetric SM 5220 C.

Biochemical Oxygen Demand, BOD5: Respirometric, SM 5210 D.

Oils and Fats: Liquid – Liquid Partition, Gravimetric, SM 5520 B.

Total Suspended Solids: Gravimetric – Drying at 103 – 105⁰C SM2540 D.

Total Phenols: Distillation – Direct Photometric, SM 5530 B,D.

Surfactants – SAAM: Colorimetric, Rodier J. Water analysis, 1998.

Total Metals (Cd, Cu, Pb, Mn, Ni): Nitric Acid Digestion, Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry with direct flame Air-Acetylene, SM 3030 E, SM 3111 B.

Dissolved Metals (Cd, Cu, Pb, Mn, Ni): Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry with direct flame Air – Acetylene, SM 3111 B.

Total Metals (Cr, V): Nitric Acid Digestion, Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry with direct flame Nitrous Oxide – Acetylene, SM 3030E, SM 3111 D.

Dissolved Metals (Cr, V): Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry with direct flame Nitrous Oxide – Acetylene, SM 3111 D.

Sampling: Point and Composite. Variables measured in field: pH (SM4500-H+B), Temperature (SM 2550 B) and Flow rate.

  • Soil Matrix

Total Metals (Cd, Ca, Co, Cu, Fe, Pb, Mg, Mn, Ni, Ag, Zn): Nitric Acid, Hydrochloric Acid and Hydrogen Peroxide digestion,

Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry with Air – Acetylene flame, EPA 3050 B, SM 3111 B.

Total Metals (Ba, Cr, Mo, V): nitric acid, hydrochloric acid and hydrogen peroxide digestion, Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry with flame Nitrous Oxide – Acetylene, EPA 3050 B, SM 3111 D.

  • Authorizations

The Industrial Consulting Chemical Laboratory is authorized by the Ministerio de Protección Social by resolution No. 4353 of October 23, 2013, to perform physical, chemical and microbiological analysis to water for human consumption.

The Chemical Laboratory of Industrial Consultations has a highly qualified and trained human resource, has a staffing plant of 10 people including:

  • Laboratory Director,

  • Quality coordinator.

  • 6 Professional Analysts

  • 2 Auxiliaries

It has a large physical plant that allows it to separate sample processing and quantification areas in order to avoid cross-contamination.

The Laboratory  also has modern equipment such as:

  • FS 240 Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer, Graphite Oven and Agilent Technologies Brand Hydride Generator.

  • UV-Vis DR 6000 hach spectrophotometer.

  • Multiparameter HQ40d brand Hach.

  • pHmetro ORP OrionStar A221 brand Thermoscientific-Orion.

Director of Laboratory

Luz Yolanda Vargas Fiallo


Administrative Assistant

Carmen Amparo López

E-mail: labquimco@uis.edu.co

PBX: +57 (607) 6344000

Phone extension: 2463

Location: UIS main campus (Bucarmanga, Santander)

Camilo Torres Building – Lab 222


The School of Chemistry invites you to get to know its Chemical Laboratory for Industrial Consultations, which is at the disposal of its students and the educational community. The photo was taken at the School of Chemistry, it is a general shot where one of the members of this laboratory can be seen pouring a substance into the test tubes.



The School of Chemistry invites you to get to know its Soil Chemistry Laboratory, which is at the disposal of its students and the educational community. The photo was taken at the School of Chemistry, it is a general shot showing one of the members of this laboratory sitting with her back to a table, using laboratory equipment.

The Soil Chemical Laboratory is an official Santanderean entity, with a wide experience of more than 50 years, in the physicochemical characterization of agricultural soils and plant tissue. It supports education, technological development and competitiveness in the rural sector, in order to improve the agricultural production of the country, in order to achieve a greater social projection.

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In April 2005 the Universidad Industrial de Santander and the Gobernación de Santander, through the Secretary of Agriculture and Rural Development, signed an inter-institutional cooperation agreement for the operation of the laboratory, benefiting a large part of the rural sector of the department. Since 1996 it has been an active member of the Analytical Control of Soil Laboratories – CALS and Analytical Control of Plant Tissue – CALF, a program coordinated by the Sociedad Colombiana de la Ciencia del Suelo.

  • Mission

The mission of the Soil Chemical Laboratory is to provide laboratory analysis services for the characterization of agricultural soils using highly qualified human resources and a Quality Management System based on the NTC ISO IEC 17025:2017 standard.

  • Vision

The Soil Chemical Laboratory will be an accredited laboratory under the NTC ISO IEC 17025:2017 standard, will be recognized in 2024 as a leading service and research laboratory in the agricultural area in eastern Colombia offering the community the analysis services required.

The different analyses are carried out guaranteeing the quality of the tests and using methods established in national and international standards. These methods are based on the use of potentiometric, gravimetric, Ultraviolet-Visible spectrophotometric and flame atomic absorption spectrophotometric techniques.

  • Soil Physicochemical Analysis

  • pH Organic Matter (% M.O)

  • Phosphorus (P)

  • Calcium (Ca)

  • Magnesium (Mg)

  • Sodium (Na)

  • Potassium (K)

  • Aluminum (Al)

  • Texture (% Sand, % Silt, % Clay)

  • Iron (Fe)

  • Manganese (Mn)

  • Copper (Cu)

  • Zinc (Zn)

  • Boron (B)

  • Catatonic Exchange Capacity (C.I.C)

  • Sulfur (S)

  • Electrical Conductivity (E.C.)

  • Chemical Analysis of Plant Tissue

  • Nitrogen (N)

  • Phosphorus (P)

  • Potassium (K)

  • Calcium (Ca)

  • Magnesium (Mg)

  • Iron (Fe)

  • Manganese (Mn)

  • Copper (Cu)

  • Zinc (Zn)

  • Boron (B)

  • Sulfur (S)

All analyses include the interpretation of results and recommendations by the agronomist for the desired crop.

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Director of Laboratory

Luz Yolanda Vargas Fiallo

E-mail: labquimco@uis.edu.co / lvargas@uis.edu.co

PBX: +57 (607) 6344000

Phone extension: 2499

Location: UIS main campus (Bucarmanga, Santander)

 Camilo Torres Building-  Livianos Lab 218




Do you want more information?

Contact Us

School of Chemistry

Edificio de Laboratorios Livianos

Oficinas: 228 – 229

PBX: +57 (607) 634 4000

Phone extension: 2359


Julio Roberto Pinzón Joya

Program coordinator

PBX: +57 (607) 634 400

Phone extension: 2359


Office hours:

Monday to Friday

7:00 a.m. – 12:00 m.

2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Do yo want more information?

Contact Us

School of Chemistry

Edificio de Laboratorios Livianos

Oficinas: 228 – 229

PBX: +57 (607) 634 4000

Phone extension: 2359


Julio Roberto Pinzón Joya

Program coordinator

PBX: +57 (607) 634 4000

Phone extension: 2359


Office hours:

Monday to Friday

7:00 a.m. – 12:00 m.

2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Do yo want more information?

Contact Us

School of Chemistry

Edificio de Laboratorios Livianos

Oficinas: 228 – 229

PBX: +57 (607) 634 4000

Phone extension: 2359


Julio Roberto Pinzón Joya

Program coordinator

+57 (607) 634 4000

Phone extension: 2359


Office hours:

Monday to Friday

7:00 a.m. – 12:00 m.

2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

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