


Research Group on Organic Compounds of Medicinal Interest (CODEIM)

Research group name:

Research Group on Organic Compounds of Medicinal Interest (CODEIM)

Code: COL0169059

Colciencias classification: B

Coordinator: Arnold Rafael Romero Bohórquez



The research group on organic compounds of medicinal interest (CODEIM) trains human resources at the undergraduate and graduate levels, capable of designing, synthesizing and evaluating the biological potential of new heterocyclic compounds that are candidates for pharmaceuticals. It aims to generate new knowledge and impact in each of its research areas to contribute to the fight against diseases of national and international interest.




CODEIM aims to become a strengthened group on the road to consolidation, due to its high impact contributions in each of its lines of action. As a result of the collaborative work, the group aspires in the mid-term to be recognized by COLCIENCIAS as a category A group, which will facilitate its linkage to scientific networks and research centers related to its fields of interest, particularly in medicinal chemistry. In addition, CODEIM will work with other research groups or researchers from renowned universities at the regional and global level.

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Contact Us

Research Group on Organic Compounds of Medicinal Interest (CODEIM)

Parque Tecnológico de Guatiguará PTG – Edificio de Investigaciones EDI, Laboratorio 406

PBX: +57 (607) 6344000

Phone extension: 3553

E-mail: codeim406@gmail.com

Arnold Rafael Romero Bohórquez

Group coordinator

+57 (607) 634 4000

Phone extension 1238

Email: arafrom@uis.edu.co

Office hours:

Monday to Friday

10:00 a.m. a 12:00 m.


Do you want more information?

Contact Us

Research Group on Organic Compounds of Medicinal Interest (CODEIM)

Parque Tecnológico de Guatiguará PTG – Edificio de Investigaciones EDI, Laboratorio 406

PBX: +57 (607) 6344000

Phone extension: 3553

E-mail: codeim406@gmail.com

Arnold Rafael Romero Bohórquez

Group coordinator

+57 (607) 634 4000

Phone extension 1238

Email: arafrom@uis.edu.co

Office hours:

Monday to Friday

10:00 a.m. a 12:00 m.


Do you want more information?

Contact Us

Research Group on Organic Compounds of Medicinal Interest (CODEIM)

Parque Tecnológico de Guatiguará PTG – Edificio de Investigaciones EDI, Laboratorio 406

PBX: +57 (607) 6344000

Phone extension: 3553

E-mail: codeim406@gmail.com

Arnold Rafael Romero Bohórquez

Group coordinator

+57 (607) 634 4000

Phone extension 1238

Email: arafrom@uis.edu.co

Office hours:

Monday to Friday

10:00 a.m. a 12:00 m.


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