Research group
Theoretical and Experimental
Physicochemistry (GIFTEX)
Science Faculty
Science Faculty
research group in
Theoretical and Experimental Physicochemistry (GIFTEX)
The Theoretical and Experimental Physicochemistry Research Group (GIFTEX) belongs to the Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS) and is classified by MINCIENCIAS in category A. It is currently integrated by four professors from the School of Chemistry, who are experts in the areas of organic chemistry, analytical chemistry, physicochemistry and biochemistry. At the academic level, GIFTEX has published more than 70 scientific articles during its 17-year history, and has trained 7 doctoral students, 16 master’s degree students and undergraduate students from the schools of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, and Systems Engineering, among others.
We are
classified as A
by Miniciencias

Research lines
Basic research for the production of nanomaterials with specific activity, targeting the needs of the industry.
Analysis of complex samples using mass spectrometry (ion trap, MALDI/TOF, FT-ICR-MS).
Design, synthesis at laboratory level and application of new molecules to increase recovery factors in the oil industry.
Design of new surfactant materials.
Design of phase separation mechanisms by modifying the permeability of surface-modified membranes.
Development of physicochemical and instrumental analysis methodologies for complex samples, emulsions and colloids.
Design of stable emulsions for the food, petrochemical and agricultural industries.
Consultancy for the valorization of waste from the agricultural and petrochemical industries.
Consultancy to develop analytical techniques that allow the development of new nano materials with specific applications.
Consultancy for the design of agro-industrial and wastewater processing plants.

researchers team
Bionanocomposite material useful in the removal of pollutants in liquid matrices and method for its synthesis
Patent | 2016 | Superintendence of Industry and Commerce
A process for degrading or removing contaminants from aqueous matrices comprising contacting an aqueous matrix treated with a fiber material with deposited nanoparticles of metals or metal oxides.
Patent | 2020 | Superintendence of Industry and Commerce
Asphaltene structure modifiers as a novel approach for viscosity reduction in heavy crude oils
Scientific article | 2020 | Energy Fuels
Study of the fluorescence quenching of 1-hydroxypyrene-3,6,8-trisulfonic acid by single-walled carbon nanotubes
Scientific article | 2017 | Universitas Scientiarum
Exploring occluded compounds and their interactions with asphaltene networks using high-resolution mass spectrometry
Scientific article | 2016 | Energy Fuels
and allies
The UIS has established different agreements with national and international entities in order to have a greater impact on their training, teaching, research and related processes in the articulation of the public university with the different social actors.

Allies and networks

Do you want more information?
Contact Us

Research Group in Theoretical and Experimental Physicochemistry (GIFTEX)
Sede Parque Tecnológico Guatiguará
Telephone: +57 (607) 670 7181
PBX: +57 (607) 634 4000
Phone extension: 3598

Cristian Blanco Tirado
Group coordinator
+57 (607) 634 4000
Phone extension: 3598

Office hours:
Monday to Friday
7:00 a.m. a 12:00 m.
2:00 p.m. a 5:00 p.m.
Do you want more information?
Contact Us

Research Group in Theoretical and Experimental Physicochemistry (GIFTEX)
Sede Parque Tecnológico Guatiguará
Telephone: +57 (607) 670 7181
PBX: +57 (607) 634 4000
Phone extension: 3598

Cristian Blanco Tirado
Group coordinator
+57 (607) 634 4000
Phone extension: 3598

Office hours:
Monday to Friday
7:00 a.m. a 12:00 m.
2:00 p.m. a 5:00 p.m.
Do you want more information?
Contact Us

Research Group in Theoretical and Experimental Physicochemistry (GIFTEX)
Sede Parque Tecnológico Guatiguará
Telephone: +57 (607) 670 7181
PBX: +57 (607) 634 4000
Phone extension: 3598

Cristian Blanco Tirado
Group coordinator
+57 (607) 634 4000
Phone extension: 3598

Office hours:
Monday to Friday
7:00 a.m. a 12:00 m.
2:00 p.m. a 5:00 p.m.