


Optics and Signal Processing Group (GOTS)

Research group name:

Optics and Signal Processing Group (GOTS)


Colciencias classification: A1

Coordinator: Jaime Enrique Meneses Fonseca



The group’s main challenges are to consolidate our strengths and overcome our weaknesses.


  • Human resources in number and quality.

  • Experience of the Group in Projects and Products.

  • Sufficiently equipped basic optics laboratories.

  • Laboratories specialized in interferential microscopy, fiber optics, metrology and processing with photorefractive crystals.

  • A specialized documentation center.

  • There is a good base of computer resources.


  • Provision of a highly specialized optics laboratory to strengthen and complement the existing ones to optimize the training of doctoral students.

  • Adequate funding for participation in national and international events.

  • Adequate funding for internships abroad.

  • Organization of a portfolio of services to offer to the industry.



The essential purpose of the group is to contribute to the construction of academic and research communities that think about the region, the country and the world. Strengthening the scientific spirit is a process that involves the creation, recreation and dissemination of knowledge and the acquisition of the ability to innovate and exercise criticism, tolerance and dialogue. Within this perspective, the group expects to maintain a research and academic feedback that tends to increase its production capacity in research, training and extension, comparable to internationally recognized groups in the same area.

Do you want more information?

Contact Us

Optics and Signal Processing Group (GOTS)

Bucaramanga, Colombia

Address: Carrera 27 # 09 (Edificio Camilo Torres)

Phone: +57 (607) 6344000 extension 2752

Jaime Enrique Meneses Fonseca

Group coordinator

+57 (607) 6344000 extension 2752

Office hours:

Monday to Friday

7:00 a.m. – 12:00 m.

2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Do you want more information?

Contact Us

Optics and Signal Processing Group (GOTS)

Bucaramanga, Colombia

Address: Carrera 27 # 09 (Edificio Camilo Torres)

Phone: +57 (607) 6344000 extension 2752

Jaime Enrique Meneses Fonseca

Group coordinator

+57 (607) 6344000 extension 2752

Office hours:

Monday to Friday

7:00 a.m. – 12:00 m.

2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Do you want more information?

Contact Us

Optics and Signal Processing Group (GOTS)

Bucaramanga, Colombia

Address: Carrera 27 # 09 (Edificio Camilo Torres)

Phone: +57 (607) 6344000 extension 2752

Jaime Enrique Meneses Fonseca

Group coordinator

+57 (607) 6344000 extension 2752

Office hours:

Monday to Friday

7:00 a.m. – 12:00 m.

2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

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