
Master's Degree in Electric Power
Distribution Systems







The purpose of the Master’s Degree in Electric Power Distribution Systems is to provide postgraduate training of professionals with a high level of knowledge, consolidating their capacity for synthesis and providing them with the necessary skills to solve problems related to the area of electric power distribution systems in the country.

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The specific purposes of the Master’s Degree in Electric Power Distribution Systems are:

  • To guarantee the analysis and discussion of current issues of the national and international environment and their main applications in the electric power distribution systems sector.

  • To strengthen inter-institutional relations with national and international universities that allow the exchange of knowledge at the level of students, professors and researchers, facilitating the development of projects aimed at solving the problems of the electric power distribution systems sector.

  • To establish relationships with companies in the country’s productive sector to develop projects aimed at increasing competitiveness and improving the electric power distribution sector.

  • To strengthen the country’s intellectual capital in order to contribute to the growth of the Colombian electricity sector.

  • To deepen in the conceptualization and contextualization of the electric power distribution activity in Colombia.

  • To facilitate the deepening and interpretation of the regulatory and normative framework that governs the electric power distribution activity.

  • To study the criteria and procedures for the planning, expansion, operation and maintenance of Regional Transmission Systems (RTS’s) and Local Distribution Systems (LDS’s), according to the different voltage levels available in the country.

  • To analyze the criteria for the design and execution of the Network Operator’s investment plan, in order to guarantee the reliability, safety and economy of the STR’s and/or SDL’s.

  • To mediate the training of professionals interested in the technological advances associated with the areas of communication, automation and information systems to be implemented in the operation and planning processes of energy distribution systems.

  • To promote the application of norms and technical standards in the operation and optimal planning of energy distribution systems.

  • To provide information on technological advances useful in the area of operation and planning of power distribution systems.

  • To promote the application of the knowledge and skills acquired during the postgraduate program in the solution of problems or analysis of situations that affect the compliance indicators of the processes or activities related to the distribution of electric energy.

Bucaramanga, Santander: SNIES 101930 | Qualified Registration: MEN N° 014859 of December 17, 2019 and N° 8233 of May 27, 2020, validity 7 years.

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Master's Degree in Electric Power Distribution Systems


4 semesters




Bucaramanga main campus


Master's Degree in Electric Power Distribution Systems


4 semesters




Bucaramanga main campus



The Master’s Degree in Electric Power Distribution Systems is aimed at deepening the professional skills of electrical engineers, power engineers, electromechanical engineers, mechanical engineers, electronic engineers and professionals in related fields.

The admission criteria for applicants to the Master’s Degree in Electric Power Distribution Systems is framed in Title V, Chapter I of the General Postgraduate Regulations of the UIS (Agreement No. 075 of the Superior Council, year 2013) and its articles, some of which contemplate:

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Article 91: The selection process of the applicants to the different master’s degree programs shall be in charge of the Advisory Committee of Graduate Programs, which shall make the selection according to the results obtained by the applicants in:

  • Evaluation of the resume.

  • Knowledge test.

  • Interview with the Graduate Programs Advisory Committee.



Graduates of the Master’s Degree in Electric Power Distribution Systems acquire the scientific, technological and technical knowledge necessary to solve problems arising from the analysis and application of the principles and theory of electric power distribution systems.

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The Master in Electric Power Distribution Systems is highly qualified to:

  • Plan the Electric Energy Distribution Systems.

  • Regulate Electric Energy Distribution Systems.

  • Operate Electric Energy Distribution Systems.

  • Identify, formulate and solve problems related to the regulation, operation and planning of Electric Power Distribution Systems, based on the use of modern methodologies, techniques, technologies and tools.

  • Use modern technologies, techniques, practices and tools for the regulation, operation and planning of Electric Energy Distribution Systems.

  • Work autonomously.

  • Analyze, synthesize, plan, organize and make decisions.

  • Manage information (ability to collect, analyze and select information from diverse sources).

  • Use software for regulation, planning and operation.

  • Recognize functional and legal aspects of the structure, organization and operation of the Colombian electricity market.

  • Relate the regulatory aspects that affect the technical aspects of energy distribution systems and electrical installations.

  • Perform interventions in companies or institutions applying the knowledge and skills acquired in the graduate program, proposing solutions to identified problems or analyzing particular situations, achieving significant changes in the indicators of compliance with the purposes of the selected institution or company, which includes the development of products and the formulation of innovation processes.



The field of action of the master in operation and planning of Electric Power Distribution Systems is constituted by the productive organizations associated to the subsector of electric power distribution, understood as state-owned, private capital or mixed economy companies that perform energy distribution activities. Within this framework, the companies of the Regional Transmission System -STR-, the companies of the Local Distribution System -SDL-, and the companies classified as non-regulated users of voltage levels II and III can be considered. It is conceived then, that the master will be able to solve problems related to the planning, operation, design, configuration and installation, automation and control of electric power distribution systems.



The Master’s Degree in Electrical Power Distribution Systems is aimed at deepening the professional skills of electrical engineers, power engineers, electromechanical engineers, mechanical engineers, electronic engineers and professionals in related fields.

The admission criteria for applicants to the Master’s Degree in Electric Power Distribution Systems is framed in Title V, Chapter I of the General Postgraduate Regulations of the UIS (Agreement No. 075 of the Superior Council, year 2013) and its articles, some of which contemplate:

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Article 91: The selection process of the applicants to the different master’s degree programs shall be in charge of the Advisory Committee of Graduate Programs, which shall make the selection according to the results obtained by the applicants in:

  • Evaluation of the resume.
  • Knowledge test.
  • Interview with the Graduate Programs Advisory Committee.



Graduates of the Master’s Degree in Electric Power Distribution Systems acquire the scientific, technological and technical knowledge necessary to solve problems arising from the analysis and application of the principles and theory of electric power distribution systems.

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The Master in Electric Power Distribution Systems is highly qualified to:

  • Plan the Electric Energy Distribution Systems.
  • Regulate Electric Energy Distribution Systems.
  • Operate Electric Energy Distribution Systems.
  • Identify, formulate and solve problems related to the regulation, operation and planning of Electric Power Distribution Systems, based on the use of modern methodologies, techniques, technologies and tools.
  • Use modern technologies, techniques, practices and tools for the regulation, operation and planning of Electric Energy Distribution Systems.
  • Work autonomously.
  • Analyze, synthesize, plan, organize and make decisions.
  • Manage information (ability to collect, analyze and select information from diverse sources).
  • Use software for regulation, planning and operation.
  • Recognize functional and legal aspects of the structure, organization and operation of the Colombian electricity market.
  • Relate the regulatory aspects that affect the technical aspects of energy distribution systems and electrical installations.
  • Perform interventions in companies or institutions applying the knowledge and skills acquired in the graduate program, proposing solutions to identified problems or analyzing particular situations, achieving significant changes in the indicators of compliance with the purposes of the selected institution or company, which includes the development of products and the formulation of innovation processes.



The field of action of the master in operation and planning of Electric Power Distribution Systems is constituted by the productive organizations associated to the subsector of electric power distribution, understood as state-owned, private capital or mixed economy companies that perform energy distribution activities. Within this framework, the companies of the Regional Transmission System -STR-, the companies of the Local Distribution System -SDL-, and the companies classified as non-regulated users of voltage levels II and III can be considered. It is conceived then, that the master will be able to solve problems related to the planning, operation, design, configuration and installation, automation and control of electric power distribution systems.



All about our program




Code:  26615           Credits:    5  –  Advanced Mathematics

Code:  00000           Credits:    6  –  Application proposal I

Code:  26600           Credits:    2  –  Distribution activity legislation

Code:  26601           Credits:    2  –  Regulation of the distribution activity

Code:  26602           Credits:    2  –  Remuneration and pricing

Code:  00000           Credits:    6  –  Implementation proposal II

Code:  26605           Credits:    2  –  Analysis of distribution systems

Code:  26606           Credits:    2  –  Distribution operation functions

Code:  00000           Credits:    2  –  Elective 

Code:  26611           Credits:    2  –  Reliability in distribution systems

Code:  26612           Credits:    2  –  Expansion planning methodologies

Code:  00000           Credits:    2  –  Elective 

Code:  00000           Credits:    7  –  Application work I


Code:  00000           Credits:    2  –  Application Seminar

Code:  00000           Credits:    7  –  Application work II


Code:  00000           Credits:    2  –  Protections in distribution systems

Code:  00000           Credits:    2  –  Automation and control of distribution systems

Code:  00000           Credits:    2  –  Energy demand

Code:  26603           Credits:    2  –  Distributed energy resources


Additional Information


1st Semester


* Subject to demand

Registration opening  

Registration closing  

Knowledge test  


Classes start  


2022 December 15

2022 December 15

2022 December 15

2022 December 15

2022 December 15



Requirements list
  • UIS registration form duly completed and signed.
  • Resume, it has to be done in the UIS format established institutionally for this purpose, with the attachment of the certificates and copies of documents that corroborate what is described in it.
  • Photocopy of valid identity document valid in Colombia or valid passport for foreigners.
  • Recent document type photo, preferably in digital format, white background 3×4.
  • Photocopy of the diploma or Photocopy of the undergraduate degree certificate required by the program, issued by a recognized HEI in Colombia.
    • Notice 1: If the applicant has a degree from a foreign university, it must be duly apostilled and translated into Spanish if it is in a foreign language.
    • Notice 2: The degrees must be validated by the Ministerio de Educación Nacional of the Republic of Colombia in case the applicant is going to study a master’s degree in the area of health, law or any other area regulated by national regulations that require this administrative act.
  • Certificate of the grades obtained during undergraduate studies, with a weighted average equal to or higher than three point fifty (3.50), and those of the research or in-depth master’s degree programs completed.
    • Notice 3: In the case of UIS undergraduate alumni, it is not necessary to provide it.
  • Receipt of payment issued by the UIS treasury for the current value of the registration or receipt of consignment in the account authorized by the UIS.
  • AA
  • BB
  • CC
  • Notice A: All the documents listed above must have a digital version in PDF in order to complete the online registration process.
  • Notice B: All documents must be submitted physically. To hand the documents in, please go to the postgraduate office of the program in the city where you wish to take the academic program or to the offices of the entity with which the UIS has an agreement with.
  • Notice C: When physical documents are submitted, additional documents that you consider relevant for the admission must be attached.
  • Notice D: On the page “Start the registration process” the formats to fill out the requested documentation can be downloaded.


# S.M.M.L.V.

Tuition fees per semester

# S.M.M.L.V.

Academic fees per semester # S.M.M.L.V.

The university has a mechanism through which the financial obligations of a student can be partially or totally covered by a company or entity that wishes to support the student.

Also, various forms of payment have been arranged so that students can combine the available forms of payment according to their particular conditions. On the page “Start registration process” you will find the available options.

Additionally, to facilitate access to postgraduate programs, the UIS has signed various agreements with entities specialized in educational credit. These agreements seek facilities and better credit conditions for UIS students.

* Students who have the voting certificate from the last popular election process in Colombia may request a 10% discount on tuition fees.


Additional Information

2nd semester


*Subject to demand of the program.


Registration start


Registration deadline


Knowledge test




Classes start


Requirements list


  • UIS registration form duly completed and signed.
  • Resume, it has to be done in the UIS format established institutionally for this purpose, with the attachment of the certificates and copies of documents that corroborate what is described in it.
  • Photocopy of valid identity document valid in Colombia or valid passport for foreigners.
  • Recent document type photo, preferably in digital format, white background 3×4.
  • Photocopy of the diploma or Photocopy of the undergraduate degree certificate required by the program, issued by a recognized HEI in Colombia.
    • Notice 1: If the applicant has a degree from a foreign university, it must be duly apostilled and translated into Spanish if it is in a foreign language.
    • Notice 2: The degrees must be validated by the Ministerio de Educación Nacional of the Republic of Colombia in case the applicant is going to study a master’s degree in the area of health, law or any other area regulated by national regulations that require this administrative act.
  • Certificate of the grades obtained during undergraduate studies, with a weighted average equal to or higher than three point fifty (3.50), and those of the research or in-depth master’s degree programs completed.
    • Notice 3: In the case of UIS undergraduate alumni, it is not necessary to provide it.
  • Receipt of payment issued by the UIS treasury for the current value of the registration or receipt of consignment in the account authorized by the UIS.


  • AA
  • BB
  • CC
  • Notice A: All the documents listed above must have a digital version in PDF in order to complete the online registration process.
  • Notice B: All documents must be submitted physically. To hand the documents in, please go to the postgraduate office of the program in the city where you wish to take the academic program or to the offices of the entity with which the UIS has an agreement with.
  • Notice C: When physical documents are submitted, additional documents that you consider relevant for the admission must be attached.
  • Notice D: On the page “Start the registration process” the formats to fill out the requested documentation can be downloaded.


0,25 S.M.M.L.V.

Tuition fees per semester

1 S.M.M.L.V.*

Academic fees per semester

10 S.M.M.L.V.

The university has a mechanism through which the financial obligations of a student can be partially or totally covered by a company or entity that wishes to support the student.

Also, various forms of payment have been arranged so that students can combine the available forms of payment according to their particular conditions. On the page “Start registration process” you will find the available options.

Additionally, to facilitate access to postgraduate programs, the UIS has signed various agreements with entities specialized in educational credit. These agreements seek facilities and better credit conditions for UIS students.

* Students who have the voting certificate from the last popular election process in Colombia may request a 10% discount on tuition fees.



Gilberto Carrillo Caicedo

PhD in Industrial Engineering

Ricardo Humberto Ramírez Carrero

Master in Energy Studies

Diego Ernesto Mariño

Master in Electrical Engineering and Economic Sciences

Jaime Galindo Cárdenas

Master in Electrical Power

Hernando González

Master in Business Administration

Johann Farith Petit Suárez

PhD en Electrical Engineering, Electrónica y Automática

Gerardo Latorre Bayona

PhD in Industrial Engineering (Electrical Engineering)

Renato Céspedes

PhD in Engineering

Sandra Milena Téllez Gutiérrez

PhD in Electrical Engineering

Daniel Alfonso Sierra Bueno

PhD in Biomedical Engineering

Jairo Blanco Solano

PhD in Electrical Engineering

Carlos Julio Zapata

PhD in Engineering

Jorge Antonio Jaimes Báez

Master in Electric Power

Baisser Antonio Jiménez Rivera

Master in Electrical Engineering

Camilo Táutiva Mancera

PhD in Engineering

Mónica Andrea Botero Londoño

PhD in Physical Sciences

Rubén Darío Cruz

PhD in Engineering

German Alfonso Osma Pinto

PhD in Electrical Engineering

Manuel José Ortíz Rangel

Master in Electrical Engineering

Cesar Antonio Duarte Gualdrón

PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering

Hugo Ernesto Martínez Ardila

PhD in Engineering

Luis Fernando Arévalo Viveros

Doctorat Études Romanes

Gabriel Ordoñez Plata

PhD in Industrial Engineering

María Alejandra Mantilla Villalobos

PhD in Engineering

Franklin Alexander Sepúlveda

PhD in Engineering

Julio Cesar Chacón Velasco

Master in Engineering and Electrical Power

Javier Enrique Solano Martínez

PhD in Electrical Engineering


and allies

The UIS has established different agreements with national and international entities in order to have a greater impact on their training, teaching, research and related processes in the articulation of the public university with the different social actors.


Do you want more information?

Contact Us

Master’s Degree in Electric Power Distribution Systems

Ingeniería Eléctrica Building – Fifth floor (UIS Central Campus)

PBX: +57 (607) 634 4000

Phone extension: 1217 – 2365


Oscar Arnulfo Quiroga Quiroga

Program coordinator

PBX: +57 (607) 634 4000

Phone extension: 1220


Office hours:

Monday to Friday

7:00 a.m. – 12:00 m.

2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Do yo want more information?

Contact Us

Master’s Degree in Electric Power Distribution Systems

Ingeniería Eléctrica Building – Fifth floor (UIS Central Campus)

PBX: +57 (607) 634 4000

Phone extension: 1217 – 2365


Oscar Arnulfo Quiroga Quiroga

Program coordinator

PBX: +57 (607) 634 4000

Phone extension: 1220


Office hours:

Monday to Friday

7:00 a.m. – 12:00 m.

2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Do yo want more information?

Contact Us

Master’s Degree in Electric Power Distribution Systems

Ingeniería Eléctrica Building – Fifth floor (UIS Central Campus)

PBX: +57 (607) 634 4000

Phone extension: 1217 – 2365


Oscar Arnulfo Quiroga Quiroga

Program coordinator

PBX: +57 (607) 634 4000

Phone extension: 1220


Office hours:

Monday to Friday

7:00 a.m. – 12:00 m.

2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

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