facilities and
Historical Archive

The Regional Historical Archive of Santander is a public archive whose mission is to rescue, organize, preserve, and safeguard the documentary collections of the region in order to protect its documentary heritage and make information available to the community. It is the most important archive in northeastern Colombia.
This archive holds a significant collection of documents with heritage value for the region. It contains approximately 1,400 linear meters (lm) of paper documents and over 2,600 microfilm rolls, dating from the 16th to the 20th century. These materials originate from various governmental entities, public, cultural, and educational institutions, as well as private documents from prominent families in the region. As such, the archive’s diverse collections are fundamental sources for research on the region’s political, social, and cultural development.
The Regional Historical Archive of Santander serves as the primary documentation center for the training of History and Archival Studies students at the Industrial University of Santander and supports research conducted in the graduate programs of the School of History. Additionally, it is a permanent resource for external researchers and the general public.
The Regional Historical Archive of Santander offers a portfolio of services for the academic community and the general public, including:
On-Site Consultation
The archive provides a consultation room where users can search and access the collections and records open to the public. Personalized assistance is available to guide researchers in locating and retrieving documents.
Guided Tours
The archive offers guided tours for individuals or groups interested in learning about the collections and records it houses.
Notarial Records
Date Range: 1557-1979
Volume: 540 linear meters
This collection includes notarial protocols from over twenty notaries in municipalities of Santander, Norte de Santander, and Cesar. The documents are well-preserved and organized by year and deed number, as established by the notaries. Some volumes contain indices created at the notaries’ offices, with basic information on the subject and parties involved in the transactions.
Judicial Records
Date Range: 1789-1960
Volume: 350 linear meters
This collection comprises civil and criminal judicial case files from various courts and judicial circuits in northern Santander, especially Bucaramanga and its surroundings. The records are categorized by type of crime.
Soto Collection
Date Range: 1699-1976
Volume: 1,056 boxes
This collection includes documents salvaged from a fire at the Municipal Palace of Girón in 1977. The documents have varied origins and are cataloged with dates, subjects, locations, and brief descriptions. However, due to damage caused by the fire, a significant portion is severely deteriorated and inaccessible.
Wilches Family Collection
Date Range: 1877-1960
Volume: 14 boxes
Contains public and private documents of the Wilches Calderón family and their descendants, a prominent family from the García Rovira province of Santander who played a significant role in regional politics, particularly during Colombian federalism (1857-1886).
Clausen Family Collection
Date Range: 1882-1958
Volume: 4 boxes and 22 volumes
Includes accounting books of this pioneering Colombian company in soda and beer production, founded in the late 19th century by Swedish entrepreneur Christian Peter Clausen. The collection is divided into two sections: Accounting and Civil Records.
Eliseo Martínez Hernández Collection
Date Range: 1942-1976
Volume: 15 boxes
Documents of Eliseo Martínez Hernández (1899-1977), a notable Mason and businessman in Bucaramanga. He served as rector of San José de Guanentá School in San Gil, a municipal official, manager of the Santander Lottery, shareholder in various companies, and cattle rancher.
University Student Association – AUDESA Collection
Date Range: 1953-1982
Volume: 6 boxes
This collection holds the records of AUDESA, founded in 1953 by students of the Industrial University of Santander to advocate for student interests at both university and national levels, including high school students in Bucaramanga.
Jenaro Perico García Collection
Date Range: 1905-1993
Volume: 8 boxes
Personal archive of priest Jenaro Perico García (?-1994), a prominent religious and cultural figure in Santander. He served as parish priest in various municipalities, was a canonical lawyer, writer, poet, and hagiographer.
Colombian Mutuality Company Collection
Date Range: 1913-1946
Volume: 9 boxes
Contains documents from this company, promoted in 1905 by Víctor Manuel Ogliastri and other elite merchants of Bucaramanga for life insurance sales and savings operations.
San José de Guanentá School Collection
Date Range: 1820-1899
Volume: 25 documents
Includes rectorial letters and educational materials from this historic public school, established in 1785 in San Gil, with over 200 years of history intertwined with the town’s social, cultural, and economic development.
Enrique Otero D’Costa Collection
Date Range: 1890-1934
Volume: 1 box
Documents of Enrique Otero D’Costa (1881-1964), a prominent Santanderian entrepreneur, politician, and historian. The collection includes transcripts, manuscripts, newspapers, and communications.
Genealogical Collection of Juan Francisco Mantilla Valenzuela
Date Range: Undated
Volume: 12 boxes
Contains genealogical research conducted by Juan Francisco Mantilla Valenzuela, a member of the Santander Historical Academy, documenting significant surnames in the region’s history.
Department of Galán Collection
Date Range: 1906-1909
Volume: 1 box
Includes documents donated by relatives of Juan de Dios Francisco Mantilla López (1858-1927), governor of the Department of Galán between 1906 and 1910, created during a territorial reform under President Rafael Reyes.
Parish Archives
Date Range: 1607-1991
Volume: 306 microfilm rolls
Parish records from dioceses in Socorro-San Gil, Málaga-Soatá, Bucaramanga, and Pamplona. Donated by the Genealogical Society of Utah, these records are accessible online through “FamilySearch.”
Photographic Collection
Date Range: Undated
Volume: 290 photographs and 8,365 negatives
Contains images and negatives related to the history of the Industrial University of Santander.
Map Collection
Date Range: Undated – 2005
Volume: 210 maps and plans
Includes maps and plans from entities such as the General Comptroller’s Office, DANE, and the Urban Development Company of Bucaramanga (EDUB).
Cassette Collection
Date Range: 1990-2007
Volume: 57 cassettes
Features recordings of interviews and lectures on regional and local history topics, including UIS history, violence, education, colonization, and political and social history.
Date Range: 1800-2022
Volume: Over 2,000 units
A specialized library on regional and local history, with significant publications, official gazettes, statistical yearbooks, and private editions dating back to the 19th century.
Newspaper Library
Date Range: Undated
Volume: Approximately 650 magazines and periodicals
Includes the complete collection of Vanguardia Liberal (now Vanguardia) microfilmed from 1919 to 1940 and printed from 1940 to 1996, as well as regional laws, ordinances, and congressional records.
Hours of operation:
Monday to Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Edificio de Ciencias Humanas
First Floor, Former Correspondence Area
Contact Information:
- Phone: (607) 6344000 ext. 2185
- Email:
Visitors must bring their own personal protective equipment (gloves and face masks) and use pencils only.
Restoration Laboratory

The Document Restoration Laboratory, affiliated with the School of History, provides specialized services for the conservation and preservation of Colombia’s documentary heritage. In addition to restoring the Regional Historical Archive’s documentation, the Laboratory offers extension services to the broader community.
Environmental Monitoring:
Evaluation of the environmental conditions in archival storage areas through measurements of temperature, relative humidity, and light levels.Technical Advisory Services:
Assessment of the physical and environmental conditions of archival storage areas and evaluation of the conservation status of documentary collections. Recommendations are provided to address identified issues and implement solutions.Document Conservation and Restoration:
Intervention services for paper-based documents, including cleaning, disinfection, and restoration of physical damage.
The Document Restoration Laboratory is equipped with a wide range of tools ideal for analyzing the condition and preservation of documentary collections:
Digital Thermohygrometer
Digital pH Meter
Pulp Mixer
Vinyector Machine
Hydraulic Press
Laminating Machine
Phone Line: +57 (607) 634 4000, extension: 2248

Gran Santander
Archaeological Museum

The Archaeological Museum of Gran Santander seeks to rescue, conserve and disseminate the archaeological and ethno-historical heritage of the Colombian Northeast. Its collection exhibits pieces from hunter-gatherer cultures, as well as ceramic elements from agro-pottery societies and pre-Guanese textiles. It also has representations of the Guane, Chitarero and Yarigui groups. Its collections also include more than 100 fossils. An important part of the collection was donated by the Colombian Institute of Anthropology and History (ICANH).
The Museum contributes to the promotion and knowledge of the cultural heritage of the region. It also offers a space for the training of students of the program and the region.
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Contact Us

UIS main campus
Bucaramanga, Santander
Address: carrera 27 #09 (Ciudad universitaria)
Edificio de Ciencias Humanas
Tercer piso

School of History
Phone: +57 (607) 645 1639
PBX: +57 (607) 634 4000
Phone extension: 2237

Office hours:
Monday to Friday
7:00 a.m. – 12:00 m.
2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Do yo want more information?
Contact Us

UIS main campus
Bucaramanga, Santander
Address: carrera 27 #09 (Ciudad universitaria)
Edificio de Ciencias Humanas
Tercer piso

School of History
Phone: +57 (607) 645 1639
PBX: +57 (607) 634 4000
Phone extension: 2237

Office hours:
Monday to Friday
7:00 a.m. – 12:00 m.
2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Do yo want more information?
Contact Us

UIS main campus
Bucaramanga, Santander
Address: carrera 27 #09 (Ciudad universitaria)
Edificio de Ciencias Humanas
Tercer piso

School of History
Phone: +57 (607) 645 1639
PBX: +57 (607) 634 4000
Phone extension: 2237

Office hours:
Monday to Friday
7:00 a.m. – 12:00 m.
2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.