Historical-Educational Policies, Sociabilities
and Representations (PSORHE)
Human Sciences Faculty
Minciencias Classification :
The Research Group on Historical-Educational Policies, Sociabilities, and Representations (PSORHE) was created in 2000 as a collaborative initiative between professors and students of both the Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira (UTP) and the Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS). At the beginning, the group focused its research activities on urban-regional history, Colombian and Latin American political action during the 20th century, and the history of universities in Colombia and Latin America. However, with the incorporation of new members, it has gradually broadened its lines of action.
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PSORHE has consolidated its position in the academic field through its participation in the Doctorate in Educational Sciences (Rudecolombia), developed by the UTP. The group has participated in several initiatives at the national level, including the project “Bicentennial of Independence” conducted between 2008 – 2010 and the project “Press, education, and political orientation in the liberal republic: El Diario de Pereira and Vanguardia Liberal”, funded by Colciencias (now MINCIENCIAS), during the years 2013 and 2016. It also obtained funding from the Bank of the Republic for the project “Memories of an Era” (2011-2013).
Between 2016 and 2019, the group carried out another project supported by COLCIENCIAS: “The decline of the anti-systemic utopia: the conflict, the university, and the commitment to achieve peace in Colombia”. In 2020, it started the project “Resistance in audiovisual and editorial cultural productions as an alternative to poetic memory of the Colombian armed conflict, 1987-2016” funded jointly by the UIS, MINCIENCIAS, and the National Center of Historical Memory.
On the other hand, the group has contributed to the creation of the Doctorate in Education (Rudecolombia) and the Master’s Degree in History at the UTP, as well as the design of the Doctorate in History, the Master’s Degree in Human Rights, the Master’s Degree in Social Research, and the undergraduate degree in History and Archival Studies at the UIS. Furthermore, it has supported the development of 35 doctoral theses, 63 master’s theses, and 117 undergraduate theses. As a result of its performance, PSORHE is classified in the highest category (A1) of MINCIENCIAS.
We are
classified as A1
by Miniciencias

Research lines

researchers team
Red Ink: Press, Politics and Education in the Libera Republic
Article | 2016 | El Diario de Pereira and Vanguardia Liberal from Bucaramanga
Latin American Environmental History: Changes and Permanencies of a Growing Field
Article | 2019 | Critical History
Marginalized, but not Marginalized. Blacks, Mulattos and their Disputes for Autonomy in Chocó, Colombia (1903-1947).
Article | 2019 | Yearbook of Regional History and Borders Journal
Archaic Hunter-gatherers in the Chucurí River Valley, Northeastern Colombia: Settlement and Exploitation of Raw Materials
Article | 2018 | Regional and Border History Yearbook
Young and Indignant? Colombian Social Mobilization in 2011.
Article | 2017 | Journal of Latin American Educational History
and allies
The UIS has established different agreements with national and international entities in order to have a greater impact on their training, teaching, research and related processes in the articulation of the public university with the different social actors.

Do you want more information?
Contact Us

Research Group on Historical-Educational Policies, Sociabilities and Representations (PSORHE)
Phone: +57 (607) 645 1639
PBX: +57 (607) 634 4000
Phone extension: 2237

Álvaro Acevedo Tarazona
Group Coordinator

Office hours:
Monday to Friday
8:00 a.m. a 12:00 m.
Do you want more information?
Contact Us

Research Group on Historical-Educational Policies, Sociabilities and Representations (PSORHE)
Phone: +57 (607) 645 1639
PBX: +57 (607) 634 4000
Phone extension: 2237

Álvaro Acevedo Tarazona
Group Coordinator

Office hours:
Monday to Friday
8:00 a.m. a 12:00 m.
Do you want more information?
Contact Us

Research Group on Historical-Educational Policies, Sociabilities and Representations (PSORHE)
Phone: +57 (607) 645 1639
PBX: +57 (607) 634 4000
Phone extension: 2237

Álvaro Acevedo Tarazona
Group Coordinator

Office hours:
Monday to Friday
8:00 a.m. a 12:00 m.