Center for Tropical Disease (CINTROP)
Health faculty
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Research group name:
Center for Tropical Disease Research (CINTROP)
Code: COL0010815
Minciencias classification: A1
Director: Jonny Edward Duque Luna
Develop research on clinical, epidemiological and social basics of tropical endemics, which can be applied to prevention and control and contribute to the scientific, technological and social development of the region; this through the fulfillment of the following objectives:
1.Conduct research on pathogenesis and modalities of clinical expression of Leishmaniasis and American Trypanosomiasis: genetic and immunological factors of the host and agent virulence factors associated with severe or tolerance
2.Conduct research in biology, eco-epidemiology and population genetics of vectors (Triatominae, Clicidae and Phlebotominae): species determination, host specificity, habitat determination, vector capacity, phenetic and genetic characterization
3.Human resource training: through support to Master’s and Doctoral programmes in biomedical areas; training of members of the group; Vector-transmission disease control (ETV) training courses for health program officials
4.Assess the susceptibility of insecticide-giving insecticide and Leishmania and Tripanosoma insects to new medicines.
5.Transfer research results to health and social development programs: standardization in prevention and control activities at VTV and promote healthy lifestyles that contribute to decreased prevalence.
6.Strengthen interaction with other international and national research groups and networks on ETV.
Strengthen the research capacity of the region and the country by involving the Universidad Industrial de Santander in the scientific resolution of health issues affecting the Santander community and the nation. This is achieved through the development of projects, research lines, and programs in the field of tropical diseases, utilizing and advancing laboratory and field techniques as tools for both basic and applied research.
In order to address this vision, the group seeks to:
1. Establish itself as a Group of Excellence in research and technological development.
2. Create new lines of research: arbovirosis not studied in Colombia; evolutionary studies in pathogens and immunogenetics.
3. Modernize the processes of storage and management of data, communications.
4. Promote the transfer of new technologies for the study and control of VTE: geographic information systems and molecular diagnostic methods.
5. Sustainability of knowledge transfer to state health, education and community institutions in general.
6. Promote and support professional training programs: training of researchers of the group; Master’s Degree in Basic Medical Sciences and in Management of SURVEILLANCE and Control Programs of ETV.
7. Develop activities in collaboration with international research institutions of recognized prestige: research projects, training workshops, symposia and others.
Do you want more information?
Contact Us
Center for Research in Tropical Diseases (CINTROP)
Phone: +57 (607) 6344000
Extension: 3526
Guatiguará UIS Campus
Guatiguará, km 2 way to El Refugio.
Piedecuesta, Santander, Colombia.
Group coordinator
Fernando Rodríguez Sanabria
Office hours:
Monday to Friday
8:00 a.m. a 12:00 m.
1:00 p.m. a 4:00 p.m.
Do you want more information?
Contact Us
Center for Research in Tropical Diseases (CINTROP)
Phone: +57 (607) 6344000
Extension: 3526
Guatiguará UIS Campus
Guatiguará, km 2 vía El Refugio.
Piedecuesta, Santander, Colombia.
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Office hours:
Monday to Friday
8:00 a.m. a 12:00 m.
1:00 p.m. a 4:00 p.m.
Do you want more information?
Contact Us
Center for Research in Tropical Diseases (CINTROP)
Phone: +57 (607) 6344000
Extension: 3526
Guatiguará UIS Campus
Guatiguará, km 2 vía El Refugio.
Piedecuesta, Santander, Colombia.
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Office hours:
Monday to Friday
8:00 a.m. a 12:00 m.
1:00 p.m. a 4:00 p.m.