Students and graduates

Luis Fernando Prato Contreras
Clinical Specialist in Orthopedic Physiotherapy, American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties APTA. Specialist in Strengtheningand Fitness, National Strength and Conditioning Association. Leading Physiotherapist- Clinical Coordinator of the Department of Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation of Lakeshore Bone and Joint Institute, in the United States.

Mayerly Carolina Uribe Rueda
Master’s Degree in Advanced Cardiorespiratory Physiotherapy, University College of London (UCL). Clinical practice in pulmonary rehabilitation with respiratory care and rehabilitation equipment (ARCaRe)

Diana Carolina Sánchez Ramirez
PhD in biomedical sciences, University Amsterdam,Netherlands. Master’s Degree in Public Health (MPH), University of Copenhagen, Denmark and University of Granada, Spain. Postdoctoral training at the Center for Injury Prevention of the Faculty of Public Health of the University of Alberta (Canada).
Recognized as a young researcher by the Society for Academic Continuing Medical Education (SACME) in 2019. Assistant Professor at the University of Manitoba (Canada).

Liliana Guerrero Ayala
Master in Biomedical Engineering from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Formed in GlobalPostural Reeducation (RPG) at the Philippe Souchard Institute. He currently works as a teacher at the Universidad del Oeste de Santa Catarina (UNOESC) in the areas of Cardiovascular Physiotherapy and Respiratory.

Nestor Martínez Guzmán
Physiotherapist at Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem, Israel, in the department of neurorehabilitation and orthopedic rehabilitation
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Contact Us

School of Physiotherapy
Phone: +57 (607) 6344000
Extension: 3147 / 3132
Direct phone: +57 (607) 6358582

UIS Health Campus
Bucaramanga, Santander
Carrera 32 Nº 29 – 31
Facultad de Salud.
Universidad Industrial de Santander.

Office hours:
Monday to Friday
7:00 a.m. – 12:00 m.
2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Do yo want more information?
Contact Us

School of Physiotherapy
Phone: +57 (607) 6344000
Extension: 3147 / 3132
Direct phone: +57 (607) 6358582

UIS Health Campus
Bucaramanga, Santander
Carrera 32 Nº 29 – 31
Facultad de Salud.
Universidad Industrial de Santander.

Office hours:
Monday to Friday
7:00 a.m. – 12:00 m.
2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Do yo want more information?
Contact Us

School of Physiotherapy
Phone: +57 (607) 6344000
Extension: 3147 / 3132
Direct phone: +57 (607) 6358582

UIS Health Campus
Bucaramanga, Santander
Carrera 32 Nº 29 – 31
Facultad de Salud.
Universidad Industrial de Santander.

Office hours:
Monday to Friday
7:00 a.m. – 12:00 m.
2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.