Human Talent Management
Division - DGTH

Administrative Unit






Coordinate and support the activities of selection, induction, training, development, administration, and retirement of all University personnel, ensuring their integrity and seeking the utilization and improvement of their talent for the fulfillment of the institutional mission.

We are a unit attached to the Administrative Vice-Rector’s Office, which adopted its current designation through Superior Council Agreement No. 070 of 2019.

We work to transform the UIS Community by generating well-being and happiness through value solutions.


C. Recortados-08

Juan Camilo Lésmez Peralta

Head of Human Talent Management Division

C. Recortados-08

Juan Camilo Lésmez Peralta

Head of Human Talent Management Division

Contact Us


Lead the processes of continuous improvement related to the organizational climate of the University, promoting at all its hierarchical levels the permanent analysis of matters related to the Administration of Human Resources in the light of modern theories of administration and implementing advice, coordination and support to the processes of selection, induction, training, development, social welfare and training of Human Talent at the service of the University.


We conceive Human Resources as a unit that in the near future meets the purposes and institutional needs in the organizational and personnel field, with human capacity and technological strength, converted into a strategic unit with advisory capacity in the implementation of policies and systems of people management and support to processes of organizational change.

Organization chart







This sub-process is responsible for carrying out all the procedures related to the settlement of the salary aspects of the officials of the University.

From the reception of news and registration in the Human Resources Information System to the settlement of salary remuneration for teachers, public employees, official plant workers, teaching professors, retirees, scholarship graduate students and undergraduate students with assistance, this in compliance with the regulatory guidelines

Support personnel:

Ludy Herrera Jaimes

Extension: 1419 – Correo: nomina.planta@uis.edu.co

Jessica Katherine Ramírez

Extension: 2219 – Correo: nomina.temporal@uis.edu.co

Liliana Quintero Sandoval

Extension: 1438 – Correo: nomina.pension@uis.edu.co

Eliana Orduz Acelas

Extension: 2116 – Correo: liq.auxiliaturas@uis.edu.co

Rocío Rueda Chía

Extension: 1274 – Correo: nomina.catedra@uis.edu.co

César Duwan Flórez Sanabria

Extension: 1436 – Correo: seguridadsocial@uis.edu.co




It attends the procedures and requests of career administrative personnel, office workers, officials of free appointment and removal, provisional plant and temporary plant.

Conduct promotion and open competitions.

Administrative situations:

  • Vacations, assignments, unpaid commissions, transfers, permits, licenses, appointments, resignations.
  • Follow-up to union agreements.

Support Staff:

Sergio Arenas Ramirez

Extension: 2561

Mail: asuntosadm@uis.edu.co

Yuranis Smith Orejarena

Extension: 1488

Mail: prof.asuntosadm@uis.edu.co

Yurley Susana Flórez

Extension: 1489

Mail: aux.asuntosadm@uis.edu.co

Erika Tatiana Duarte

Extension: 1366

Mail: auxadministrativos@uis.edu.co




From this sub-process, the administrative matters of the teaching staff and professors assigned to the academic units of the University are processed.

Administrative situations:

  • Permits, vacations, promotions, resignations, ordinary licenses, service commissions, among others.
  • Study the resumes of the staff teachers to be linked.
  • Carry out legal procedures for the linking of foreign teaching staff.
  • Advance the logistics of the teaching induction day.
  • Prepare and develop CIARP meetings.

Support Staff:

Mary Andrea Bautista Santos

Extension: 2100

Mail: asuntosdocentes2@uis.edu.co

Rubby Amparo Torres

Extensión: 1272

Mail: asuntosdocentes@uis.edu.co

Jefferson Javier Pereira

Extension: 1365

Mail: asuntos.catedra@uis.edu.co




This sub-process provides support and advice to Universidad Industrial de Santander employees who require information for processing pension matters.

Its functions include:

  • Process the issuance and payment of pension bonds to the Pension Fund Administrators of both public and private regimes.
  • Contribute to the management of the payment of the concurrence of the ordinary and additional pension payments in charge of the Universidad Industrial de Santander.
  • Issuance of the Electronic Certification of Working Time – CETIL.
  • Management of payment and collection of pension contributions owed by the Industrial University of Santander and quota-partner entities.

Support Staff:

Leoliz Y. Araque Pérez

Extension: 1271

Mail: pensiones.lider@uis.edu.co

Samuel Darío Buitrago Sanabria

Extension: 1273

Mail: asuntospensionales@uis.edu.co

Adriana Mendoza Ropero

Extension: 1271

Mail: dgth.pensiones@uis.edu.co




Satisfy the needs of education, training and qualification of administrative staff, in terms of knowledge, skills and aptitudes, which allow them to perform the position according to the needs of the Institution.

Additionally, it carries out the accompaniment and administrative procedures required by the plant teachers who carry out:

  • Study Commission.
  • Postdoctoral stay.
  • Gap year

Support Staff:

Andrea Carolina Martínez

Extension: 2924

Mail: formaciondepersonal@uis.edu.co

Yury Andrea Castrillón

Extension: 2540

Mail: programadeformacion@uis.edu.co





Promotes welfare measures for members of the working community and promotes human development as a means of strengthening health, organizational climate, social cohesion and community building.

It offers activities framed in four (4) lines of action:

Institutional events: recognizing the work and generating spaces for integration.

Organizational climate and psychosocial risk: application of the psychosocial risk battery, individual psychosocial counseling, strategies for interest groups -In Family, Building Leadership, Stress Reducer. Campaigns and training in institutional values, mental health, communication, teamwork, conflict management, etc.

Sports, health and recreation: support for sports teams, Friendship Games, comprehensive wellness strategies through sports and art.

Conflict management: institutional mechanisms for the resolution of interpersonal and labor conflicts, promoting dialogue and reaching agreements.

  • Mediation Boards: mesasdemediacion@uis.edu.co
  • Labor Coexistence Committee: convivencialaboral@uis.edu.co

Support Staff:

Maria Paula Hernandez Rueda

Extension: 1275

Mail: desarrollohumano@uis.edu.co

Sonia Astrid Reyes Duarte

Extension: 2756

Mail: dho.profesional@uis.edu.co





Sub-process in charge of promoting safe and healthy work environments through participation and strengthening self-care as principles to improve the quality of life of employees and teachers of the different types of employment, to prevent accidents at work and occupational diseases.


  • Attention and reporting of incidents, occupational accidents and occupational diseases.
  • EVITA program.
  • Programs for biological, chemical, noise, radiation, ergonomic and vocal disorders risks.
  • Emergency Prevention, Preparedness and Response Program.
  • Self-reporting inspections.
  • Personal protection elements.


Support Staff:

Luz Helena Zafra

Extension: 2617

Mail: sst.coordinacion@uis.edu.co

César Villarreal

Extension: 1066

Mail: sst.profesional1@uis.edu.co

Ximena Rojas

Extension: 2920

Mail: sst.profesional2@uis.edu.co

Rubiela Márquez

Extension: 1114

Mail: sst.profesional3@uis.edu.co

Johana Marcela Jiménez

Extension: 2409

Mail: sst.profesional5@uis.edu.co




  • Attention to requests for issuance of labor certificates and verification of compliance with requirements for authorization of withdrawal of severance.

Mail: certificaciones@uis.edu.co

  • Attention to archival queries of work histories.

Mail: archivo.drh@uis.edu.co

  • Review of applications for contracts with natural persons made by the category of professional fees.

Mail: vinculaciondepersonal@uis.edu.co

Safety and Health at Work


Every day something new happens!

The most important news from our school that motivates us to continue growing

Do you want more information?

Contact Us

Human Talent Management Division            

Phone: +57 (607) 634 4000

Extension: 2119



UIS  Main Campus

Bucaramanga, Santander.

Carrera 27 calle 9. Edificio Administrativo 1, primer piso.

Ciudad Universitaria.

Universidad Industrial de Santander.

Icono del horario de atención

Office hours:

Monday to Friday

7:00 a.m. – 12:00 m.

2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Do yo want more information?

Contact Us

Human Talent Management Division            

Phone: +57 (607) 634 4000

Extension: 2119



UIS  Main Campus

Bucaramanga, Santander.

Carrera 27 calle 9. Edificio Administrativo 1, primer piso.

Ciudad Universitaria.

Universidad Industrial de Santander.

Icono del horario de atención

Office hours:

Monday to Friday

7:00 a.m. – 12:00 m.

2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Do yo want more information?

Contact Us

Human Talent Management Division            

Phone: +57 (607) 634 4000

Extension: 2119



UIS  Main Campus

Bucaramanga, Santander.

Carrera 27 calle 9. Edificio Administrativo 1, primer piso.

Ciudad Universitaria.

Universidad Industrial de Santander.

Icono del horario de atención

Office hours:

Monday to Friday

7:00 a.m. – 12:00 m.

2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

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