Information and Communication Technologies Division - DTIC
Administrative Unit
Manage and administer information and communication technology (ICT) resources and services to support institutional processes, through the modernization of the infrastructure of institutional IT services, the appropriate use of resources and technological innovation, supporting the achievement of the University’s strategic and mission objectives.

Edgar Antonio Mesa Rincón

Edgar Antonio
Mesa Rincón
Contact Us
Organization chart
- Policies
- Functions
- Infrastructure
- Technical support
- Infographics
- Manage computer and telecommunications resources.
- Direct and coordinate information systems to support academic and administrative processes.
- Advise and provide computer services within the institutional modernization process.
Process Functions
- Perform server administration and backup of the institutional database.
- Advise and provide support in IT services and resources.
- Carry out the construction and maintenance of the institutional data network.
- Design and develop software.
- Perform software maintenance.
- Administer Centic resources.
- Measure process performance through management indicators and follow-up activities.
- Continuously improve the process through the application of corrective, preventive, and improvement actions.
- Ensure the security and privacy of processed, transmitted, and stored digital information in and from the technological resources and services used to support institutional mission, strategic, support, and evaluation processes under the custody of the DTIC.
- Define guidelines for the use and care of digital information assets using DTIC-managed technological services.
- Implement physical and logical access controls to digital information assets that support institutional processes.
- Mesa de Ayuda
Log in with credentials for new versions.
Extensions: 2635-2638.
- Mail Students
- Manage computer and telecommunications resources.
- Direct and coordinate information systems to support academic and administrative processes.
- Advise and provide computer services within the institutional modernization process.
Process Functions
- Perform server administration and backup of the institutional database.
- Advise and provide support in IT services and resources.
- Carry out the construction and maintenance of the institutional data network.
- Design and develop software.
- Perform software maintenance.
- Administer Centic resources.
- Measure process performance through management indicators and follow-up activities.
- Continuously improve the process through the application of corrective, preventive, and improvement actions.
- Ensure the security and privacy of processed, transmitted, and stored digital information in and from the technological resources and services used to support institutional mission, strategic, support, and evaluation processes under the custody of the DTIC.
- Define guidelines for the use and care of digital information assets using DTIC-managed technological services.
- Implement physical and logical access controls to digital information assets that support institutional processes.
- Mesa de Ayuda
Log in with credentials for new versions.
Extensions: 2635-2638.
- Mail Students
Institutional email
– Alumni prior to 2009 Means of Application – Mail: leo@uis.edu.co Requirements and Recommendations
– Approval of the Head of the UAA applicant in the Application Management system.
– Provide the following information: Names and surnames, identity document, position, Administrative Academic Unit to which it is attached, name of the head of the UAA to which it belongs and date of termination of the contract.
– Registration of information in the system by the Human Resources Division. |
Passwords or mail activation
– Teachers plant.
– Request Management System. |
– Provide the following information: Names and surnames, institutional email user, identity document, position, Administrative Academic Unit to which it is attached, the name of the head of the UAA to which it belongs and date of termination of the contract. |
U.A.A Portals
– U.A.A
– Email: leo@uis.edu.co
– Approval of the Head of the UAA applicant. – IF IT IS NEWS: Attach file in word format that contains: title, summary as an introduction in a maximum of 6 lines where the type of event you want to announce is defined, the place, date, time it was held or will be held and the name of it or the main actors, and the development of the news. – Images in .jpg, .jpeg or .png format, if it contains characters, the corresponding photo caption must be attached, relating from left to right names and positions for each image. – Videos in .flv format preferably or .mov, .avi, .mp3, .mp4, .mpg, .mpeg, .wmv or .rmvb of high quality. – If the news requires the publication of attached files these must be PDF files, Word or Excel documents. – Images, videos or files must be posted to the cloud with editing permission that allows downloading and attach only the link. – For the creation or updating of a new site (UAA or academic program) in the institutional web portal, a word document is required with detailed information on each of the corresponding menu options, images in .jpg or .jpeg format, for the main page (Index) of 558×185 and a secondary image of 760×140 for the rest of the pages that make up said site, if required. | -For the creation or updating of a new site (UAA or academic program) in the institutional web portal, a word document is required with detailed information on each of the corresponding menu options, images in .jpg or .jpeg format, for the main page (Index) of 558×185 and a secondary image of 760×140 for the rest of the pages that make up said site, if required. – In the animated banners of the institutional page information is published regarding topics of interest to the entire community. Generally requested by the rectory, vice-rectories, General Secretariat, Directorate of Admissions and Academic Registration and the Division of Human Resources, who stipulate the time that each banner must remain published on the portal. Keep in mind that only up to two can be published at a time and that if a third or more are required, it is allowed to combine or rotate up to two topics in the same banner. Dimensions: 183 x 173 Image: 185×138 in .jpg format Speed or frames per second: 32 File created in flash version CS5 (it is essential to use this version or lower to be able to edit the attachment) The banners prepared by the requesting UAA must have the specifications previously established so that they adapt to the portal and require the supply of source files. In the event that the requesting UAA does not have the animated banner, it must send the title, content and images alluding to the topic to be announced and the DSI will be responsible for preparing it. – Remember that only events directly related to the University or of Interest to the community in general are published. – If you wish to publish the news or event on social networks such as Facebook or Twitter, or other media, you must make the request at the Communications Directorate – Teleuis (redessociales@uis.edu.co). |
Hardware y software
– Users of equipment within the inventory of the University.
– Request Management System.
– Make sure that the equipment that requires support is within the inventory of the University, checking that it has the barcode that contains the inventory number assigned by the inventory section.- Provide the following information: Detailed description of the requirement and indicate the number of equipment that requires attention, the exact location | of the equipment (headquarters, building, floor, office), the inventory number(s) and the visiting hours for the attention of the technician in case your request requires it. – Keep the assigned ticket or request number to check the status of your request. – If you are a Lync or Skype for Business user, the DSI offers the remote support service through this tool, to expedite the attention of your request without requiring the displacement of a technician to the workstation, as long as the characteristics of the support allow it and the user gives his consent to perform the procedure. |
Peripherals under warranty
– Users of equipment within the inventory of the University.
– Request Management System. |
– Verify that the equipment is still within the warranty period offered by the supplier, attach a copy of the Purchase Order and the invoice with which the equipment was purchased.
Computer equipment and peripherals
Users – U.A.A.
– Requests Manager |
– Description of the need to be met, the object to be hired and the type of equipment you want to acquire.
First floor of CENTIC
– The student equipment loan application must be made through the CENTIC option |
located on the UIS home page, followed by the RESOURCES option. – To enter the rooms confirm your reservation at the reception and present identification document for the supply of the access card. |
Floors 1, 2 and 3, of CENTIC
– Teachers Plant and Chair, who require the use of specific equipment and programs for their classes.
– Centic Information System Reservations – Request Management System
– The request for the loan of rooms for teachers’ classes must be made through the CENTIC option located on the main page of the UIS, followed by the RESOURCES option. | – To enter the lounges, confirm your reservation at the reception and present an identification document for the supply of the access card. – If you require the loan of a room to teach classes throughout the semester, make your request through the Application Manager, registering the following information: Subject code, subject name, group, teacher name. – The loan of the rooms is subject to availability and their assignment is made according to the order of receipt of the applications. |
Floors 4 of CENTIC
– Students, faculty and administrative staff who require videoconferencing equipment for meetings. Means of Application – Request Management System. Requirements and Recommendations – Approval of the Head of the UAA applicant in the Application Management system. – Provide the following information: contact details of the applicant, date, start and end time, required capacity, description of the activity to be carried out. When it comes to a videoconference, the means of communication to be used, date, time and contact data must be informed to perform connection tests. | – The request for the loan of video conferencing rooms must be made at least three business days in advance and requires that connection tests be scheduled at least half a business day prior to the scheduled date and time. – The loan of rooms and equipment is subject to availability and its assignment is made according to the order of receipt of the request. – If you require recording of the videoconference, you must have the approval of the exhibitor or participants and indicate it within the request. – To enter the rooms confirm your reservation at the reception and present identification document for the supply of the access card. |
– Teachers and administrative staff.
– Request Management System.
– Approval of the Head of the UAA applicant in the Application Management system. – The capacity of the auditorium is 80 people, with priority for events that require videoconferencing with more than 25 attendees. – The request must be made three business days before the event, giving priority to events that require videoconference. – Provide the following information: contact details of the applicant, date, start and end time, description of the activity to be carried out, | remote contact data for videoconferencing and description of additional requirements. – If you require recording of the videoconference, you must have the approval of the exhibitor or participants and indicate it within the request. – To enter the auditorium confirm your reservation at the reception and present identification document for the supply of the access card. – The loan of the auditorium is subject to verification or study of the event by the administration and compliance with the policies of use of the building. – The cleanliness, logistics, development and order of the activity are the responsibility of the applicant, as well as the damages, losses and behavior of those attending the event; factors that will be taken into account for future applications. |
– Heads of U.A.A. Who require the transmission of events through the institutional website.
– Request Management System.
– Approval of the Head of the UAA applicant in the Application Management system. – The capacity of the auditorium is 80 people, with priority for events that require videoconferencing with more than 25 attendees. – The request must be made three business days before the event, giving priority to events that require videoconference. – Provide the following information: contact details of the applicant, date, start and end time, description of the activity to be carried out, | Contact details of the applicant, date, start and end time, description of the activity to be carried out, remote contact data for videoconferencing and description of additional requirements. – If you require recording of the videoconference, you must have the approval of the exhibitor or participants and indicate it within the request. – To enter the auditorium confirm your reservation at the reception and present identification document for the supply of the access card. – The loan of the auditorium is subject to verification or study of the event by the administration and compliance with the policies of use of the building. – The cleanliness, logistics, development and order of the activity are the responsibility of the applicant, as well as the damages, losses and behavior of those attending the event; factors that will be taken into account for future applications. |
-Teachers. -Administrative.
– Request Management System. |
– Provide the following information: Name, position, email and UAA to which the person for whom the service is requested belongs, the location of the user (headquarters, building, floor, office).
-Teachers. -Administrative.
– Request Management System. |
– Provide the following information: Name, position, email and UAA to which the person for whom the service is requested belongs, the location of the user (headquarters, building, floor, office). |
– Chiefs of U.A.A.
– Request Management System
– Approval of the Head of the UAA applicant in the Application Management system. – Provide the following information: name of the person responsible for the project, position, Unit to which it belongs, number of points | of network required, location (headquarters, building, floor, office) and if possible plans with measurements of the area to intervene with the location of the workstations. – The installation of network points has a cost that is determined by the DSI and notified to the UA to carry out the transfer of funds to the 7024 cost center. Once the transfer is made, the DSI will begin the process of acquiring the materials and subsequent execution of the installation works. |
– Chiefs of U.A.A
– Request Management System
– Approval of the Head of the UAA applicant in the Application Management system. – Provide the following information: name of the person responsible for the project, position, Unit to which it belongs, number of network points required, location (headquarters, building, floor, office) and if possible plans with measurements of the area to intervene with the location of the workstations. | – The installation of network points has a cost that is determined by the DSI and notified to the UA to carry out the transfer of funds to the 7024 cost center. Once the transfer is made, the DSI will begin the process of acquiring the materials and subsequent execution of the installation works. – The Chief of the UAA must inform the name and identification document of the official to whom the inventory of the telephone device will be transferred, who will sign the exit from the warehouse or the corresponding transfer. The installation of the phone will only be done after the corresponding inventory transfer has been carried out. |
Software maintenance
– Chiefs of U.A.A
– Request Management System. |
– Any request for new development or maintenance of existing systems or applications, as well as the generation of files, must be approved by the requesting Chief of the UAA and have the endorsement of the Chief of the UAA to whom the corresponding information system belongs and describe in detail the need. |
Information systems
– Chiefs of U.A.A
– Request Management System
– Approval of the Head of the UAA applicant in the Application Management system. | – Make a request for each information system for which you require role assignment or access permissions. – Provide the following information: Full names and surnames, number and type of identification document, position, Academic program or Administrative Academic Unit to which it is assigned, personal email, name of the system for which it requests the role and the description of the activities required to be performed or the name of the role. |
Every day something new happens!
The most important news from our school that motivates us to continue growing
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Contact Us

Information and Communication Technologies Division – DTIC
Phone: +57 (607) 6344000
Extension: 2161 – 1247
Email: dtic@uis.edu.co

Campus principal UIS
Carrera 27 calle 9
Bucaramanga, Santander

Office hours:
Monday to Friday
7:00 a.m. – 12:00 m.
2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Do yo want more information?
Contact Us

Information and Communication Technologies Division – DTIC
Phone: +57 (607) 6344000
Extension: 2161 – 1247

Campus principal UIS
Bucaramanga, Santander
Carrera 27 calle 9
Ciudad Universitaria.
Universidad Industrial de Santander.

Office hours:
Monday to Friday
7:00 a.m. – 12:00 m.
2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Do yo want more information?
Contact Us

Information and Communication Technologies Division – DTIC
Phone: +57 (607) 6344000
Extension: 2161 – 1247

Campus principal UIS
Bucaramanga, Santander
Carrera 27 calle 9
Ciudad Universitaria.
Universidad Industrial de Santander.

Office hours:
Monday to Friday
7:00 a.m. – 12:00 m.
2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.