
Administrative Unit







Pedro Antonio

García Obando



Pedro Antonio

García Obando


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Reading rooms: the library has spacious reading rooms, where users can work in teams or individually.

Book lending: the possibility of borrowing bibliographic material from the library for a determined period in accordance with the established regulations.

DomiBook: temporary home loan service. Applies to the Central Library, Health Faculty Library and the Barrancabermeja Campus Library.

Interlibrary loan: external loan system provided by the library to other information units, according to previously established agreements and standardized procedures. UIS users also receive this benefit and may request bibliographic material from those institutions that are part of the UNIRED agreement.

References: guidance and advice in the search and supply of bibliographic information sources.

24-hour Library: as a strategy of the Academic Excellence Support System (SEA), during the final exams period, in accordance with the academic calendar, the library offers additional hours of service in order to provide continuous 24-hour service to its users.

Tutoring during exam periods: during midterm and final exam week, tutors provide academic assistance.

UIS Virtual Library: access to electronic resources for the search of bibliographic records or retrieval of full text in various formats, journal articles, books, national and international standards, theses, research, guides, manuals, press, videos, images, conferences, among other documents in all areas of knowledge. It also offers tools with special functionalities to support teaching, learning and research activities.

 UIS Query System: provides users with an easy way to access the institution’s information resources from a single search interface. With just one search you can find results from the databases linked to the University, open access databases and the UIS bibliographic catalog.

On-demand training: possibility of requesting, through a web form, training sessions or courses on specific topics to develop information search skills through the use and autonomous exploitation of the available bibliographic resources and services.

Training calendar: open training sessions, workshops or webinars are offered permanently, all available on the library’s web portal.


Specialized assistants: with the support of students from different academic programs of the University, we offer training and advice on the management and proper use of specialized databases in different areas of knowledge.

SEA lenguaje digital: this program offers first semester students the opportunity to learn about the services and resources of the UIS Library, in order to support their comprehensive training and academic activities, providing them with tools to become autonomous users in the use and management of information. The program is carried out with the support of auxiliary students who perform 6 hours of training distributed through one of the subjects of the semester.

Bibliographic commutation: allows the recovery of existing information in other information units or specialized research centers. Bibliographic information exchange agreements are maintained with international institutions such as ICYT-CINDOC, BRITISH LIBRARY, INIST, REPIDISCA, CEPIS and PATENT TRADEMARK and at the national level, with all higher education institutions and research centers.

Information dissemination: the library informs the community about the documentation received through:

Difusión de información: La Biblioteca informa a la comunidad, acerca de la documentación recibida mediante:

  • Information Alert: massive dissemination of recently acquired bibliographic material, through traditional means such as bulletins, newspapers, photocopies, exhibition of the material and tables of contents; and by means of computer technologies such as the website or e-mail.
  • Selective Dissemination of Information (D.S.I.): a program aimed at informing researchers and people involved in special projects about new bibliographic material received on topics of their interest. The library selects, evaluates, retrieves and organizes the information for each user, according to a previously established profile.

UIS graduates: the library maintains a close relationship with UIS graduates, so they have access to the UIS Virtual Library and the lending service of bibliographic material by filling out the registration form available on the website.

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634 4000 Ext. 2180

Icono de la unidad responsable

UIS  Main Campus

Bucaramanga, Santander

Address Cra 27 street 9 Ciudad Universitaria

Indicatives: Country: 57 City: 7 A.A 678

Icono del horario de atención

Office hours:

Monday to Friday

7:00 a.m. – 12:00 m.

2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

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Contact Us

Icono de la ubicación para la atención de la unidad


634 4000 Ext. 2180

Icono de la unidad responsable

UIS  Main Campus

Bucaramanga, Santander

Address Cra 27 street 9 Ciudad Universitaria

Indicatives: Country: 57 City: 7 A.A 678

Icono del horario de atención

Office hours:

Monday to Friday

7:00 a.m. – 12:00 m.

2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

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Contact Us

Icono de la ubicación para la atención de la unidad


634 4000 Ext. 2180

Icono de la unidad responsable

 UIS  Main Campus

Bucaramanga, Santander

Address Cra 27 street 9 Ciudad Universitaria

Indicatives: Country: 57 City: 7 A.A 678

Icono del horario de atención

Office hours:

Monday to Friday

7:00 a.m. – 12:00 m.

2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

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