




and solutions

We are the Faculty of Sciences of the Universidad Industrial de Santander. We offer a range of possibilities for the training of professionals in the areas of the exact, physical and natural sciences. With more than 33 years of creation, we have a solid faculty, with high standards of academic and human quality. Biology, Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics are our four schools that run undergraduate, graduate, and complementary education programs. Modern services to the community, research groups and hotbeds, laboratories and chairs, nourish the training and knowledge of each of our students.

Gilberto Arenas Díaz, professor of the School of Mathematics, is presented to the general public and the educational community. D. in Mathematical Sciences. The photo was taken in the foreground, white background and the professor is located in the center


Arenas Díaz

Faculty Dean

Gilberto Arenas Díaz, professor of the School of Mathematics, is presented to the general public and the educational community. D. in Mathematical Sciences. The photo was taken in the foreground, white background and the professor is located in the center


Arenas Díaz

Faculty Dean

Contact Us




The Faculty of Sciences of the Universidad Industrial de Santander has four Schools: Biology, Physics, Mathematics, and Chemistry. It offers undergraduate and graduate academic programs, conducts high-level scientific research, and offers educational, technological, and consulting services in the area of Exact, Physical, and Natural Sciences. It is also part of the training, at the first levels, of students from other academic programs of the UIS, providing the scientific foundation necessary to train professionals in line with the institutional objectives. To achieve all its activities, it has 102 plant teachers, 23 groups and one (1) research center recognized nationally and internationally for its academic trajectory and scientific productivity.




The Faculty of Sciences of UIS was born in 1966 as the Department of Basic Sciences. Since its creation, it has aimed to offer undergraduate and postgraduate programs in the exact, physical and natural sciences, in order to consolidate a pole of development of the sciences in the region and of the teachers who transmit this knowledge. In 1994, the organizational structure of the university was reformed by transforming the departments into schools and later, in 1996, the Doctorate in Physics and Chemistry was created, completing the training in these fields at all levels.





The Faculty of Science of the Universidad Industrial de Santander is an academic community oriented towards research as a fundamental axis of its missionary functions. It is dedicated to the generation of scientific knowledge, dissemination and teaching of the exact, physical and natural sciences. To this end, it trains high-quality researchers and professionals at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels, and provides solutions that lead to the improvement of the quality of life of society at the regional and national levels.


The Faculty of Science of the Universidad Industrial de Santander will be internationally recognized for its scientific productivity of high impact in basic and applied sciences, contributing to the development of society. It will be characterized by a culture of international academic collaboration, reflected in the constant interaction with research groups, the active participation in academic networks and the mobility of its community. Its schools will offer high quality programs at all levels of education. It will have a team committed to the development of the faculty, composed of a faculty with 100% doctoral training, support staff





The Faculty of Sciences of the Universidad Industrial de Santander has four Schools: Biology, Physics, Mathematics, and Chemistry. It offers undergraduate and graduate academic programs, conducts high-level scientific research, and offers educational, technological, and consulting services in the area of Exact, Physical, and Natural Sciences. It is also part of the training, at the first levels, of students from other academic programs of the UIS, providing the scientific foundation necessary to train professionals in line with the institutional objectives. To achieve all its activities, it has 102 plant teachers, 23 groups and one (1) research center recognized nationally and internationally for its academic trajectory and scientific productivity.




The Faculty of Sciences of the UIS was born in 1966 as the division of Basic Sciences. Since its inception, it has strived to offer undergraduate and postgraduate programs in the exact sciences, physical and natural, to consolidate a pole of development of the sciences in the region and of teachers who impart this knowledge. In 1994 the organizational structure of the university was reformed by transforming the departments into Schools and later in 1996, the Doctorate in Physics and Chemistry were created completing training in these fields at all levels.





The Faculty of Sciences of the Universidad Industrial de Santander is an academic community oriented towards research as a fundamental axis of its missionary functions. It is dedicated to the generation of scientific knowledge, the dissemination, and teaching of the Exact, Physical, and Natural Sciences. For this purpose, it forms high-quality researchers and professionals at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels and provides solutions that lead to the improvement of the quality of life in society at the regional and national levels.


The Faculty of Sciences of the Universidad Industrial de Santander will be recognized internationally for its scientific productivity of high impact in basic and applied sciences that contributes to the development of society. It will be characterized by a culture of international academic cooperation, reflected in the ongoing interaction with research groups, active participation in academic networks, and the mobility of its community. Your Schools will offer high-quality programs at all levels of training. It will have a team committed to the development of the Faculty, composed of a teacher plant with 100% doctoral training, support staff with outstanding professional competencies, and will have the physical and technological infrastructure that supports the performance of excellence in missionary functions.


Get to know
our organizational

Schools and




.School of Biology

2 Academic programs





10 Semesters




Master’s Degree in Biology

Investigation | 4 semesters

PhD in Biological Sciences

Investigation | 8 semesters



School of Mathematics

6 Academic programs





10 semesters

Mathematics Education

10 semesters




Specialization in Statistics

5 semesters

Master’s Degree in Mathematics Education

Investigation | 4 semesters

Master’s Degree in Mathematics Education

Deepening | 4 semesters

Master of Mathematics

Investigation | 4 semesters



School of Physics

5 Academic programs





10 semesters




Master of Physics

Investigation | 4 semesters

Master’s Degree in Geophysics

Investigation | 4 semesters

Master’s Degree in Applied Mathematics

Investigation | 4 semesters

Doctorate in Physics

8 semesters




School of Chemistry

5 Academic programs





10 Semesters




Specialization in Chemistry and Environmental Management

2 semesters

Master of Chemistry

Investigation | 4 semesters

Master’s Degree in Environmental Chemistry

Deepening | 4 semesters

Doctorate in Chemistry

8 semesters


Level Courses


Click here to download the complete brochure (PDF).

Click here to register for the Regular Advanced Placement Course (2024 -2).

The dean offers courses to advance subjects of the different careers of the university. These courses are aimed at students who aspire to enter the UIS, in a period not exceeding 2 years, or who have been admitted to start classes in the following semester. For more information: adelanto.materias@uis.edu.co

SubjectAcademic Program to which it Applies
Calculation IIndustrial Engineering, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Systems Engineering, Petroleum Engineering, Metallurgical Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Geology, Industrial Design, Mathematics, Bachelor of Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics.
Linear AlgebraIndustrial Engineering, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Systems Engineering, Petroleum Engineering, Metallurgical Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Geology, Industrial Design, Mathematics, Bachelor of Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics.
Basic ChemistryIndustrial Engineering, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Systems Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Physics.
Chemistry IPetroleum Engineering, Metallurgical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Geology, Chemistry.
Descriptive geometryIndustrial Engineering, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Systems Engineering, Petroleum Engineering, Metallurgical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Geology, Industrial Design.
Medical Biosciences IMedicine

Start your registration here!​

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Contact Us

Icono de cantidad de estudiantes matriculados

Faculty of Science

Phone: +57 (607) 634 4000  

Extension: 2317 – 1023 – 2332

Direct phone: +57 (607) 6346149

Mail: decbas.secre@uis.edu.co

Icono de la ubicación para la atención de la unidad

UIS Central Campus

Bucaramanga, Santander

Cra 27 calle 9 Ciudad Universitaria. Edificio Livianos, primer piso.

Universidad Industrial de Santander.

Office hours:

Monday to Friday

7:00 a.m. – 12:00 m.

2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Do yo want more information?

Contact Us

Icono de la unidad responsable

Faculty of Science

Phone: +57 (607) 634 4000  

Extension: 2317 – 1023 – 2332

Direct phone: +57 (607) 6346149

Mail: decbas.secre@uis.edu.co

Icono de la ubicación para la atención de la unidad

UIS Central Campus

Bucaramanga, Santander

Cra 27 calle 9 Ciudad Universitaria. Edificio Livianos, primer piso.

Universidad Industrial de Santander.

Office hours:

Monday to Friday

7:00 a.m. – 12:00 m.

2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Do yo want more information?

Contact Us

Icono de la unidad responsable

Faculty of Science

Phone: +57 (607) 634 4000  

Extension: 2317 – 1023 – 2332

Direct phone: +57 (607) 6346149

Mail: decbas.secre@uis.edu.co

Icono de la ubicación para la atención de la unidad

UIS Central Campus

Bucaramanga, Santander

Cra 27 calle 9 Ciudad Universitaria. Edificio Livianos, primer piso.

Universidad Industrial de Santander.

Office hours:

Monday to Friday

7:00 a.m. – 12:00 m.

2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

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