Call for Medical Surgical Specialties 2022: Pathology

Academic Vice-Rectory



CALL FOR Medical Surgical Specialties 2022:


Universidad Industrial de Santander, in fulfillment of its mission and objectives, it offers through the School of Medicine, Faculty of Health, the following Medical Surgical Specialization Program:

Specialization in Pathology.

Bucaramanga, Santander: SNIES 713 | Qualified registration: Resolution 012982 of July 19, 2021 of the MEN. | Quotas: 1 | Duration: 3 years.

Medical Surgical Specialties


  • Registration fee

0.5 S.M.L.M.V.

  • Tuition fee (annual)

7 S.M.L.M.V.



  • Status of the call

Open call

  • October 31th, 2022

Opening of registrations

  • November 11th, 2022

Deadline for registration payment

  • November  17th, 2022

Closing date of the registration platform

  • November 18th, 2022

Publication of the list of candidates who meet the requirements and are summoned to take the knowledge test

  • November 23th, 2022

Knowledge test.

  • November 24th, 2022

Publication of knowledge test results.

  • November 28th, 2022

Publication of results resumes

  • December 2th, 2022

Publication of selected psychotechnical test and interview

  • December 5th-7th, 2022

Psychotechnical tests

  • December 12th, 2022

Conducting interviews

  • December 13th, 2022

Publication of admission results

  • December 16th, 2022

Last day for acceptance of the quota.






Please note that to complete the registration process you must have the following documents in PDF format:

  • Recent photo type document pasted in resume format.
    Copy of the valid identity document in Colombia, or valid passport, in the case of foreigners.
  • Copy of the diploma or undergraduate degree certificate required by the program, issued by a higher education institution recognized in Colombia. If the applicant has a degree from a university abroad, it must be duly apostilled and translated into Spanish, if it is in another language, and validated and approved by the Ministry of National Education, according to the current regulations established by this.
  • Certificate of the grades obtained during the undergraduate degree in Medicine, with the mention of the weighted average and the inclusion of information about the year of internship. If this document is issued in another language, it must be duly translated into Spanish. It is not necessary to provide this document in the case of graduates graduated with an undergraduate degree obtained in the Universidad Industrial de Santander.
  • Receipt of payment of registration in the amount of (0.5 SMMLV). To do this click here.
  • All applicants for a Specialization Program must complete the online registration process at the “UIS Registration” button located at the bottom of this section or click here.
  • Certification of the level of foreign language, which must be equivalent to or higher than level A1, in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, according to a standardized test carried out or approved by the Institute of Languages of the UIS.


    • In case of having a certificate of proficiency in English (TOEFL, IELTS, MET-Michigan, FCE), French (DELF, DALF) or Portuguese (CELPE-BRAS) the application for homologation must be sent to the ilenguas.pruebas@uis.edu.co mail or ilenguas2@uis.edu.co attaching the certificate and a copy of the identity document.
    • Only certificates demonstrating proficiency in the foreign language will be approved, minimum level A1 in the four competences (speaking, listening, reading and writing). o The validity of the tests with result A1 and A2 is for 2 years, validity that must be active at the time of registration; that is, it must not have expired. Results with competence B2 and C have no expiration date.
    • UIS Language Institute has scheduled for 2022 at least two weekly sessions for the realization of the institutional tests of foreign language, one virtual and one face-to-face per week.
    • Applicants can consult the schedule with the dates for the institutional competence exam by clicking here.
    • Request the scheduling of extemporaneous dates to the ilenguas.recursos@uis.edu.co mail or The certification of a foreign language will not be required to those applicants who speak a native language or to those who have obtained the university degree in a foreign language, according to the description of such studies in the corresponding documents.


License plate


Those applicants who are admitted must meet the requirements demanded by article 154 of the General Postgraduate Regulations, which was added as follows: Those admitted to the medical-surgical specializations, must present all the documents with which they accredit, in accordance with current legislation, compliance with the requirements to practice the profession of medicine in the national territory. In the event that, after the deadline for academic enrollment, the admitted does not accredit with the appropriate documents the requirement referred to in this paragraph, that quota will be reassigned to the applicant who has obtained the second highest score (Agreement No. 186 of August 28, 2015).


Evaluation of the resume


1. Work or research experience:

  • It will be taken into account that related to the area of medicine, which is only valid for professions related to the social security system in health from the registration to advance the mandatory social service or obtaining the professional card (Decree 616 of 2021).
  • Work experience must be certified by the head of the Human Resources Office, Head of Personnel or Human Talent of the entity where you have worked. In order for this documentation to be taken into account, it must contain the dates that allow calculating the calendar time of each experience.
  • If two or more work experience documents certify overlapping linking dates, the sum of calendar time will be taken into account, regardless of the certified linking time on each document. For example, a certificate from January 1 to March 31, 2019 together with another from February 1 to December 31, 2019 will count as 12 months of experience (from January 1 to December 31, 2019) and not as 14 months, as could be inferred from adding the independent time each certificate.
  • Contracts signed to carry out an activity are not considerable to prove professional experience since they constitute a promise and not evidence of a fulfilled fact.

2. Foreign language certificate, issued by the UIS Language Institute, as previously explained. For applicants who have two foreign language certifications, only the certificate that gives the highest score will be taken into account.

3. Distinctions or awards for academic performance. Only academic distinctions obtained during training or practice as a doctor will be taken into account. That is, and by way of example, labor, union, religious or civil distinctions will not be taken into account, nor those obtained during high school or other studies, as well as “nominations” for a distinction or having a “top five” or “top ten” type certificate, since the latter do not constitute having achieved the distinction or award for which it was chosen.


4. The weighted average in undergraduate Medicine, including year of internship, according to valid certification issued by the university from which the applicant is graduated. The grades of other undergraduate or postgraduate degrees that the applicant has advanced will not be taken into account.

5. Effective publications in the field of human medicine.

  • To assign score in this field, the supports must allow to verify that the applicant is an author and identify without a doubt the name of the journal or book, and the year in which it was made. Thus, the score will be assigned according to the classification of the journal in each year according to Publindex del Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación de Colombia.
  • The proceedings of congresses and other scientific events are not considered publications by themselves.

  • The letter of acceptance of the editor of the journal that will publish an article is valid, as long as its date of issue is prior to the closing date of this call and allows validating the authorship of the applicant.

6. The records of participation with papers in congress of the field of human medicine:

  • It must be evident, without a doubt, that the aspirant is an author.
  • The content of the paper should be derived from original research. That is, certifications will not be taken into account in which it is indicated that the applicant is an assistant, lecturer, organizer or sponsor, among others.
  • They are not valid as a support for presentation of the work in an event, the memories of the same. The appropriate support is the certificate issued by the event that indicates that the presentation was actually made.



  • When registering for the selection process, applicants must scan and attach the certifications of all aspects considered above, so that the assessment of the resume is valid and effective.
  • For all moments of the selection process, the only documents that will be taken into account are those uploaded to the registration platform until the closing date of the same.
  • Supports sent by any other means will not be taken into account unless they are requested expressly by the Directorate of Medical Education UIS.
  • Faced with the files to be uploaded to the registration platform, take into account:
  • Ensure that the quality of the resolution of the documents to be uploaded is adequate, in such a way that it allows its easy reading and compression.
  • Do not overload the archive of the media with material that will not be taken into account, since there is a risk of exceeding the capacity of the platform and that the media that are relevant cannot be loaded.
  • When naming files to upload, ONLY use letters; AVOID accents, symbols or spelling signs, as content may be altered or documents may not be revised.
  • Any applicant who does not pass the knowledge test will not continue in the selection process.
  • To the personal interview and the psychotechnical test will classify up to three applicants for each quota planned for the specialty to which it aspires selected from among those who have obtained the best scores product of the sum of the results of the evaluation of the resume and the knowledge exam.
  • The documents submitted will not be returned to the applicant.
    Registration fees and psychotechnical testing are non-refundable.
  • The omission of any of the aforementioned requirements cancels the registration.
  • The results published on the website of the UIS, according to the dates established in the call, will be the official mechanism for applicants to each of the programs to learn about the evolution of the process.
  • When registering for the selection process, applicants must scan and attach the certifications of all aspects considered above, so that the assessment of the resume is valid and effective.
  • For all moments of the selection process, the only documents that will be taken into account are those uploaded to the registration platform until the closing date of the same.
  • Supports sent by any other means will not be taken into account unless they are requested expressly by the Directorate of Medical Education UIS.
  • Faced with the files to be uploaded to the registration platform, take into account:
  • Ensure that the quality of the resolution of the documents to be uploaded is adequate, in such a way that it allows its easy reading and compression.
  • Do not overload the archive of the media with material that will not be taken into account, since there is a risk of exceeding the capacity of the platform and that the media that are relevant cannot be loaded.
  • When naming files to upload, ONLY use letters; AVOID accents, symbols or spelling signs, as content may be altered or documents may not be revised.
  • Any applicant who does not pass the knowledge test will not continue in the selection process.
  • To the personal interview and the psychotechnical test will classify up to three applicants for each quota planned for the specialty to which it aspires selected from among those who have obtained the best scores product of the sum of the results of the evaluation of the resume and the knowledge exam.
  • The documents submitted will not be returned to the applicant.
    Registration fees and psychotechnical testing are non-refundable.
  • The omission of any of the aforementioned requirements cancels the registration.
  • The results published on the website of the UIS, according to the dates established in the call, will be the official mechanism for applicants to each of the programs to learn about the evolution of the process.

Pagos y ventas UIS






Do you want more information?

Contact Us

Medical Education

Phone: +57 (607) 634 4000

Extension: 3213 – 3148

Direct: +57 (607) 634 3496




UIS Health Campus

Escuela de Medicina, Facultad de Salud.

Carrera 32 Nº 29-31, 4º piso.

Universidad Industrial de Santander.

Attention hours:

Monday to friday

7:00 a.m. to 12:00 m.

2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

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