Aula-TIC Salud 2021-2

Academic Vice Rector's Office






This call responds to the Policy of support to training through Information and Communication Technologies-ICT (Superior Agreement No. 051 of 2009) and complementary regulations. The Policy defines the guiding principles for the support of training through the use of ICTs, and considers the appropriation and appropriate use of technologies as support for the generation of possibilities to enrich the teaching, learning and evaluation processes.

As of 2021, the ICT-ELTIC leadership team included in its ICT portfolio a call especially oriented to promote the linking of students as support for the transformation of teaching strategies, based on the degree projects of the academic programs where these are a requirement for graduation. However, given that the School of Health does not require graduate work, the present call called “Aula-TIC Salud 2021-2” has been created as an institutional strategy to support teaching in order to motivate, promote, and achieve better learning results through the cooperation of students in the School of Health.



Receipt of applications 

From 7:00 a.m. on February 7TH, 2022, to 5:00 p.m. on February 9TH, 2022.

Call status

Closed call for applications






The main objective of the call is to strengthen the design, implementation or improvement of Virtual Classrooms (AV) in the Moodle institutional platform, through the assignment of student assistants to contribute to the development of the initiatives proposed by the professors who guide undergraduate courses in the programs of the Faculty of Health of the UIS.



  • Professors who do not have AV and who apply to design and implement it should include in their proposal:
    1. Minimum of three (3) thematic units.
    2. Minimum three (3) Moodle-associated resources per unit (These should include different multimedia resources: videos, images, dynamic presentations, among others).
    3. Minimum three (3) Moodle activities per unit. (These should include different types of activities: quizzes, homework, forums, glossaries, h5p, games, among others).
  • Professors who have an AV and require support to improve and implement it during semester 2021-2 should include in their proposal:
    1. The current state of the classroom to be intervened.
    2. Improvements to be made.
  • Not having commitments with other ICT calls led by the Academic Vice Rector’s Office of the UIS..
  • The AV to be intervened must benefit a population made up of UIS undergraduate students.
  • In the Virtual Classroom, and in all products resulting from the experience, the authors (professor and student) must expressly mention their affiliation with the UIS.



  • Being an undergraduate student in an academic program attached to the Faculty of Health of the UIS and have current enrollment in the academic semester 2021-2.
  • Being studying, at least, the second level of their academic program.
  • Neither being on academic “conditional” status, nor have had disciplinary sanctions.
  • Have no financial support from the University that would preclude appointment to a Students’ part time jobs during the 2021-2 academic semester.
    • This requirement seeks to comply with institutional regulations for the appointment of Students’ part time jobs.




1. Preparation and submission of the application

The Dean’s Office of the School of Health will send an invitation to the professors of the School. The professors will be asked to identify themselves with one of the following scenarios:

  1. Having in semester 2021-2 a subject that does not have AV, and wishing to design and implement in semester 2021-2.
  2. Have a Virtual Classroom and require support to improve and implement in semester 2021-2.

Once the most appropriate scenario has been identified, the professors who wish to apply must contact a student who meets the requirements to be hired with a Students’ part time jobs, for which the following documents must be collected:

  • Resume of the student candidate (free format, not to exceed one page).
  • Photocopy of:
    • Citizenship card,
    • UIS student card,
    • Polygraph of grades for semester 2021-1,
    • Semester 2021-2 class schedule,
    • Screenshot with the proof of registration on the page of students call for assistants in the button Students’ part time jobs at UIS
    • Completed ARL format. You can download an excel version for editing in the button ARL Format

The professor, with support from the student candidate, should identify a list of activities to be performed by the student assistant, and describe how these activities will enable the professor to achieve the objective of the nomination.

In order to formalize the application, the form must be filled out: “Call for student assistants of academic programs attached to the Faculty of Health to strengthen the implementation of virtual classrooms in moodle”. before the deadline established in this call (see schedule). This form is available on the button Registration Form and before filling it out, prepare the student assistant’s supporting document to be attached to the form.

In the same .PDF file you must upload the following documents, in the order described here; the file name must correspond to the student’s first and last name:

  1. Summarized resume
  2. Citizenship card
  3. UIS student card
  4. Polygraph of grades for semester 2021-1,
  5. Semester 2021-2 class schedule,
  6. Screenshot with the proof of registration in the Assistant Students Program page (administrative students’ part time jobs)
  7. Fully completed ARL form.

2. Assignment of Students’ part time jobs

In order to award the number of hours for each Students’ part time jobs, the main selection criterion for this call is the order of enrollment of applications for each scenario with a minimum of 6 winners and a maximum according to available resources.

The minimum number of hours to be assigned for each Students’ part time jobs for the first scenario will be 45 and for the second scenario will be 30.


The results of this call will be sent via e-mail to each of the registered professors.




By participating in the call for applications, the professor who applies acknowledges and accepts that, by producing the content to be disseminated through digital media, the intellectual property rights of third parties are not infringed and, if necessary, must provide the necessary authorizations and/or assignments of the economic rights of the developments or products obtained in favor of the University.

In any case, the professor assumes the commitment to hold harmless the UIS for third party claims associated with copyright ownership of the products derived from this call.

Without prejudice to the moral rights, which will always be recognized to the authors, the ownership of the economic rights derived from the creations object of this call will belong to the UIS, under the provisions of the laws on intellectual property, and by the provisions of Articles 11 and 12 of the Acuerdo del Consejo Superior N.° 093 de 2010 – Regulation of Intellectual Property.

Consequently, as the UIS is the owner of the patrimonial rights of the products derived from this call, it reserves the right of use, reproduction, adaptation, public communication, arrangement or any other transformation of the products obtained and, in general, all the prerogatives provided for in the legal system.






Publication of the period for receipt of applications. January 31st, 2022
Receipt of applications from 7:00 a.m. on February 7th until 5:00 p.m. on February 9th, 2022.
Publication of results and assignment of Students’ part time jobs. February 14th, 2022
Execution of the activities included in the application. Until the end date of the 2021-2 academic semester




For more information contact:

Do you need more information?

Contact us

Academic Vice Rector’s Office

Telephone: +57 (607) 634 4000
E-mail: vacadem@uis.edu.co
UIS Central Campus

Bucaramanga, Santander
Carrera 27 calle 9
Ciudad Universitaria
Office hours:

Monday to Friday
7:00 a.m. to 12:00 m.
2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
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