Academic Vice-Rectory
This call responds to the Policy of support for training through Information and Communication Technologies (Superior Agreement No. 051 of 2009) and the complementary regulations. The Policy defines the guiding principles of support for training through the use of ICT, and considers the appropriation and proper use of technologies as a generator of possibilities to enrich the teaching, learning and evaluation processes.
Correspondingly, this call seeks to encourage the development of proposals formulated within the framework of degree projects, by teams of students and professors of the Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS), which support the training processes of UIS undergraduate academic programs, through the use of ICT tools.
It is of institutional interest to make visible in the profiles of students about to graduate, the learning results and competencies developed through the training process, evidence of the institutional imprint that results from the appropriation of the Institutional Project 2018 and the UIS21 Pedagogical Model.

- October 12, 2022; 5:00 p.m.
Deadline for sending applications to the Academic Vice-Rector’s Office using the Registration Form.
- Call Status:
Closed call.
- Objectives
- Requirements
- Intellectual property
- Stimuli
Support the development of proposals formulated, within the framework of undergraduate degree works, that complement the training processes of UIS undergraduate academic programs through the use of ICT tools.
[1] This requirement seeks to comply with institutional regulations to allow the delivery of the prize provided for students. |
Intellectual Property
With the participation in the call, the professor who applies recognizes and accepts that when producing the content that is going to be disseminated through digital media, no intellectual property rights of third parties are violated and, if necessary, must provide the authorizations and / or assignments to which there is place of the economic rights of the developments or products that are obtained in favor of the University.
In any case, the professor assumes the commitment to keep the UIS harmless for claims of third parties associated with copyright ownership of the products derived from this call.
Without prejudice to the moral rights, which will always be recognized to the authors, the ownership of the economic rights derived from the creations object of this call will belong to the UIS, by virtue of the provisions of the laws on intellectual property, and by the provisions of articles 11 and 12 of the Agreement of the Superior Council No. 093 of 2010 – Intellectual Property Regulation.
Consequently, as the UIS is the owner of the economic rights of the products derived from this call, it reserves the right to use, reproduce, adapt, public communication, arrange or any other transformation of the products obtained and in general all the prerogatives provided for in the legal system.
Each winning proposal will receive the following stimuli:
- For the authors (students) and for each winning proposal, they will be awarded with 124 hours of student assistance, as financial support to execute the project. In the case of several authors, the prize is distributed among the students as previously established in the stage of elaboration of the proposal and following the institutional regulations of auxiliaries.
- For the director and co-director (if applicable), who are plant professors, chair and tutors, $ 600,000 = will be awarded for each proposal, represented in peripherals for computer equipment according to catalog and suppliers that will be supplied by the Academic Vice-Rectory. If there is a director and co-director, it must be established who and in what proportion will receive the prize intended for teachers, and in the case of being a teacher plant, occasional plant or occasional teacher common cycle will enter in their name in the institutional inventory.
Support the development of proposals formulated, within the framework of undergraduate degree works, that complement the training processes of UIS undergraduate academic programs through the use of ICT tools.
[1] This requirement seeks to comply with institutional regulations to allow the delivery of the prize provided for students. |
Intellectual Property
With the participation in the call, the professor who applies recognizes and accepts that when producing the content that is going to be disseminated through digital media, no intellectual property rights of third parties are violated and, if necessary, must provide the authorizations and / or assignments to which there is place of the economic rights of the developments or products that are obtained in favor of the University.
In any case, the professor assumes the commitment to keep the UIS harmless for claims of third parties associated with copyright ownership of the products derived from this call.
Without prejudice to the moral rights, which will always be recognized to the authors, the ownership of the economic rights derived from the creations object of this call will belong to the UIS, by virtue of the provisions of the laws on intellectual property, and by the provisions of articles 11 and 12 of the Agreement of the Superior Council No. 093 of 2010 – Intellectual Property Regulation.
Consequently, as the UIS is the owner of the economic rights of the products derived from this call, it reserves the right to use, reproduce, adapt, public communication, arrange or any other transformation of the products obtained and in general all the prerogatives provided for in the legal system.
Each winning proposal will receive the following stimuli:
- For the authors (students) and for each winning proposal, they will be awarded with 124 hours of student assistance, as financial support to execute the project. In the case of several authors, the prize is distributed among the students as previously established in the stage of elaboration of the proposal and following the institutional regulations of auxiliaries.
- For the director and co-director (if applicable), who are plant professors, chair and tutors, $ 600,000 = will be awarded for each proposal, represented in peripherals for computer equipment according to catalog and suppliers that will be supplied by the Academic Vice-Rectory. If there is a director and co-director, it must be established who and in what proportion will receive the prize intended for teachers, and in the case of being a teacher plant, occasional plant or occasional teacher common cycle will enter in their name in the institutional inventory.
The student must propose, within the framework of their degree work, the development of one or more elements that support the training processes through the use of ICT. The correspondence with the objective of the call, justification, planning, the application and incorporation of simulation tools and their impact on the teaching-learning process, among others, will be valued. The degree work may be developed in any of the modalities of degree work approved by the School or program, provided that the objective of the project points to the objective of this call. The proposal must correspond to the plan approved by the Degree Work Committee of the School, and the elements that must be extracted from its degree work plan to be submitted to this call, are in the proposal format contained in Annex 1. | The proposal may be submitted by an author or several authors, but it must correspond to the same students, the director and co-director (if applicable) authorized by the degree work committee for its realization; therefore, it is not allowed to include new members once the nomination of the proposal is submitted. All authors must authorize participation in the call, through Annex 3. |
Sending proposals
The student’s proposal must have the endorsement of the professor director of the degree project and co-director (if applicable). These roles for the teacher or professors must have the official assignment by the degree work committee. This endorsement implies that the supervision of the progress of the execution of the proposal can be consulted and managed through the director of the degree work | The student will fill out Annex 1 and send it to the principal and co-director teacher (if applicable) so that the corresponding endorsement can be granted. The guarantee or guarantees must be transformed into a single PDF file. The information of the proposal consigned in Annex 1, together with the endorsements and authorizations must be sent to the Academic Vice-Rector’s Office through the Registration Form button, located at the top of this page. |
The ELTIC will be in charge of the evaluation process of the proposals, firstly, in terms of verifying compliance with the requirements of the call and, secondly, following the criteria set out in Annex 2.
For a proposal to be considered within the list of eligible winners, it must obtain at least 80% of the maximum possible score.
The three (3) best scores from each of the following groups will be selected as winners:
If within any of the groups the three (3) winners are not completed, the ELTIC may reassign the available places in the third stage of selection. |
For the development of the proposal, it is requested that all activities included in the project be executed during the calendar year 2022. At the end of the development stage, the team of students and professors who authored the proposal must:
Students with winning proposals must complete the project, deliver the products described in the proposal and meet all the commitments of this call before receiving their degree. | This verification will be included as a degree requirement (peace and salvo) from the Academic Vice-Rectory. In case the scheduling of the event is after the student’s degree, an agreement must be established on which other member of the team will attend this commitment and the agreement must be notified to ELTIC. In this case, the iv requirement will not be included in the peace and except for the student’s degree. The fulfillment of the commitments of this call, in the case of students, is independent of the academic evaluation of the degree work. Likewise, in case of unjustified breach of commitments by students, this may lead to the respective sanctions and / or other relevant actions. In the case of participating professors, the commitments of this call are part of their contracted teaching activities (chair professors) or their teaching functions (staff professors), as directors or co-directors of the degree work of the participating students. Then, the unjustified breach of the commitments acquired within the framework of this call, may give rise to the respective sanctions according to the type of link they have with the University. |
Deadline for sending applications to the Academic Vice-Rector’s Office using the Registration Form.
Evaluation of proposals.
Publication of preliminary results. |
Period of correction of proposals.
Publication of final results.
Completion of execution of the proposal and delivery of documents for closing. |
For additional information about this call, you can contact the ICT liaison professor – PETIC of your faculty, as follows:
Faculty | Professor Name link TIC – PETIC | |
Sciences | Claude Andre Ewert de Geus | cewert@uis.edu.co |
IPRED | Margarita Rodríguez Villabona | marodvil@uis.edu.co |
Human Sciences | Héctor Luis Romero Valbuena | hvalbuen@uis.edu.co |
Physicochemical Eng. | Hernando Guerrero Amaya | hegueama@uis.edu.co |
Physicomechanics Eng. | Javier Eduardo Arias Osorio | jearias@uis.edu.co |
CEDEDUIS | Esperanza Revelo Jiménez | erevelo@uis.edu.co |
You can also contact the professionals Jorge Iván Torres Camacho (email: jitorres@uis.edu.co) or María del Pilar Díaz Jaimes (emails: academicaprofesores@uis.edu.co and política.tic@uis.edu.co)
Do you want more information?
Contact Us

Academic Vice-Rectory
Phone: +57 (607) 6344000
Extension: 2128
Mail: vacadem@uis.edu.co

Main Campus UIS
Bucaramanga, Santander
Carrera 27 calle 9
Ciudad Universitaria

Attention Hours:
Monday to friday
7:00 a.m. a 12:00 m.
2:00 p.m. a 5:00 p.m.