Public call for applications for condonable educational loans for research master's degrees and medical-surgical specializations
Public Call for access to condonable educational loans for research master’s degree studies and medical-surgical specializations.
Formation of high-level human capital for the Department of Santander at the Universidad Industrial de Santander BPIN 2020000100536.
Colombian professionals admitted to any of the research master’s degree programs and to the medical-surgical specialties offered in this call listed in numeral 6 and who have not begun their studies.
Master's Degrees
The financing for each beneficiary will be for a maximum period of two (2) years and for a maximum amount of EIGHTY MILLION PESOS ($80,000,000).
The following items will be financed:
Tuition support: a maximum amount of TWENTY MILLION PESOS ($20.000.000) for the two (2) years. The remaining program tuition will be subsidized by the University for the same period.
Monthly support:Since these are full-time programs, support will be granted for the support of the beneficiary in the amount of TWO MILLION FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND PESOS ($2,500,000) for up to 24 months, i.e., a maximum total of $60,000,000.
The funding for each beneficiary will be for a maximum period of three (3) years and for a maximum amount of ONE HUNDRED TWENTY-SIX MILLION PESOS ($126.000.000)
The following items will be financed:
Tuition support: a maximum amount of THIRTY SIX MILLION PESOS ($36.000.000) for the three (3) years. The remaining tuition money for the program will be subsidized by the University for the same period.
Monthly support: Since these are full-time programs, support for the beneficiary’s maintenance will be granted in the amount of TWO MILLION FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND PESOS ($2,500,000) for up to 36 months, i.e., a maximum total of $90,000,000.
Remote - Extraordinary
Institutional English Proficiency Test UIS: Remote modality.
- Date: May 25th, 2022.
- Registration:May 23d, 2022. Until 2:00 p.m.
- Duration:
- Written Test 2 and a half hours in the morning (8:00-10:30 a.m.)
- Oral Test 15 minutes on the attached day.
- Fee for the exam: 179.000 pesos.
- E-mails to request payment receipt:
- iladult@uis.edu.co
- ilenguas.recursos@uis.edu.co

Aspects of the
.The applicant must be admitted to one of the programs associated with the focus to which the proposal is submitted and must not have begun studies.
At the end of the registration period, the Medical Education Department of the School of Health will verify that all those registered in the process are registered in the information system; then, it will generate and send to the applicants the credentials with the citation to the different tests.
Master’s Degrees
(Academic Council Resolution 129 of 2022) Financial Calendar – Second Half Year 2022Date | Description |
May 4 | Publication of the call for registration. |
May 4 | Beginning of registration payment. |
June 1 | Deadline for payment of registration fee. |
Date | Description |
May 4 | Publication of the call |
June 3 | Registration closes (online). |
June 8 | Psycho-technical testing of applicants to programs that have required it. |
June 10 | Deadline for submitting the results of the psycho-technical tests to the graduate program coordinators. |
June 14 | Beginning of entrance exam. |
June 16 | Last day of the entrance exam. |
June 21 | Interviews. |
June 23 | Publication of admission results. |
. (Academic Council Agreement 100 of 2022).Date | Description |
May 4 | Registration opening for the Medical and Surgical Specializations of the School of Medicine, corresponding to the year 2022. |
July 29 | Deadline for registration payment. |
August 4 | Closing date of the registration platform. |
August 5 | Verification of documentation and number of registrants at the School of Medicine. |
August 9 | Publication of the list of applicants who meet the requirements and are summoned to take the knowledge test. |
August 11 | Deadline to send the replacements of the applicants who were not included in the list of those summoned to take the knowledge test. |
August 17 | Publication of the final list of candidates who meet the requirements and are summoned to take the knowledge test. |
August 25 | Subject knowledge test (in-person modality). |
August 26 | Publication of the results of the knowledge test. |
September 23 | Publication of the results of the score assigned to the résumé of each applicant who passed the knowledge test. |
September 26 | Deadline for applicants to submit resume re-qualification requests. |
October 3 | Deadline for the School of Medicine to resolve applicants’ requests for resume re-qualification. |
October 4 | Sending of the answers to the appeals for re-qualification of the resumes and publication of the final score of the resume evaluation. |
October 4 | Publication of selected candidates for the psycho-technical test and interview. |
October 10 al 13 | Performance of a psycho-technical test. |
October 14 | Deadline for submitting psycho-technical test results to the Office of Medical Education. |
October 18 to 25 | Interviews. |
October 27 | Publication of the results of admission of new applicants with the approval of the School of Medicine Council. |
November 8 | Deadline for the acceptance of the quota by the admitted applicants. |
Master’s Degree
Departament | Challenge | Strategic Focus | Quotas |
Santander | Improving productivity and sustainability in the agricultural sectors with the greatest development potential in the department, through the development and transfer of knowledge and technologies with SRCTI stakeholders, in search of equitable rural development. Strengthening of research, technological development, innovation or productivity centers or technology parks, in line with the department’s strategic focuses. | F1 Biodiversity – biotechnology | 8 |
F2 Energy | 8 | ||
F3 Health | 8 | ||
F4 Agro-industry | 8 | ||
F5 Manufacture | 8 | ||
F6 Tourism | 1 | ||
Total: | 41 |
.Program | Quotas |
Specialization in Gynecology and Obstetrics | 1 |
Specialization in Internal Medicine | 1 |
Specialization in Pathology | 1 |
Specialization in Pediatrics | 1 |
Total | 4 |
Departamento | Reto | Foco estratégico | Cupos |
Santander | Mejora en productividad y sostenibilidad en los sectores agropecuarios con mayor potencial de desarrollo del departamento, a través de desarrollo y transferencia de conocimiento y tecnologías con los actores del SRCTI, en buscade un desarrollo rural equitativo. Fortalecimiento de centros de investigación, de desarrollo tecnológico de innovación o de productividad o de parques tecnológicos, acordes a los focos estratégicos del departamento. | F1 Biodiversidad – biotecnología | 8 |
F2 Energía | 8 | ||
F3 Salud | 8 | ||
F4 Agroindustria | 8 | ||
F5 Manufactura | 8 | ||
F6 Turismo | 1 | ||
Total: | 41 |
Médico Quirúrgicas
.Programa | Cupos |
Especialización en Ginecología y Obstetricia | 1 |
Especialización en Medicina Interna | 1 |
Especialización en Patología | 1 |
Especialización en Pediatría | 1 |
Total | 4 |
Master’s Degree
.- List of research master’s degrees associated with the focuses of the Department of Santander, included in the call for proposals:
N° | Academic Program | Focus |
1 | Master’s Degree in Biologya | *F1 Biodiversity and Biotechnology |
2 | Master’s Degree in Basic Biomedical Sciences | *F3 Health |
3 | Master in Economics and Development | *F1 Biodiversity and Biotechnology *F3 Health *F6 Tourism |
4 | Master’s Degree in Physics | *F2 Energy *F3 Health |
5 | Master in Physical Therapy | *F1 Biodiversity and Biotechnology *F3 Health |
6 | Master in Geophysics | *F1 Biodiversity and Biotechnology *F2 Energy |
7 | Master’s Degree in History * | *F1 Biodiversity and Biotechnology *F2 Energy *F4 Agro-industry *F5 Manufacture *F6 Tourism |
8 | Master’s Degree in Civil Engineering | *F1 Biodiversity and Biotechnology *F2 Energy *F3 Health *F4 Agro-industry *F5 Manufacture *F6 Tourism |
9 | Master’s Degree in Hydrocarbon Engineering | *F2 Energy |
10 | Master’s Degree in Materials Engineering | *F2 Energy *F3 Health *F5 Manufacture |
11 | Master’s Degree in Systems Engineering and Computer Science | *F1 Biodiversity and Biotechnology *F2 Energy *F3 Health *F4 Agro-industry *F5 Manufacture *F6 Tourism |
12 | Master’s Degree in Telecommunications Engineering | *F3 Health *F5 Manufacture |
13 | Master’s Degree in Electrical Engineering | *F2 Energy *F4 Agro-industry *F5 Manufacture |
14 | Master’s Degree in Electronic Engineering | *F2 Energy *F4 Agro-industry *F5 Manufacture |
15 | Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering | *F2 Energy *F3 Health *F4 Agro-industry *F5 Manufacture |
16 | Master’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering | *F1 Biodiversity and Biotechnology *F2 Energy * F4 Agro-industry *F5 Manufacture |
17 | Maestría en Ingeniería Química | *F1 Biodiversity and Biotechnology *F2 Energy *F3 Health *F4 Agro-industry *F5 Manufacture |
18 | Master’s Degree in Applied Mathematics * | *F2 Energy *F3 Health *F4 Agro-industry |
19 | Master’s Degree in Mathematics | *F3 Health *F4 Agro-industry |
20 | Master’s degree in Microbiology * | *F1 Biodiversity and Biotechnology *F3 Health |
21 | Master’s Degree in Chemistry | *F1 Biodiversity and Biotechnology *F2 Energy *F3 Health *F4 Agro-industry *F5 Manufacture |
* The master’s degree programs in History, Applied Mathematics and Microbiology will carry out the selection and admission process through the Academic Council Agreement 129 of 2022 and will begin their program from the first academic semester of 2023.
.- List of the medical-surgical specializations included in the call for applications.
Program |
Specialization in Gynecology and Obstetrics |
Specialization in Internal Medicine |
Specialization in Pathology |
Specialization in Pediatrics |
This public institutional call is articulated and subject to the following terms of reference. See document Appendix: |
The call
.By the deadline established in the schedule, candidates must submit the documents in a single PDF file created in the following order:
4. Research proposal: Corresponds to a text in which the applicant presents, in a concise manner, the research that he/she will carry out in the development of his/her studies of medical-surgical specialization or master’s degree in research associated with one of the six areas prioritized by the Department of Santander. .See resolution |
Qualifying Requirements
. Table 3. Documents to be submitted to certify the candidate’s compliance with the qualifying requirementsCANDIDATE REQUIREMENTS | DOCUMENT TO BE SUBMITTED VIA E-MAIL TO VALIDATE REQUIREMENTS (posgrado.minciencias@uis.edu.co) |
Being born in Colombia. | Photocopy of the candidate’s identification document. |
Demonstrate linkage to an entity of the National System of Science, Technology and Innovation (SNCTeI) or accredit CTeI products for the benefit of the department of Santander. |
Certification signed by the legal representative of the SNCTeI entity certifying its current or non-current affiliation (see Appendix 3. List of recognized SNCTeI actors). Submittal that allows the accreditation of the CTeI product(s) that have been carried out for the benefit of the department of Santander (see Appendix 4. Typology of products). |
Being admitted to one of the programs offered in the project proposal and not having started studies. | Admission letter from the University to the program you wish to take. |
Submit a proposal for a degree project articulated with one of the focuses prioritized for this call by the department of Santander. | Submission of the degree work proposal document taking into account the content and specifications of the document established in the present terms of reference. |
Being registered in the national database of the Beneficiary Selection System for Social Programs – SISBEN, provided by the National Planning Department – DNP, as of the last cut-off date. |
Screenshot or PDF of Registration in the SISBEN databases. Click here for SISBEN website |
Research Proposal
Research proposal: It corresponds to a text in which the applicant presents, in a concise manner, the research that he/she will carry out in the development of his/her medical-surgical specialization or master’s degree studies associated with one of the six areas prioritized by the Department of Santander. The proposal should be submitted considering the following sections:
. Contribution of the proposal to the strategic focus of the department of Santander. Scientific technical support. The following should be reported in this information:
Name of the director of the proposal and current classification (results of the Call for Proposals 894 of 2021 of the Ministerio de Ciencia Tecnología e Innovación). Include the CVLac consultation link and submit as an annex the letter of support signed by the director. 3. In case the postgraduate program to which the applicant was admitted is accredited, the resolution of high quality accreditation of the program, issued by the Ministerio de Educación Nacional, and which is at the Universidad Industrial de Santander, will be considered.
. If these appendixes are not included, the evaluators will not be able to award the respective score. The proposal must be submitted in Arial 11 point font format; double-spaced and with a maximum length of 3000 words or 10 pages, not including bibliography and appendixes. Notice. All information and documentation provided to register for the call for applications is confidential and will not be used for any purpose other than the performance of the evaluation. The process will be covered by confidentiality and no conflict of interest clauses.
. These are all those conditions of manner, time and place, objective or subjective, antecedent or concomitant, predictable of the applicant registered in the Call or of the project submitted for consideration, that prevent the continuity of his participation in the selection process, or that, having obtained the benefit in question, make it impossible for him to enjoy it: .
Contact Information
. for specific information to interested parties.* The master’s degree programs in History, Applied Mathematics and Microbiology will carry out the selection and admission process through the Academic Council Agreement 129 of 2022 and will begin their program from the first academic semester of 2023.
.The conditions for human capital formation for the Regions are established in the terms of reference for Facility 1:
- Master’s degree or medical-surgical specialties, established for the Call of the Science, Technology and Innovation Fund of the General System of Royalties for the Conformation of a List of Eligible Project Proposals aimed at the Formation of High Level Human Capital for the Regions. Learn more.
Criteria | Subcriterion | Score Maximum | |
Quality and consistency |
Formulation and background of the research question: contribution of the research question to the generation of new knowledge. Clarity and support of the scientific foundations. Concreteness of the research question(s) and hypothesis. |
40 | |
Coherence in the structuring of the degree work proposal: articulation and coherence between the research question, the objectives, the methodological design, the schedule of activities and the expected products. |
20 | ||
Expected Results |
CTeI products: products of new knowledge and technological development and innovation and of social appropriation of knowledge that are expected to be obtained from the degree work proposal. |
15 | |
Articulation of the degree work proposal. |
Contribution of the candidate’s degree work proposal to the strategic focus of the department of Santander. |
10 | |
Technical and scientific quality |
Research group supporting the candidate’s proposal (up to 8 points)
(Scale: Group A1: 8 points, Group A: 6 points, Group B: 4 points, Group C: 2 points, Recognized: 1 point, Unrecognized: 0 points) |
8 | |
Tutor supporting the candidate’s proposal (up to 5 points) (Scale: Senior or Emeritus: 5 points, Associate: 3 points, Junior: 1 point, Unclassified: 0 points). |
5 | ||
Quality of the academic program to be carried out (up to 2 points) (Scale: High quality accredited program: 2 points, Non-accredited program: 0 points) |
2 | ||
Total | 100 |
.The applicant must be admitted to one of the programs associated with the focus to which the proposal is submitted and must not have begun studies.
At the end of the registration period, the Medical Education Department of the School of Health will verify that all those registered in the process are registered in the information system; then, it will generate and send to the applicants the credentials with the citation to the different tests.
Master’s Degrees
(Academic Council Resolution 129 of 2022) Financial Calendar – Second Half Year 2022Date | Description |
May 4 | Publication of the call for registration. |
May 4 | Beginning of registration payment. |
June 1 | Deadline for payment of registration fee. |
Date | Description |
May 4 | Publication of the call |
June 3 | Registration closes (online). |
June 8 | Psycho-technical testing of applicants to programs that have required it. |
June 10 | Deadline for submitting the results of the psycho-technical tests to the graduate program coordinators. |
June 14 | Beginning of entrance exam. |
June 16 | Last day of the entrance exam. |
June 21 | Interviews. |
June 23 | Publication of admission results. |
. (Academic Council Agreement 100 of 2022).Date | Description |
May 4 | Registration opening for the Medical and Surgical Specializations of the School of Medicine, corresponding to the year 2022. |
July 29 | Deadline for registration payment. |
August 4 | Closing date of the registration platform. |
August 5 | Verification of documentation and number of registrants at the School of Medicine. |
August 9 | Publication of the list of applicants who meet the requirements and are summoned to take the knowledge test. |
August 11 | Deadline to send the replacements of the applicants who were not included in the list of those summoned to take the knowledge test. |
August 17 | Publication of the final list of candidates who meet the requirements and are summoned to take the knowledge test. |
August 25 | Subject knowledge test (in-person modality). |
August 26 | Publication of the results of the knowledge test. |
September 23 | Publication of the results of the score assigned to the résumé of each applicant who passed the knowledge test. |
September 26 | Deadline for applicants to submit resume re-qualification requests. |
October 3 | Deadline for the School of Medicine to resolve applicants’ requests for resume re-qualification. |
October 4 | Sending of the answers to the appeals for re-qualification of the resumes and publication of the final score of the resume evaluation. |
October 4 | Publication of selected candidates for the psycho-technical test and interview. |
October 10 al 13 | Performance of a psycho-technical test. |
October 14 | Deadline for submitting psycho-technical test results to the Office of Medical Education. |
October 18 to 25 | Interviews. |
October 27 | Publication of the results of admission of new applicants with the approval of the School of Medicine Council. |
November 8 | Deadline for the acceptance of the quota by the admitted applicants. |
Master’s Degree
Departament | Challenge | Strategic Focus | Quotas |
Santander | Improving productivity and sustainability in the agricultural sectors with the greatest development potential in the department, through the development and transfer of knowledge and technologies with SRCTI stakeholders, in search of equitable rural development. Strengthening of research, technological development, innovation or productivity centers or technology parks, in line with the department’s strategic focuses. | F1 Biodiversity – biotechnology | 8 |
F2 Energy | 8 | ||
F3 Health | 8 | ||
F4 Agro-industry | 8 | ||
F5 Manufacture | 8 | ||
F6 Tourism | 1 | ||
Total: | 41 |
.Program | Quotas |
Specialization in Gynecology and Obstetrics | 1 |
Specialization in Internal Medicine | 1 |
Specialization in Pathology | 1 |
Specialization in Pediatrics | 1 |
Total | 4 |
Departamento | Reto | Foco estratégico | Cupos |
Santander | Mejora en productividad y sostenibilidad en los sectores agropecuarios con mayor potencial de desarrollo del departamento, a través de desarrollo y transferencia de conocimiento y tecnologías con los actores del SRCTI, en buscade un desarrollo rural equitativo. Fortalecimiento de centros de investigación, de desarrollo tecnológico de innovación o de productividad o de parques tecnológicos, acordes a los focos estratégicos del departamento. | F1 Biodiversidad – biotecnología | 8 |
F2 Energía | 8 | ||
F3 Salud | 8 | ||
F4 Agroindustria | 8 | ||
F5 Manufactura | 8 | ||
F6 Turismo | 1 | ||
Total: | 41 |
Médico Quirúrgicas
.Programa | Cupos |
Especialización en Ginecología y Obstetricia | 1 |
Especialización en Medicina Interna | 1 |
Especialización en Patología | 1 |
Especialización en Pediatría | 1 |
Total | 4 |
Master’s Degree
- List of research master’s degrees associated with the focuses of the Department of Santander, included in the call for proposals:
N° | Academic Program | Focus |
1 | Master’s Degree in Biologya | *F1 Biodiversity and Biotechnology |
2 | Master’s Degree in Basic Biomedical Sciences | *F3 Health |
3 | Master in Economics and Development | *F1 Biodiversity and Biotechnology *F3 Health *F6 Tourism |
4 | Master’s Degree in Physics | *F2 Energy *F3 Health |
5 | Master in Physical Therapy | *F1 Biodiversity and Biotechnology *F3 Health |
6 | Master in Geophysics | *F1 Biodiversity and Biotechnology *F2 Energy |
7 | Master’s Degree in History * | *F1 Biodiversity and Biotechnology *F2 Energy *F4 Agro-industry *F5 Manufacture *F6 Tourism |
8 | Master’s Degree in Civil Engineering | *F1 Biodiversity and Biotechnology *F2 Energy *F3 Health *F4 Agro-industry *F5 Manufacture *F6 Tourism |
9 | Master’s Degree in Hydrocarbon Engineering | *F2 Energy |
10 | Master’s Degree in Materials Engineering | *F2 Energy *F3 Health *F5 Manufacture |
11 | Master’s Degree in Systems Engineering and Computer Science | *F1 Biodiversity and Biotechnology *F2 Energy *F3 Health *F4 Agro-industry *F5 Manufacture *F6 Tourism |
12 | Master’s Degree in Telecommunications Engineering | *F3 Health *F5 Manufacture |
13 | Master’s Degree in Electrical Engineering | *F2 Energy *F4 Agro-industry *F5 Manufacture |
14 | Master’s Degree in Electronic Engineering | *F2 Energy *F4 Agro-industry *F5 Manufacture |
15 | Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering | *F2 Energy *F3 Health *F4 Agro-industry *F5 Manufacture |
16 | Master’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering | *F1 Biodiversity and Biotechnology *F2 Energy * F4 Agro-industry *F5 Manufacture |
17 | Maestría en Ingeniería Química | *F1 Biodiversity and Biotechnology *F2 Energy *F3 Health *F4 Agro-industry *F5 Manufacture |
18 | Master’s Degree in Applied Mathematics * | *F2 Energy *F3 Health *F4 Agro-industry |
19 | Master’s Degree in Mathematics | *F3 Health *F4 Agro-industry |
20 | Master’s degree in Microbiology * | *F1 Biodiversity and Biotechnology *F3 Health |
21 | Master’s Degree in Chemistry | *F1 Biodiversity and Biotechnology *F2 Energy *F3 Health *F4 Agro-industry *F5 Manufacture |
* The master’s degree programs in History, Applied Mathematics and Microbiology will carry out the selection and admission process through the Academic Council Agreement 129 of 2022 and will begin their program from the first academic semester of 2023.
- List of the medical-surgical specializations included in the call for applications.
Program |
Specialization in Gynecology and Obstetrics |
Specialization in Internal Medicine |
Specialization in Pathology |
Specialization in Pediatrics |
This public institutional call is articulated and subject to the following terms of reference. See document Appendix: |
The call
.By the deadline established in the schedule, candidates must submit the documents in a single PDF file created in the following order:
4. Research proposal: Corresponds to a text in which the applicant presents, in a concise manner, the research that he/she will carry out in the development of his/her studies of medical-surgical specialization or master’s degree in research associated with one of the six areas prioritized by the Department of Santander. .See resolution |
Qualifying Requirements
. Table 3. Documents to be submitted to certify the candidate’s compliance with the qualifying requirementsCANDIDATE REQUIREMENTS | DOCUMENT TO BE SUBMITTED VIA E-MAIL TO VALIDATE REQUIREMENTS (posgrado.minciencias@uis.edu.co) |
Being born in Colombia. | Photocopy of the candidate’s identification document. |
Demonstrate linkage to an entity of the National System of Science, Technology and Innovation (SNCTeI) or accredit CTeI products for the benefit of the department of Santander. |
Certification signed by the legal representative of the SNCTeI entity certifying its current or non-current affiliation (see Appendix 3. List of recognized SNCTeI actors). Submittal that allows the accreditation of the CTeI product(s) that have been carried out for the benefit of the department of Santander (see Appendix 4. Typology of products). |
Being admitted to one of the programs offered in the project proposal and not having started studies. | Admission letter from the University to the program you wish to take. |
Submit a proposal for a degree project articulated with one of the focuses prioritized for this call by the department of Santander. | Submission of the degree work proposal document taking into account the content and specifications of the document established in the present terms of reference. |
Being registered in the national database of the Beneficiary Selection System for Social Programs – SISBEN, provided by the National Planning Department – DNP, as of the last cut-off date. |
Screenshot or PDF of Registration in the SISBEN databases. Click here for SISBEN website |
Research Proposal
Research proposal: It corresponds to a text in which the applicant presents, in a concise manner, the research that he/she will carry out in the development of his/her medical-surgical specialization or master’s degree studies associated with one of the six areas prioritized by the Department of Santander. The proposal should be submitted considering the following sections:
. Contribution of the proposal to the strategic focus of the department of Santander. Scientific technical support. The following should be reported in this information:
Name of the director of the proposal and current classification (results of the Call for Proposals 894 of 2021 of the Ministerio de Ciencia Tecnología e Innovación). Include the CVLac consultation link and submit as an annex the letter of support signed by the director. 3. In case the postgraduate program to which the applicant was admitted is accredited, the resolution of high quality accreditation of the program, issued by the Ministerio de Educación Nacional, and which is at the Universidad Industrial de Santander, will be considered.
. If these appendixes are not included, the evaluators will not be able to award the respective score. The proposal must be submitted in Arial 11 point font format; double-spaced and with a maximum length of 3000 words or 10 pages, not including bibliography and appendixes. Notice. All information and documentation provided to register for the call for applications is confidential and will not be used for any purpose other than the performance of the evaluation. The process will be covered by confidentiality and no conflict of interest clauses.
. These are all those conditions of manner, time and place, objective or subjective, antecedent or concomitant, predictable of the applicant registered in the Call or of the project submitted for consideration, that prevent the continuity of his participation in the selection process, or that, having obtained the benefit in question, make it impossible for him to enjoy it: .
Contact Information
. for specific information to interested parties.* The master’s degree programs in History, Applied Mathematics and Microbiology will carry out the selection and admission process through the Academic Council Agreement 129 of 2022 and will begin their program from the first academic semester of 2023.
.The conditions for human capital formation for the Regions are established in the terms of reference for Facility 1:
- Master’s degree or medical-surgical specialties, established for the Call of the Science, Technology and Innovation Fund of the General System of Royalties for the Conformation of a List of Eligible Project Proposals aimed at the Formation of High Level Human Capital for the Regions. Learn more.
Criteria | Subcriterion | Score Maximum | |
Quality and consistency | Formulation and background of the research question: contribution of the research question to the generation of new knowledge. Clarity and support of the scientific foundations. Concreteness of the research question(s) and hypothesis. | 40 | |
Coherence in the structuring of the degree work proposal: articulation and coherence between the research question, the objectives, the methodological design, the schedule of activities and the expected products. | 20 | ||
Expected Results | CTeI products: products of new knowledge and technological development and innovation and of social appropriation of knowledge that are expected to be obtained from the degree work proposal. | 15 | |
Articulation of the degree work proposal. | Contribution of the candidate’s degree work proposal to the strategic focus of the department of Santander. | 10 | |
Technical and scientific quality | Research group supporting the candidate’s proposal (up to 8 points) (Scale: Group A1: 8 points, Group A: 6 points, Group B: 4 points, Group C: 2 points, Recognized: 1 point, Unrecognized: 0 points) | 8 | |
Tutor supporting the candidate’s proposal (up to 5 points) (Scale: Senior or Emeritus: 5 points, Associate: 3 points, Junior: 1 point, Unclassified: 0 points). | 5 | ||
Quality of the academic program to be carried out (up to 2 points) (Scale: High quality accredited program: 2 points, Non-accredited program: 0 points) | 2 | ||
Total | 100 |
Do you need more information?
Contact us

Postgraduate Department
Telephone: +57 (607) 634 4000

UIS Central Campus
Bucaramanga, Santander
Carrera 27 calle 9
Ciudad Universitaria
Edificio Administración 1, piso 1.

Office hours:
Monday to Friday
7:00 a.m. to 12:00 m.
2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.