Call for public tender to select tenured professors 2022
Academic Vice Rector's Office
Public Call
In accordance with the Institutional Project, the Universidad Industrial de Santander is interested in hiring professors who have developed high quality ethical, political and professional training; who are governed by democratic principles; who allow and encourage critical reflection, the free exercise of the professorship, interdisciplinary work and are interested in keeping updated with the dynamics of the external world. Every person who aspires to be a professor at the Universidad Industrial de Santander, must assume with commitment and full awareness of his or her ethical and social responsibility, the role as a guide of the learning process that supports the integral formation of students, according to the Pedagogical Model, which is defined as an agreement of the community of professors, students, directors and other servants of the institution, on the principles and the way to execute the educational process at the Universidad Industrial de Santander. The Universidad Industrial de Santander invites to tender for the provision of full-time and part-time professor positions. Notice: In accordance with the competition schedule, each applicant may consult on this page, the publication of the results of the stages, claims and all activities that make up the development of the competition.
Adjustment of the calendar
Call for public tender to select tenured professors 2022
Rector's Resolution 472 de Abril 8 de 2022
Those interested in participating in the public tender must fill out the registration form and upload their resume and documents in a single file.
The order to organize the documents is as follows: 1. Letter to apply for participation. 2. Resume in the form established by the university.. 3. Academic degrees. 4. Certifications of experience. 5. Academic productivity. |
6. Certifications of refresher courses.
7. Inhabilidades query format Ley 1918 de 2018.
8. Certificate of proficiency in a foreign language.
Only files in pdf format and with a maximum weight of 10Mb will be accepted. The file name must be the applicant’s full name. |
The General Competition corresponds to the selection process of part-time or full-time professors, according to the needs contemplated in the Development Plan of the School, Department or Program of the Institute for Regional Projection and Distance Education, and with the characteristics that guarantee the capacity to support the development of teaching, research and the University-Society relationship, for the fulfillment of the Institutional Mission. In the General Competition selection modality, the required degree will be at the doctorate level. The Academic Council may authorize that the degree required in this public tender be at the master’s level when the academic-administrative unit justifies and accredits the impossibility of complying with this aspect of the profile. |
In any case, if authorization is granted by the Academic Council, those who are selected and are linked to the University commit themselves to begin doctoral training in the area of the public tender or in areas of education. Compliance with this commitment must be accredited at the beginning of the evaluation process of the first renewal of tenure. For the clinical areas of the School of Medicine, the profile with a medical-surgical specialty degree may be called. In this case, those who are selected and are linked to the University commit themselves to begin training in a master’s degree or doctoral program. Compliance with this commitment must be accredited at the beginning of the evaluation process of the first renewal of tenure. |
The General Competition corresponds to the selection process of part-time or full-time professors, according to the needs contemplated in the Development Plan of the School, Department or Program of the Institute for Regional Projection and Distance Education, and with the characteristics that guarantee the capacity to support the development of teaching, research and the University-Society relationship, for the fulfillment of the Institutional Mission. The requirements to participate in the professor public tender under the general competition modality are:
The language of the public tender is Spanish, therefore, all tests must be conducted in this language. Professionals whose mother tongue is not Spanish and who are linked to the University, within the framework of the application of these regulations, must present a certificate that expresses the B2 level of competence in the Spanish language, according to the Common European Framework for Languages, as an additional requirement to those provided for in the institutional regulations to pass the probationary period. The University will offer the professor in probationary period the necessary courses so that at the end of the probationary period he/she can certify at least the B2 level in the Spanish language. Professionals whose mother tongue is Spanish and who join the University, within the framework of the application of these regulations, must present a certificate expressing the B2 level of competence in a foreign language, according to the Common European Framework for Languages, as an additional requirement to those provided for in the institutional regulations in order to pass the probationary period. The University shall offer the probationary professor the necessary courses so that at the end of the probationary period he/she can certify at least the B2 level in a foreign language. |
The documents that must be submitted by the candidate to register for the general public tender are: Letter of application to participate in the public tender where the School, Department or Program and the area in which he/she wishes to compete are specified, addressed to the Academic Vice Rector’s Office. Resume in the form established by the university and published on its website. Photocopy of the undergraduate degree. Photocopy of the graduate degree or degrees. For those who have satisfactorily completed the program of studies and submitted the graduate thesis, who only have pending the awarding of the degree, a certification from the Academic Registry Office of the respective university stating so will be accepted. The winner of the public tender must present the degree required in the profile duly validated, in case it was obtained abroad. In case of having a doctoral degree, submit the summary and table of contents of the doctoral thesis. Certificate of academic distinctions. | Institutional certifications that demonstrate the experience, which must be subsequent to obtaining the undergraduate degree and must contain the following information: Institution, type of affiliation, position held, functions, name of the project or subjects taught, dedication (Full Time, Part Time, Hours/Week), start date and end date. Copy of the academic productivity. Other documents that allow verifying compliance with the requirements and the information contained in the résumé. Fill out the inability consultation form Law 1918 of 2018. Certificate of proficiency in foreign language, as established in Article 16 of the Regulations for the selection of professors of the UIS. |
Notice: In order to prove foreign language proficiency, the following table presents the standards for the most frequent languages to be provided by the applicants.
Languages |
International examinations | Certifier | A2 | B1 | B2 | C1 |
Validity |
English | TOEFL iBT | ETS | 0-31 | 32-78 | 79-93 | 94-114 | Two years |
TOEFL iTP | ETS | 337 | 460 | 543 | 627 | Two years | |
English for | Cambridge | Key English | Preliminary English | First Certificate in English | Certificate in Advanced English | Two years | |
Speakers of Other | Test KET Pass | Test PET Pass | FCE Pass | CAE Pass | |||
Languages | |||||||
IELTS | British Council | Band 3 | Bands 4 / 4,5 / 5 | Bands 5,5 / 6 / 6,5 | Bands 7 / 7,5 / 8 | Two Years | |
Michigan (MET) | CAMBRIDGE | <39 | 40-52 | 53-63 | 64< | Two Years | |
Language Institute or Language Center of high quality accredited universities | A2 | B1 | B2 | Two Years | |||
University diploma | University studies speaking country | B1 | Permanent | ||||
French | DELF – DALF | Alianza Francesa | Diplôme d’Études | Diplôme d’Études | Diplôme d’Études | Diplôme d’Études | Permanent |
en Langue Française | en Langue Française | en Langue Française | en Langue Française | ||||
DELF A2 | DELF B1 | DELF B2 | DELF C1 | ||||
University diploma | University studies speaking country | B1 | Permanent | ||||
Portuguese | CELPE-BRAS | IBRACO | – | CELPE-Bras | CELPE-Bras B2 | CELPE-Bras C1 | Permanent |
B1 Intermediario | Intermediario Superior | Superior | |||||
University diploma | University studies speaking country | B1 | Permanent | ||||
Italiano | Certificazione Progetto | Dante Alighieri | PLIDA A2 | PLIDA B1 | PLIDA B2 | PLIDA C2 | Permanent |
Lingua Italiana Dante Alighieri (PLIDA) | Society | ||||||
University diploma | University studies speaking country | B1 | Permanent | ||||
German | Goethe Institute | Goethe-Zertificat | Goethe-Zertificat B1 | Goethe-Zertificat B1 | Permanent | ||
University diploma | University studies speaking country | B1 | Permanent | ||||
Spanish | Diploma de Español | Instituto Cervantes/ | Diploma de Español | Diploma de Español | – | – | Permanent |
El régimen salarial y prestacional de los docentes seleccionados, se rige por el Decreto 1279 del 19 de junio de 2002 expedido por la Presidencia de la República, normado por el Reglamento de Evaluación de la Productividad Académica Acuerdo del Consejo Superior No. 031 de mayo 17 de 2003. | Si usted desea conocer una estimación del salario de vinculación, lo puede realizar mediante el simulador salarial ubicado en la parte superior de está página. |
- Those interested in participating in the public tender will send the documents and supports duly filled out to the Academic Vice Rector’s Office.
- The documentation submitted by the applicants within the established time will be the only one to be taken into account in the whole process of the public tender. The university, by decision of the Academic Vice Chancellor, may authorize the correction of defects of simple form in the documents provided, during the stage of verification of resumes.
- The veracity and content of the appendixes will be the sole responsibility of the applicant and, in any case, the university reserves the right to verify the information provided by the applicant in the resume.
- Entries that do not meet the established requirements, are submitted with incomplete documentation or those sent after February 28th, 2022 (5:00 p.m. local time) will not be considered.
Positions and
The public tender for the selection of tenured professors for the year 2022 seeks to fill seventy-eight (78) teaching positions: fifty-seven (57) full-time positions and twenty-one (21) part-time positions, in the modality of general competition.
The number of positions per unit and their profiles are as follows:
The public tender
The procedure, evaluation, scoring and development of the merit-based public tender in the modality of young talent and general competition shall be governed by the provisions of the Regulations for the selection of professors at the UIS, approved through Acuerdo del Consejo Superior No. 046 del 29 de octubre de 2021.
The stages and tests of the public tender are as follows:
Stage I. Call
- Publication and dissemination of the call.
- Applicants registration.
Stage II. Preselection
- Verification of compliance with the requirements of the call.
- Psycho-technical test.
Stage III. Evaluation
- Teaching Session: consisting of a written proposal and the development of the teaching session, which will be public (max. 30 minutes).
- Research proposal in the disciplinary domain of the public tender: it consists of a written document and a presentation of the research proposal (max. 30 minutes).
- Appraisal of the resume.
- Development of a teaching session in accordance with the written proposal of item c). It will be public (max. 20 minutes).
- Interview.
Test | Grade (points) | Condition (Points) |
Psycho-technical test | Yes/No | Yes |
Teaching Session | 0 – 300 | ≥ 240 |
Research proposal | 0 – 300 | ≥ 240 |
Resume | 300 | Not applicable |
Interview | 0 – 100 | Not applicable |
Once the deadline for receipt of resumes has expired according to the established date, the Academic Vice Rectory and the Evaluation Committee will verify the fulfillment of the requirements of the call for applications by the applicants. | A verification of compliance with the requirements of the public tender will be carried out on the part of the contestants. |
The Academic Vice Rector’s Office will schedule the psycho-technical test among the applicants who meet the requirements set forth in the profile convened. The psycho-technical test will be administered by an entity designated by the university and will be evaluated taking into account the following aspects: |
Personality structure
In this scenario, the candidate seeks to demonstrate not only his/her competence in the disciplinary field, but also his/her competence to allow others access to the understanding of information and to know how to use it. This session will be limited to the written proposal of the teaching session presented. In this sense, it should be kept in mind that a 30-minute learning mediation session is a simulation and that, beyond evaluating the complex knowledge possessed by the teacher in the domain of educational sciences, it observes the teacher’s competencies to take advantage of communication scenarios to support learning. In this sense, the teaching session seeks to assess, in the mediator:
Prior to the development of the teaching session, the candidate must submit the written proposal of the teaching session, defined as a pedagogical and didactic action alternative that aims to organize the teaching process to enhance learning and comprehensive training. For this purpose, the written proposal must define some pedagogical, didactic and disciplinary theoretical bases, from which previous knowledge is observed, teaching objectives and learning results are established, classroom activities and didactic instruments are organized and related, and the evaluation process is established. The characteristics of the written proposal of the teaching session will be the following: a maximum of 8,000 characters, including bibliography, preferably Times New Roman font, 12 and APA Standards for citations and references. The teaching session, with its content and formal elements, will be evaluated based on a series of criteria and indicators expressed in the following evaluation matrix: |
Evaluated Aspect | Criterios y valores | ||||
Criteria and values (0.90–1 point) | Good (0.70 –0.89 point) | Regular (0.50-0,69 point) | Deficient (0-0.49 point) | Total | |
Quality of dialogic processes | Its discursive activity generates a space conducive to dialogue, cordial interactions and learning. The participants, in a respectful and organized manner, are able to express themselves on the topic at hand. | The professor offers an interesting and attractive speech to the audience, but the possibilities for dialogic interaction with the interlocutors are limited. | The professor focuses the intervention on his speech and offers a very limited space for dialogic interaction at the end of the session. | The professor’s discourse does not offer the possibility of dialogue with the audience or generates unidirectional relationships and tense and disorganized interactions. | |
Quality, depth and complexity of the knowledge covered. | The professor’s discourse clearly shows the theoretical and conceptual bases of the discipline he/she offers. | The professor’s discourse gives a clear idea of the theoretical and conceptual bases of the discipline he offers. | The professor’s discourse does not allow us to locate the theoretical and conceptual bases of the discipline he/she offers. | The professor’s discourse is not based on the theoretical and conceptual foundations of the discipline he/she offers. | |
Strategies for the use of didactic resources and interaction that allow for the understanding of the subject matter covered. | The teacher uses diverse didactic and discursive strategies that allow interaction with the students, achieving efficiency in the understanding of the subject matter. | Acknowledges input from interlocutors but does not use it to identify understanding and establish relationships that expand and clarify the topic. | It establishes confusing relationships based on the interventions of the interlocutors and does not build agreements that allow understanding the subject. | The professor negatively assesses or fails to acknowledge and use interlocutors’ interventions to identify understanding of ideas and clarify them. | |
Flexibility of the plan or the planned strategy to be adequate to the reality of the interaction in the development of the teaching session. | The professor adapts the development of the teaching session to the characteristics of the auditorium and to the space and time conditions established. Faced with unforeseen events or requirements of the auditorium, he/she adapts his/her classroom proposal without inconveniences and negative evaluations. | The professor adapts his intervention to the realities of classroom interaction, including the characteristics of the interlocutors and spatial and temporal conditions. However, he/she has difficulties in overcoming unforeseen events or new requests from the audience. | When faced with unforeseen events or new requirements from the audience, the professor is unable to adapt the initial proposal for the teaching session. | The professor does not accept modifications to the development of the session. Nor does he/she adapt to the characteristics of the interlocutors and to the conditions of space and time established. | |
Sub-totals | |||||
Total (Grand total and the operation of multiplying the result in points by 75) |
For the elaboration of the research proposal in the disciplinary domain of the public tender, the following terms will be taken into consideration:
a) Relevance and timeliness of the state of the art. b) Clarity in the description of the question or problem. c) Current relevance and validity of the approaches presented.
a) The generation of new knowledge. b) Strengthening the scientific community. c) Dissemination strategies. |
. The characteristics of the research proposal will be the following: a maximum of 8,000 characters, including bibliography, preferably Times New Roman font, 12, and APA Standards for citations and references. The research proposal should be proposed to be carried out in eighteen (18) months. The evaluation of the research proposal, both in its written component as well as in the presentation, will be carried out by means of the following evaluation matrix. |
Written Component | ||||||||||||||
Criteria | Deficient | Aceptable | Bueno | Very good | Excellent | |||||||||
0 | 10 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70 | 80 | 90 | 100 | ||||
A. Statement of the research question or problem | ||||||||||||||
1. Relevance and topicality of the state of the art | ||||||||||||||
2. Clarity in the description of the question or problem. | ||||||||||||||
3. Current relevance and validity of the approaches presented. | ||||||||||||||
4. Institutional feasibility of implementing the proposal | ||||||||||||||
B. Objectives | ||||||||||||||
5. Match with the problem or question | ||||||||||||||
C. Methodology | ||||||||||||||
6. Relevance of the methodology for the achievement of objectives | ||||||||||||||
D. Calendario | ||||||||||||||
7. Correspondence with theoretical and methodological requirements | ||||||||||||||
E. Cquality and impact of the expected results in: | ||||||||||||||
8. La generación de nuevo conocimiento | ||||||||||||||
9. Strengthening the scientific community | ||||||||||||||
10. Dissemination strategies | ||||||||||||||
F. Presentation of the proposal | ||||||||||||||
11. Wording and spelling | ||||||||||||||
G. Bibliography | ||||||||||||||
12. Relevance and timeliness | ||||||||||||||
H. Budget | ||||||||||||||
13. Relevance of budget items | ||||||||||||||
14. Sources of financing | ||||||||||||||
Sub-totals | ||||||||||||||
Total of written component | Grand total and the operation of multiplying the result, in points, by 15/140 | |||||||||||||
. | ||||||||||||||
Substantiation | ||||||||||||||
Valued Aspect | Criteria and Values | |||||||||||||
Good (5.0 – 4.0) | Acceptable (3.9 – 3.0) | Not good(2.9 – 0.0) | Assigned Score | |||||||||||
15.Introduction | Demonstrates ample reflection and knowledge of the topic, justifying its relevance to the theory. The exposition follows a logical structure and a coherent discourse thread. | Lack of depth in the introduction to the topic, it presented theoretical gaps. Lack of clarity in the structure of the proposal. | The introduction is not clear, it does not relate it to the theory. No mastery in the presentation of the subject | |||||||||||
16. Problem statement | rIt clearly contextualizes the problem and its justification. The objectives are directly related to the problem and are clear and well defined. | Lack of depth in the problem statement. There are some gaps between the problem statement and the objectives. | There are important gaps in the problem statement. There is no clear relationship between the problem statement and the objectives. | |||||||||||
17. Methodology | Evidence of mastery of the methodology and research techniques presented, relating them to the problem statement and the objectives of the research proposal. | It presents methodological gaps and lacks coherence between the problem and the objectives. | The methodology is inadequate and has no relationship between the problem and the objectives. | |||||||||||
18. Relevance of the information. | The proposal presents a relevant topic for the postulated position. Evidence of knowledge of the topic presented | The topic presented lacks topicality. It lacks depth and clarity in the handling of the topic. | The subject matter presented is not relevant to the position. Does not demonstrate solvency in the handling of the information. | |||||||||||
19. Oral expression. | He/she expresses ideas clearly and concisely, making fluent use of language and showing capacity for synthesis. Adequately justifies and argues his/her answers, showing congruence and clarity in them. | Acceptable argumentative ability. Lacks depth in answers | The presentation was not clear, inadequate use of language. He did not answer the questions with clarity or solvency. | |||||||||||
20. Adequacy to the established time. | The exposure is adjusted and respects the established time. | The presentation was ten minutes over the established time limit. | No compliance with the established time | |||||||||||
21.Audiovisual resources | Correct adequacy of the resources selected for the presentation. Quality and appropriate use of the audiovisual or graphic support material compared to the presentation. | Adequate structure of the presentation | Very text-heavy and not very dynamic presentation | |||||||||||
Sub-totals | ||||||||||||||
Total support | Grand total and the operation of multiplying the result, in points, by 30/7 | |||||||||||||
Grand Total | Total written component + Total substantiation |
For this evaluation, undergraduate and graduate degrees, certified experience (professor, research and professional) and academic productivity will be taken into account, according to the aspects and scores indicated in the following table.
Resume | Total 300 points |
Aspects related to evaluation Fulfillment of the profile requirements – 160 | |
Studies | |
Higher degree than the one required in the profile, in case of the requirement to be a doctorate, the candidate will be assigned the totality of the points. | Up to 40 points |
Experience | |
University professor, Research, professional other than a professor | Up to 20 points |
Experience subsequent to the position required in the profile | Up to 20 points |
Academic Production | Up to 60 points |
Publications in indexed international journals | |
Publications in indexed national journals | |
Patents | |
Book or book chapter |
For the General Tender, the assignment of resume scores will proceed as follows: Academic production: The Evaluation Committee will evaluate the products certified by the candidate according to the provisions of Article 10 of Decreto 1279 de 2002, whichever modifies, substitutes, adds or replaces it, and the total scores of the candidates will be ordered from highest to lowest. Only the productivity of the last 10 years will be taken into account. If there is more than one candidate, the candidate with the highest score according to Decreto 1279 de 2002, whichever modifies, substitutes, adds or replaces it, will be assigned the total points established for this criterion. A proportional distribution will be made to assign the points to the other candidates. In no case may more than the score defined in the table be awarded. For experience and intellectual production, only what has been certified in the ten (10) years prior to the public tender will be recognized. When the certification of teaching experience is by hours, one year of full-time equivalent teaching experience corresponds to the dedication of at least 12 hours per week of direct teaching during two academic semesters. The score given in the qualification of the résumé will apply only for the purposes of the public tender for professors. In order to determine the salary of the salary, the provisions of decreto 1279 de 2002, whichever modifies, substitutes, adds or replaces it, shall be applied. If upon grading the résumé of an applicant, it is concluded that he/she does not meet any of the requirements to participate in the public tender or one of the requirements defined in the profile, the applicant will not continue in the process and therefore the grading of his/her résumé will not proceed. |
Experience: The Evaluation Committee will count the total number of years or fractions of years that each candidate credits as experience and will order them from the most to the least. The candidate with the highest number of years of experience will be assigned the total number of points established for this criterion. A proportional distribution will be made to assign the points to the other candidates. 2 points per year of experience The years of experience cannot be less than those required in the defined profile and for accounting purposes the simultaneous experience will be taken into account only once. |
Interview |
Total 100 points |
Aspects related to evaluation | |
Interaction skills. | Up to 20 points |
Attitude towards listening. | Up to 20 points |
Self-esteem and personal environment management. | Up to 20 points |
Personal and professional self-realization. | Up to 20 points |
Institutional Empathy. | Up to 20 points |
Public Call
Final result of the verification stage of compliance with the participation requirements
April 27th, 2022 | 9:55 p.m.
Correction Final result of the participation requirements verification stage.
May 5th, 2022 | 11:45 a.m.
Correction of publication acts resulting from verification of compliance with participation requirements.
May 23rd, 2022 | 11:11 a.m.
List of eligible
Enforceable resolutions until 15/09/2022 | Publication: September 15, 2022 - 10:30 am
List of eligible
Enforceable resolutions until 26/09/2022 | Publication: September 26, 2022 - 8:30 am
Adjustment of the timetable of the public tender for the selection of tenure track professors 2022
Rector's Resolution 472 of April 8th, 2022
Public tender for faculty to select tenured professors for the year 2022
Agreement 372 of 2021 of the Academic Council
General guidelines for the evaluation of academic production
Superior Council Resolutions No. 031 of 2003, No. 075 of 2005 and No. 093 of 2008.
Do you need more information?
Contact us

Academic Vice-rector’s Office
Telephone: +57 (607) 634 4000
Extension: 2128
E-mail: concurso@uis.edu.co

Do you need more information?
Contact us

Telephone: +57 (607) 634 4000
Extension: 2128
E-mail: concurso@uis.edu.co

Bucaramanga, Santander
Carrera 27 calle 9
Ciudad Universitaria

Monday to Friday
7:00 a.m. to 12:00 m.
2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Do you need more information?
Contact us

Academic Vice-rector’s Office
Telephone: +57 (607) 634 4000
Extension: 2128
E-mail: concurso@uis.edu.co

UIS Central Campus
Bucaramanga, Santander
Carrera 27 calle 9
Ciudad Universitaria

Office hours:
Monday to Friday
7:00 a.m. to 12:00 m.
2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.