Second public call for the
formation of the list of candidates for occasional teacher common cycle year 2022
Vicerrectoría Académica
The Universidad Industrial de Santander is interested in forming the list of candidates for occasional teacher common cycle
The occasional teacher of the Universidad Industrial de Santander is the professional natural person with academic qualities to develop exclusive activities in the missionary function of training, this is as a teacher with full-time dedication (40 hours per week). He is not a public employee, nor does he belong to the teaching career nor is he an official worker.
The activities of direction of subjects of an occasional teacher common cycle in no case may be less than 22 hours per week during the regular academic period and in the inter-semester or recess periods activities of direction of subjects will be included in inter-semester courses, of advance of subjects or in courses not leading to titles, among others, offered according to the areas of performance of the teacher’s relationship; or teacher training activities or support for academic management.
Any person who aspires to be an occasional teacher of the Universidad Industrial de Santander, must assume with commitment and full awareness their ethical and social responsibility, the role of guide of the learning process that supports the integral formation of students, in accordance with the Pedagogical Model, which is defined as an agreement of the community of teachers, students, directors and other servants of the institution, on the principles and how to execute the educational process at the Universidad Industrial de Santander.
Opening: August 16, 2022
Close: August 22, 2022*
*Documents will be received until 12:00 noon.
Note: In accordance with the schedule of the contest, each applicant will be able to consult on this page, the publication of results of the stages, the claims and all the activities that make up the development of the contest.
Those interested in participating in the second public call for the formation of the List of Candidates for Occasional Teacher Common Cycle must digitize the forms and documents required for registration and assemble a single file in PDF format to send it through the link for registration of applicants in the REGISTRATION button, located at the bottom of this block.
The order for organizing the documents is as follows:
- Registration form.
- Letter of application.
- Resume on the form established by the university.
- Academic degrees.
- Experience certifications.
- Certifications of training courses for the exercise of teaching.
Only files in .PDF format and with a maximum weight of 10Mb are accepted. The file name must be the full name of the applicant.
The occasional teacher of the Universidad Industrial de Santander is the professional natural person with academic qualities to develop exclusive activities in the missionary function of training, this is as a teacher with full-time dedication (40 hours per week). He is not a public employee, nor does he belong to the teaching career nor is he an official worker. The activities of direction of subjects of an occasional teacher common cycle in no case may be less than 22 hours per week during the regular academic period and in the inter-semester or recess periods activities of direction of subjects will be included in inter-semester courses, of advance of subjects or in courses not leading to titles, among others, offered according to the areas of performance of the teacher’s relationship; or teacher training activities or support for academic management.
The requirements to participate in the Second public call for the formation of the List of Candidates for Occasional Teacher Common Cycle:
- Be professional in the area of the defined profile.
- Accredit at least 60 hours in training courses for the exercise of teaching carried out in the last 5 years.
- Accredit at least 3 years of university teaching experience.
- Submit a letter of application where the applicant expresses interest, motivation and full-time availability to be an occasional teacher and indicates the profile to which it is presented.
- Fill out the registration form according to the terms of the call.
Submit resume in the format established by the University along with the respective annexes and supports. - Not be involved in cause of incapacity or incompatibility of constitutional or legal order.
The documents that must be submitted by the candidate to register for the Second Public Call for the formation of the List of Candidates for Occasional Teacher Common Cycle:
- Registration form according to the terms of the call.
- Application letter where the applicant expresses interest, motivation and full-time availability to be an occasional teacher and indicates the profile to which he or she applies.
- Resume in form established by the university and published on its web portal.
- Photocopy of the undergraduate degree.
- Photocopy of the postgraduate degree or degrees.
- Institutional certifications that demonstrate the experience, which must be subsequent to obtaining the undergraduate degree and must contain the following information: Institution, type of relationship, position held, functions, name of the project or subjects taught, dedication (Full Time, Part-Time, Hours / Week), start date and end date.
- Other documents that allow to verify compliance with the requirements and the information contained in the resume.
Digitize the forms and documents required for registration and assemble a single file in PDF format with a maximum weight of 10Mb. The name of the file must be the full name of the applicant and must be sent through the link for registration of applicants in the REGISTRATION button, located at the top of this block.
- Those interested in participating in the public call for the formation of the List of Candidates for Occasional Teacher Common Cycle will upload the documents and supports duly completed in the online form provided by the Academic Vice-Rectory on the microsite of the call.
- All the documentation presented must be delivered duly numbered, the supports must be organized chronologically from the most recent to the oldest
- At the stage corresponding to the verification of requirements, no equivalences between studies and experience will be applied.
- The veracity and content of the supports that are attached will be the sole responsibility of the applicant and, in any case, the university reserves the right to verify the information provided by the applicant.
- After the closing of registrations, omissions of requirements required to prove the conditions of participation in the call may not be corrected.
6. The tests will be applied on the dates provided in the schedule of activities set forth in the Agreement of the Academic Council, which provided for the opening of this call.
7. About the time and place of the tests, it will be informed in the publication of results of each stage, through the website of the University.
8. The non-presentation of any of the tests by the applicant will be considered as voluntary withdrawal from the contest.
9. The results of each of the stages of this call will be announced through the institutional website.
10. Applicants will only have the possibility to register for one (1) of the profiles called. In case of multiple registrations (Several to the same profile or to different profiles) the University will only attend the last registration.
Profiles and areas of performance
Occasional Teacher Common Cycle
The Second public call for the formation of the List of Candidates for Occasional Teacher Common Cycle seeks to link 15 occasional teachers full-time common cycle for the following profiles and venues:
August 16 | Opening of Registrations. |
August 22 | Closing of registrations. Documentation will be received until 5:00 p.m. |
August 23 – 25 | Verification of compliance with participation requirements. |
August 26 | Publication of the list of applicants who meet the requirements of the call. |
August 27 – 29 | Period for submitting complaints against the results of the verification of compliance with participation requirements. |
August 30 – 31 | Period to respond to complaints against the results of the verification of compliance with participation requirements. |
September 1 – 3 | Presentation by the contestants of the psychotechnical test. |
September 5 | Publication of the list of applicants who can continue to the next stage of the process. |
September 7 | Deadline for the submission of the written proposal for a teaching session. |
September 8 – 9 | Evaluation of the teaching session. |
September 10 | Publication of the results of the evaluation of the teaching session. |
September 12 – 13 | Interviews |
September 14 | Publication of interview results. |
September 15 – 16 | Evaluation of Resumes. |
September 17 | Publication of the results of the resume evaluation. |
September 19 – 20 | Period for filing claims against the outcome of the resume assessment. |
September 21 – 22 | Period to respond to complaints. |
September 23 | Fixation resolution that establishes the List of Candidates for occasional teachers common cycle. |
September 24 – 28 | Publication in the resolution that establishes the List of Candidates for occasional teachers common cycle. |
September 29 – October 1 | Period for submitting replenishment appeals based on arithmetic error. |
October 3 | Deadline to respond to replenishment appeals. |
The procedure, evaluation, score and development of the public call for the formation of the List of Candidates for Occasional Teacher Common Cycle will be governed by the provisions of the Regulations for the linking of teaching level personnel in the modality of occasional teachers, under the name “Occasional teacher common cycle”, approved by Agreement of the Superior Council No. 010 of February 14, 2022.
The stages and tests of the contest will be the following:
- Registration to the call.
- Stages:
- Verification of requirements.
- Tests:
- Psychotechnical test.
- Teaching session.
- Interview
- Assessment of the resume
Each of the tests contemplated in the stages of the contest are eliminatory, except for the interview and the assessment of the resume. Likewise, the non-presentation of any of the tests by the candidate will be considered as voluntary withdrawal from the contest.
The following table defines the scores associated with the tests of the process for the formation of the List of Candidates for occasional teacher common cycle:
Test | Rating (points) | Condition (points) |
Psychotechnical test | yes or no | yes |
Teaching Session | 40 | 32 (80% of the maximum points limit) |
Interview | 10 | Does not apply |
Resume | 50 | Does not apply |
After the deadline for receipt of resumes, the Selection Committee of Candidates for occasional teacher common cycle will carry out a verification of compliance with the requirements. Of this process the Committee will draw up a record with the results that will be published on the institutional website.
The Academic Vice-Rector’s Office will carry out the programming of the psychotechnical test among the candidates who meet the requirements. The psychotechnical test will be practiced by an entity designated by the University.
The psychotechnical test will be evaluated taking into account the following aspects:
- Personality structure.
- Acceptance of others.
- Satisfaction of achievement.
- Share experiences.
- Teamwork.
- Potential to develop a sense of belonging.
Date and time of the test
Date: September 3, 2022.
Place: CENTIC Building, UIS Bucaramanga, headquarters
Time: 8:00 to 11:00 in the morning
Additionally, we thank you for taking into account the following recommendations:
- Appear at centic fifteen minutes before the aforementioned time.
- The entrance to the university campus can be made by any of the three goals (Cra.30, Cra.27 or Cra.25) and those who move by car or motorcycle, can make free use of the parking lot located in the Alfonso López Stadium.
- Have the time indicated in the aforementioned schedule (three hours).
- Bring identification document (cédula) and black ink pen.
- The entry of cell phones, bags, suitcases, briefcases, etc. is prohibited.
Biosecurity measures:
- Permanently wear the mask.
- Maintain social distancing of at least 1 meter.
- Perform hand disinfection frequently.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth, and commonly used objects such as handrails, tourniquets, etc.
- Avoid accompanied transit during your path and exit from the site.
- In case of presenting symptoms or being positive for COVID-19, refrain from attending the test and report your case to the mail to define the course of action and receive indications of how to proceed.
Applicants who pass the psychotechnical test must present the teaching session test in the terms and dates established in the call. Prior to the development of the teaching session, the candidate must send the written proposal of the teaching session defined as an alternative of pedagogical and didactic action that aims to organize the teaching process to enhance learning and integral training. To this end, the written proposal must define theoretical bases of pedagogical, didactic and disciplinary order, from which previous knowledge is observed, teaching objectives and learning outcomes are established, classroom activities and didactic instruments are organized and related, in addition, the evaluation process is established. The characteristics of the elaboration of the written proposal of the teaching session will be the following: a maximum of 8,000 characters, including bibliography, preferably times New Roman font, 12, and APA standards for citations and references. | To assign the score corresponding to the teaching session, factors such as: coherence with the Institutional Project and with the UIS Pedagogical Model will be taken into account; the organization, coherence and relevance of the proposal of the environment and learning experiences in the mediation of the quality training process; the use of language; the argumentative and creative capacity in the development of competences for teaching, learning and evaluation in the construction of knowledge towards discovery or understanding; the validity of the concepts used, according to the heading included in the following table. |
Aspect | Criteria and values | ||||
Excellent (9–10 points) | Good (7 –8.9 points) | Regular (5-6.9 points) | Deficient(0-4.9 points) | Total | |
1. Quality of dialogic processes. | Its discursive activity generates a space conducive to dialogue, cordial interactions and the learning. The participants, in a respectful and organized way, manage to express themselves on the subject matter. | The teacher offers an interesting and attractive speech for the audience, but the possibilities of dialogic interaction with the interlocutors are limited. | The teacher focuses the intervention on his speech and offers a very limited space for dialogic interaction at the end of the session. | The teacher’s speech does not offer the possibility of dialogue with the audience or generates unidirectional relationships and tense interactions and Disorganized. | |
2. Quality, depth and complexity of the knowledge treated. | The professor’s speech clearly shows the theoretical and conceptual bases of the discipline he manages. | The professor’s speech reveals with some clarity the theoretical and conceptual bases of the discipline he manages. | The teacher’s discourse does not allow to locate the theoretical and conceptual bases of the discipline he manages. | The teacher’s discourse is not based on the theoretical and conceptual bases of the discipline he manages. | |
3. Strategies for the use of didactic and interaction resources that allow the understanding of the subject treated. | The teacher uses various didactic and discursive strategies that allow interaction with students achieving efficiency in the understanding of the subject treated. | Recognizes the contributions of the interlocutors but does not use them to identify the understanding and establishing relationships that expand and clarify the topic. | It establishes confusing relationships based on the interventions of the interlocutors and does not build agreements that allow us to understand the subject. | The teacher values negatively or does not recognize and uses the interventions of the interlocutors to identify the understanding of ideas and clarify them. | |
4. Flexibility of the plan or planned strategy to be appropriate to the reality of the interaction in the development of the teaching session. | The teacher adapts the development of the teaching session to the characteristics of the auditorium and the established space and time conditions. Faced with unforeseen events or requirements of the auditorium, it adapts its classroom proposal without drawbacks and negative ratings. | The teacher adapts his intervention to the realities of classroom interaction, among them, the characteristics of the interlocutors and the temporal spatial conditions. However, it has difficulty overcoming unforeseen events or new requests from the auditorium. | Faced with unforeseen events or new requirements of the auditorium, the teacher fails to adapt the initial proposal for the teaching session. | The teacher does not accept modifications to the development of the session. Nor is adapts to the characteristics of the interlocutors and to the established space and time conditions. | |
Sub-totals | |||||
Total |
Applicants who pass the teaching session test will be summoned for the interview, which will be carried out exclusively by the Selection Committee of Candidates for occasional teacher common cycle. The interview will address aspects of the candidate related to personality, ability to live | in community, tolerance, attitude towards teaching, ethics, rigor for work in the discipline and the ability to commit to the institutional mission and intellectual, professional and teaching development. |
The Selection Committee of Candidates for occasional teacher common cycle will evaluate the resume of the candidates who passed the previous tests and will formalize in a minutes of the Committee the results. | The assessment of the resume will be made taking into account the indicators and scores indicated in the following table: |
1. COMPLIANCE WITH PROFILE REQUIREMENTS (maximum score will be assigned) | 10 |
2. WORK EXPERIENCE · University teaching experience (two points per year)* *When the certification of experience is as a teaching professor, the dedication of at least 15 hours per week of subject direction per academic semester will be understood as full time. One year will be two academic semesters. Lower dedications shall be accounted for proportionately. | 30 |
3. POSTGRADUATE COURSES IN THE AREA OF PROFILE (Specialization (2 points), master’s degree (3 points) or doctorate (5 points) in any case only the score of the maximum degree of training obtained will be recognized). | 5 |
4. POSTGRADUATE DEGREES IN EDUCATION (Specialization (2 points), master’s degree (3 points) or doctorate (5 points) in any case only the score of the maximum degree of training obtained will be recognized) | 5 |
TOTAL | 50 |
Resolution No. 1245 of September 23, 2022
Profile 2: | Language Workshop Published: September 23, 2022, 3:30 p.m.
Resolution No. 1246 of September 23, 2022
Profile 3. Differential and integral calculus and linear algebra (Barbosa) | Published: September 23, 2022, 3:30 p.m.
Resolution No. 1247 of September 23, 2022
Profile 6. General physics | Published: September 23, 2022, 3:30 p.m.
Applicants who continue to the next stage after presenting psychotechnical tests
Published: september 5, 2022 3:33 p.m.
Applicants who met the requirements of the call, are invited to present the psychotechnical tests on the day, time and place indicated below:
Date: Saturday, September 3, 2022.
Place: CENTIC Building, UIS Bucaramanga, headquarters.
Time: 8:00 to 11:00 in the morning
Additionally, we thank you for taking into account the following recommendations:
- Appear at centic fifteen minutes before the aforementioned time.
- The entrance to the university campus can be made by any of the three goals (Cra.30, Cra.27 or Cra.25) and those who move by car or motorcycle, can make free use of the parking lot located in the Alfonso López Stadium.
- Have the time indicated in the aforementioned schedule (three hours).
Bring identification document (cédula) and black ink pen. - The entry of cell phones, bags, suitcases, briefcases, etc. is prohibited.
- Permanently wear the mask.
Maintain social distancing of at least 1 meter. - Perform hand disinfection frequently.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth, and commonly used objects such as handrails, tourniquets, etc.
- Avoid accompanied transit during your path and exit from the site.
- In case of presenting symptoms or being positive for COVID-19, refrain from attending the test and report your case to the mail to define the course of action and receive indications of how to proceed.
Do you need more information?
Contact us

Academic Vice-rector’s Office
Telephone: +57 (607) 634 4000
Extension: 2717

Bucaramanga, Santander
Carrera 27 calle 9
Ciudad Universitaria
Edificio de Administración 1

Monday to Friday
7:00 a.m. to 12:00 m.
2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Do you need more information?
Contact us

Telephone: +57 (607) 634 4000
Extension: 2717

Bucaramanga, Santander
Carrera 27 calle 9
Ciudad Universitaria
Edificio de Administración 1

Monday to Friday
7:00 a.m. to 12:00 m.
2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Do you need more information?
Contact us

Bucaramanga, Santander
Carrera 27 calle 9
Ciudad Universitaria
Edificio de Administración 1

Monday to Friday
7:00 a.m. to 12:00 m.
2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Horario de Atención:
Lunes a viernes
7:00 a.m. a 12:00 m.
2:00 p.m. a 5:00 p.m.