The Outstanding Alumni Program seeks to recognize our graduates as genuine ambassadors of excellence to the productive, scientific, cultural, governmental, non-governmental, or independent entrepreneurs, among others. Through this program, our outstanding graduates from various countries and different regions of the country have visited the University since 2013 to share their experiences and knowledge with students, professors and the university community in general.
2013 |
2014 |
2015 |
2016 |
2017 |
2018 |
2019 |
2020 |
2021 |
Outstanding alumni visiting academic events |
8 |
7 |
10 |
7 |
17 |
5 |
9 |
6 |
16 |
In the year 2021, there were sixteen (16) outstanding graduates of the Programs: Business Management, Bachelor of Science in English, Medicine, Biology (2), Mechanical Engineering (3), Industrial Design (3), Chemical Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Mathematics.
Name of the graduate | Position held | Academic Program | Achievement / Contribution | Country / Department |
HECTOR AUGUSTO BARRERA GARAVITO | Entrepreneur | Business management | Héctor Barrera, a graduate of Business Management from the Universidad Industrial de Santander, is a renowned businessman. He is the manager of Petrocasinos S.A., a Colombian company born in Bucaramanga that has specialized in providing catering services to the oil, mining, educational and industrial sectors. | Santander / Colombia |
ROCÍO LOPEZ CAICEDO | Teacher | Bachelor’s Degree in English | Rocío López, a graduate of bachelor’s degree in English from the Universidad de Santander, has obtained important recognitions at the national level. She was one of the winners of the English Immersion Program – Colombia Bilingüe 2015 for her project of teaching English with songs, and during the years 2017 and 2018 she participated in the Spanish Assistants program in the United Kingdom, ICETEX and the British Council. | Santander / Colombia |
SERGIO TORRES BAYONA | Neurosurgeon | Medicine | Sergio Torres, a doctor graduated from the Universidad Industrial de Santander, has been recognized as the winner of the world award “Young Neurosurgeon of the Year”. He holds a PhD in Molecular Biology and Biomedicine from the University of the Basque Country. The research that made it worthy of recognition is related to the discovery of new genes in a brain tumor called ‘glioblastoma multiforme’, the most invasive of brain tumors. | Bogota / Colombia |
CÉSAR AUGUSTO PRADA | Researcher | Biology | César Prada, a graduate of Biology from the Universidad Industrial de Santander, is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Oxford in computational biology, orients cell biology and understands how people’s genes turn on and off in individual cells and, particularly, in the context of rheumatoid arthritis. | Oxford / United Kingdom |
JHONNY DE JESUS LEYVA | Planning Coordinator | Mechanical engineering | Jhonny Leyva, Mechanical Engineer and Master in Electronic Engineering from the Universidad Industrial de Santander, took second place in the ECAES exam for mechanical engineering in 2005. He has been recognized with a laureate thesis and is the author of one of the first patents filed on behalf of the UIS. | Piura / Peru |
JORGE ALEJANDRO MORENO | Team Leader – NASA | Mechanical engineering | Jorge Moreno, a graduate of Mechanical Engineering from the Universidad Industrial de Santander, works directly with NASA, specifically as a team leader at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), a federally funded research and development center managed by Caltech for this US agency. Since that time it has been fundamental in the space missions that NASA advances in favor of the advancement of humanity, such as what happened with Mars 2020 Perseverance on Mars. | Washington D.C. / United States |
JOSE LUIS BERMUDEZ | Scrum Master | Industrial design | José Bermúdez, Industrial Designer at the Universidad Industrial de Santander, has worked on interdisciplinary projects managing the ability of the entire team to achieve the objectives. He is passionate about technology, agile project management, design thinking and UX/UI. In 2013, he participated in a Hackathon for the Ministry of ICT with the opportunity to win the 1st prize. | Bogota D.C. / Colombia |
DIEGO ORTIZ VEGA | Senior Product Manager | Chemical engineering | Diego Ortiz, a graduate of Chemical Engineering from the Universidad Industrial de Santander, obtained recognition as Summa Laude and double degree within the framework of the agreement with Texas A&M University, where he later completed his Doctoral studies in Chemical Engineering. Currently, he is a senior product manager at Amazon based in Seattle, Washington, building more sustainable products. | Washington / United States |
JAVIER ENRIQUE GONZALEZ | Digital Image Processing Engineer | Electronic Engineering | Javier González, Electronic Engineer and Master in Electronic Engineering from the Universidad Industrial de Santander, has worked as a researcher and engineer, developing various projects in companies such as: Honeywell, Dialight, Motorola Solutions, University of Delaware, and also in Colombian institutions. He currently works as an advanced image processing engineer for Honeywell. | New Jersey / United States |
SANDRA ARÁMBURO ARENAS | General Manager | Industrial Engineering | Sandra Arenas, a graduate of Industrial Engineering from the Universidad Industrial de Santander and Master in Industrial Engineering from the Universidad de los Andes, participated in the women’s leadership program at Simmons College and the Executive Program – GMP in business administration and general management of the Harvard Business School. Currently, she is the General Manager of Sanofi Pasteur Andean Region, Central America and the Caribbean. | Bogota D.C. / Colombia |
CATALINA PIMIENTO RODRÍGUEZ | Planning Engineer | Electrical engineering | Catalina Pimiento, Electrical Engineer from the Universidad Industrial de Santander, has a Master’s Degree in Engineering from the École technologie supérieure – ETS – in Canada. She is a professional with specialized experience in project planning in the Oil & Gas sector. She is a highly results-oriented leader in the industry, in companies such as Confipetrol, Ecopetrol and Ville de Montreal. Currently, she is a project planning and control consultant at Kanari Management Inc. in Canada. | Quebec / Canada |
JORGE BUITRAGO | Project Engineer | Mechanical engineering | Jorge Buitrago, is a graduate of Mechanical Engineering from the Universidad Industrial de Santander, his experience is related to the engineering of refinery projects for oil, chemical plants, natural gas liquefaction plants, pharmaceutical plants, among others. | Santander / Colombia |
ALFONSO PINEDA BARBOSA | Researcher | Biology | Alfonso Pineda, Biologist from the Universidad Industrial de Santander, Master in Biological Sciences from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia and Doctor in Environmental Sciences from the State University of Maringá. He has experience in ecology, with an emphasis on Limnology, working mainly in phytoplankton ecology, metacommunities and functional diversity. | Paraná / Brazil |
JENNIFFER MONCLOU | Project Engineer | Industrial design | Jenniffer Monclou, a graduate of Industrial Design from the Universidad Industrial de Santander, has a Master’s Degree in Design and Engineering from the Politecnico di Milano. She has worked as an industrial designer at the Corporation for Corrosion Research (Colombia), in Denwerk (Germany), as a product design engineer at PET Engineering (Italy), and currently as a project engineer in Bilfinger (Germany). | Baden-Württemberg / Germany |
LUIS ALBERTO SAGRA DELGADO | Quality Engineer | Industrial design | Luis Sagra, graduated in Industrial Design from the Universidad Industrial de Santander and Specialist in Integrated Management Systems of Quality, Environment and Prevention of Occupational Risks. He has experience promoting strategic and operational solutions in search of sustainable business results; this through the integral design of the processes, the verification of the adherence of people to the standards and the execution of projects that guarantee the irreversibility of the changes. | Wales / United Kingdom |
SANDRA CAROLINA GARCIA MARTINEZ | Teacher | Mathematics | Sandra García, Bachelor of Mathematics from the Universidad Industrial de Santander, Master in Mathematical Sciences from the Universidad del Valle and Official Master in Advanced Mathematics from the Universidad de Murcia (Spain), has a PhD in Mathematics from the previous university mentioned and has post-doctoral experience at the Universidade de Sao Paulo (Brazil). Currently, he is co-leader of the research group Geometry Differences and Geometric Analysis of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia. | Bogota D.C. / Colombia |
For the year 2020, six (6) outstanding graduates of the Programs were visited: Chemical Engineering, Plastic Arts, Biology (3) and Agroindustrial Production.
Name delegated | Position Developed | Academic Program | Achievement / Contribution | Country /Department |
ANDRÉS JOAQUÍN CALDERÓN VERGARA | Researcher | Chemical engineering | Andrés Calderón, Chemical Engineer graduated from the Universidad Industrial de Santander, PhD in Chemical Engineering from the University College London. Expert in the development of advanced mathematical programming models for the design and operation of supply chains of bioenergy and unconventional resources. He works as a researcher at the National Technology Laboratory in the United States. | Pennsylvania / United States |
DORIS YANETH VARGAS LOPEZ | Artist | Plastic Arts | Doris Vargas, graduated in Plastic Arts from the Universidad Industrial de Santander. He belongs to the photographic collective Matiz F32; works on projects that are based on addressing social problems and seek the creation of memory. His work Diaspora was accepted to participate in the TESIS 2020 Project, organized by the Museum of Contemporary Art of Bogotá, where the best undergraduate theses of the Plastic Arts programs of the different universities of the country are gathered. | Santander / Colombia |
CHRISTIAN JULIAN VILLABONA ARENAS | Researcher | Biology | Christian Villabona, Biologist graduated from the Universidad Industrial de Santander, PhD in Microbiology from the Universidade de São Paulo. He serves as a researcher at the Centre for Mathematical Modelling of an Infectious Disease at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. | London / United Kingdom |
MARIA ALEJANDRA SIERRA | Bioinformatics Analyst | Biology | María Sierra, Biologist graduated from the Universidad Industrial de Santander with an undergraduate thesis awarded with the highest score. She is a young researcher with skills and experience in bioinformatics, metagenomics, microbiology and molecular biology. He serves as a Bioinformatics Analyst at Weill Cornell Medical Center leading projects for the expansion of the microbial database. | New York / United States |
JAIME MAURICIO ANAYA ROJAS | Researcher | Biology | Jaime Anaya, Biologist graduated from the Universidad Industrial de Santander, Master from the University of Bonn and Doctor from the University of Bern with research in the area of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. He currently works at the University of Münster as a Junior Researcher in the same area. | Münster / Germany |
SALOMÓN ESPINOSA DÍAZ | Researcher | Agroindustrial Production | Salomón Espinosa, graduated from the Agroindustrial Production program of the Universidad Industrial de Santander with Laude distinction, Master in Advanced Technologies for Agroforestry Development from the University of Valladolid, Spain, and International Master in Rural Development with Summa Laude distinction from the University of Ghent, Belgium.He is currently a fellow at the University of Pisa, Italy, within the framework of the European project Contracts 2.0 / Horizon 2020. | Pisa / Italy |
During the course of 2019, nine (9) graduates of our Alma Mater of the programs have participated in the Outstanding Graduate Project: Physics, Industrial Design (2), Biology, Medicine, Law, Philosophy, Physiotherapy and Arts.
Name of the graduate | Position held | Academic Program | Achievement / contribution | Country/Department |
LAURA MARCELA BECERA BAYONA | Researcher at the Catholic University of Chile | Physics | Dr. Becerra Bayona is a Suma Laude graduate of the School of Physics, with a meritorious undergraduate thesis and has recently been recognized in 2019, by the International Astronomical Union as the author of the best doctoral thesis in the world. His Doctoral thesis from the University of Sapienza in Italy, directed by our outstanding graduate, Jorge Armando Rueda Hernández, opens a new line of research proposing a new way to generate supernova events. | Chile |
SANDRA RAMIREZ HERRERA | Product and Service Designer | Industrial design | Sandra Ramírez is a Product and Service Designer. Experienced service designer, with experience in creating solutions based on user information, business requirements and technical feasibility; he has also worked in accelerated environments and collaborated with strategists, researchers and developers. | Holland |
JULIÁN MAURICIO ROMERO GÓMEZ | 3D Designer | Industrial design | Julian Romero is a Designer 3D Entrepreneur Researcher specialized in creating immersive content. Designer, 3D artist, as an entrepreneur and researcher, with experience in designing mixed immersive experiences for the housing sector, understanding the real physical space through the virtual experience. | Canada / Montreal |
SUSY ECHEVERRIA LONDOÑO | Postdoctoral Researcher | Biology | Graduated from the Universidad Industrial de Santander from the Biology program, Master of Research in Biodiversity, Informatics and Genomics from Imperial Collage London, Silwood Park, Ascot, United Kingdom, Doctorate in Life Sciences, imperial Collage London, Silwood Park, Ascot, United Kingdom, Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Arizona and Visiting Researcher at the University of Pittsburgh, Biological Sciences. | England |
MARIO ALEXANDER MELO URIBE | Medical Specialist in Pathology at the National Institute of Cancerology | Medicine / Surgical Medical Specialization in Pathology | Physician and surgeon, specialist in Pathology, with training in surgical and gastrointestinal pathology (Cincinnati, OH, United States). Work experience in clinical surgical pathology in pathology services with high volume of surgical for macroscopic processing, reading and microscopic interpretation of cases, immunohistochemistry, cytologies of body fluids, cervical cytologies and clinical autopsy of adults and fetals. University teaching experience in the teaching of General and Systemic Pathology for doctors in training, oral pathology for dentists in specialization and in teaching Of Oncological Pathology for doctors specialized in training, with emphasis on research, in educational institutions with High Quality Accreditation in Education and in the National Institute of Cancerology. | Colombia / Bogota |
HECTOR ANDRES BOMBIELA MEDINA | Contractor, National Planning Department | Right | Graduated from the Law Program of the Universidad Industrial de Santander, Specialist in Constitutional Law of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Master in Law of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Master in Political Science, Lowa State University, PH. D. in Sustainable Agriculture, Lowa State University. | Colombia |
ANDREA MARIA NAVARRETE MOGOLLON | Member of the Movimiento Social Mujeres Bici-bles Iberoamérica | Philosophy | Andrea María Navarrete Mogollon is a graduate of the Master’s Program in Philosophy and works in the social movement Mujeres Bici-bles Iberoamérica, to promote the use of bicycles by women and female empowerment through the right to the city. | Colombia / Bogota |
LUIS FERNANDO PRATO | Licensed and active Physical Therapist in the United States | Physiotherapy | Luis Fernando, Physiotherapist UIS, Clinical Specialist in Orthopedic Physiotherapy, Clinical Specialist in Sports Physiotherapy, Specialist in Strengthening and Physical Conditioning, Sports Physiotherapist with international registration. Who has an outstanding performance in the United States. | United States |
SILVIA BIBIANA ORTEGA | Director and teacher at the Fundación Artística Musical Voz con 2 | Arts | Silvia Bibiana has a degree in Music from the Universidad Industrial de Santander, professional singer, vocal coach, Master in Music Therapy (in progress) at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, is a singing teacher at the Universidad Pedagógica Nacional and lead voice in the groups Folkloreta and the Duet las Zurronas | Colombia / Bogota |
For the year 2018 there was the visit of five (5) outstanding graduates of the Programs: Microbiology, Physiotherapy, Industrial Design (2) and Agroindustrial.
Name of the graduate | Position held | Academic Program | Achievement / contribution | Country/Department |
IVAN RAMIRO HERNANDEZ GONZALEZ | Professor at Rene Descartes University (Paris, France) | Physiotherapy | Iván, Physiotherapist UIS, Master in Bioethics and Paediatric Physiotherapy, PhD in Clinical Research, Professor at rene Descartes University (Paris, France) and member of the ARKOPE Clinical Group | Paris / France |
SORAYA ZORRO MANRIQUE | Bacteriologist | Microbiology | Soraya Zorro, Microbiologist graduated from the Universidad Industrial de Santander, post doctoral fellow in Melanoma med onco-rsch, Md Anderson Cancer Center, Texas, USA. | Houston, United States of America |
EUGENIO SARMIENTO CARABALLO | Product Designer | Industrial design | Sarmiento, is an Industrial Designer passionate about the development of solutions that are according to the needs of the user, constantly seeks to create emotional links between the individual and the object / service, his experience in the development of inclusive design focused on biomedical products, gives him the ability to size a project to allow a physical and emotional well-being of the user, He is currently pursuing two master’s degrees in Product Design, at Tsinghua University Beijing, China and at Politecnico Di Milano, Milan, Italy. | Beijing / China |
GIOVANY GIL GONZALEZ | Engineering Manager at Copreci de México S.A de C.V | Industrial design | Giovanny Gil, is an Industrial Designer, with specific knowledge in the analysis, design and improvement of the experience in the use of everyday products (User Behavior Analysis / User Centered Design), seeking maximum efficiency and usability of products. He has specific strengths in the area of innovation management in R&D teams, project management, budget management, control of the new product introduction process (NPI), marketing plan management and continuous training to teams related to product life cycle processes, he is a master in Industrial Design and Product Innovation, at the Graduate School of Engineering and Architecture of Guadalajara, Mexico. | Guadalajara / Mexico |
SALOMÓN ESPINOSA DÍAZ | Researcher | Agroindustrial | Professional in Agroindustrial Production UIS, distinction Laude, International Master in Rural Development – University of Ghent (Belgium), Master in Advanced Technologies for Agroforestry Development – Universidad de Valladolid (Spain) | Italy |
For the year 2017, seventeen (17) outstanding graduates of the Programs were visited: Electrical Engineering, Industrial Design (2), Microbiology, Medicine (2), Physiotherapy (2), Agroindustrial Production (2), Plastic Arts (2), Business Management, Chemical Engineering, Law, Social Work and Philosophy.
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In the year 2016, there were the visit of seven (7) outstanding graduates of the Programs: Industrial Design, Civil Engineering (2), Medicine, Fine Arts, Business Management, and Chemical Engineering.
Name delegated | Position held | Academic Program | Achievement / Contribution | Country /Department |
ALIRIO JOSÉ PINILLA PLATA | Development Engineer | Industrial design | Alirio Pinilla, Industrial Designer and Master in Materials Engineering from the Universidad Industrial de Santander. He has worked as a teacher and, in addition, as a product and service development engineer for Nexans Chile S.A. | Chile / Santiago de Chile |
CESAR POVEDA | Project Manager | Civil engineering | Cesar Poveda, Civil Engineer from the Universidad Industrial de Santander, Master in Engineering and Construction Management and PhD in Engineering Management from the University of Alberta (Canada). He has worked as a project manager for different Canadian companies such as Upside Engineering, among others. | Canada / Alberta |
NATHALIA RODRIGUEZ LAMUS | Geotechnics Leader | Civil engineering | Nathalia Rodríguez, Civil Engineer from the Universidad Industrial de Santander and Master in Civil Engineering focused on Geotechnical Engineering from the University of South Carolina. He works as a geotechnical design team leader for the South Carolina Department of Transportation, Pee Dee Regional Production Group. | United States / South Carolina |
DEYANIRA ROE DEER CARDENAS | Director of Medical Affairs | Medicine | Deyanira Corzo, graduated from the School of Medicine of the Universidad Industrial de Santander. She was chosen by Mass High Tech magazine as one of the 10 women in the world to admire in 1997. She is Director of Global Medical Affairs at a major pharmaceutical company; Instructor of pediatrics at Harvard Medical School, USA. | United States / Boston |
NICOLAS CADAVID | Master of Fine Arts | Fine arts | Nicolás Cadavid, graduated from the Fine Arts program of the Universidad Industrial de Santander and Master in Visual Arts of the University of Chile. He graduated from the Master’s Degree with the highest distinction. He has been awarded several distinctions and recognitions in the field of creation, research and management. | Colombia / Santander |
HECTOR AUGUSTO BARRERA GARAVITO | Manager of Petrocasinos S.A. | Business management | Héctor Barrera, graduated from the Business Management program of the Universidad Industrial de Santander. He is Manager of the company Petrocasinos S.A., born in Bucaramanga; it has specialized in providing catering services to the oil, mining, educational and industrial sectors. | Colombia / Santander |
DIEGO EDISON CRISTANCHO BLANCO | Researcher | Chemical engineering | Diego Cristancho, Chemical Engineer, Physicist and Master in Chemical Engineering from the Universidad Industrial de Santander, PhD in Chemical Engineering from Texas A&M University, United States. After graduating from the PhD, he accepted a job offer proposed by Dow Chemical Company. | United States / Texas |
For the year 2015, ten (10) outstanding graduates of the Programs were visited: Industrial Design (5), Social Work, Geology, Nutrition and Dietetics, and Nursing (2).
Name delegated | Position held | Academic Program | Achievement / Contribution | Country /Department |
LUISA FERNANDA MENDOZA | Innovation Manager | Industrial design | Luisa Mendoza, graduated from the Industrial Design program of the Universidad Industrial de Santander. He has worked in companies and positions related to design and innovation, leading the creation of successful products for multinationals and brands such as Coca-Cola, Ésika, Bavaria and Nestlé. | Colombia / Bogota |
DENIS CABRERA ANAYA | Teacher | Industrial design | Denis Cabrera, Industrial Designer at the Universidad Industrial de Santander. Certified as Advanced Modeling Rhinoceros Training and with extensive knowledge of modeling and prototyping of jewelry pieces. He is a founding member of the Circulo Dorado Foundation of Colombia. | Colombia / Santander |
LILIANA JIMENEZ DELGADO | Case Manager | Social work | Liliana Jiménez, Social Worker at the Universidad Industrial de Santander and Specialist in Case Management. Experienced professional working with diverse groups with multiple barriers: refugees, low-risk families and singles, and visible minorities. | Canada / Ontario |
RICARDO LOZANO PICÓN | P&E Manager | Geology | Ricardo Lozano, Geologist at the Universidad Industrial de Santander and Media Specialist at the Universidad de los Andes. He was an advisor to the Ministry of the Environment, coordinating the Program for the Prevention and Care of El Niño and La Niña Phenomena in 1997 and 1998. | Colombia / Bogota |
CARLOS ENRIQUE GÓMEZ LÁZARO | Business Developer | Industrial design | Carlos Gómez, Industrial Designer from the Universidad Industrial de Santander and Specialist in Design Management from the Jorge Tadeo Lozano University. He has worked as a project leader, shareholder and senior creative director for major brands such as: Suzuki Motor de México, Yamaha Mexico, Totto Mexico, among others. | Mexico / Mexico City |
ADOLFO VARGAS ESPITIA | Designer | Industrial design | Adolfo Vargas, Industrial Designer from the Universidad Industrial de Santander and Master in Ecodesign from the Politécnico Di Torino (Italy) graduated with the highest honors, Summa Laude. He excels in the ability to artistic representation. | Colombia / Santander |
GUSTAVO ANDRÉS LARAOVIEDO | Research Teacher | Nutrition and Dietetics | Gustavo Lara, Dietitian Nutritionist and Specialist in Theory, methods and research techniques at the Universidad Industrial de Santander. He has carried out research work at the Cardiovascular Foundation of Colombia, the Universidad del Sinú Cartagena section, among others. | Colombia / Bolivar |
ROSA MILENA GÓMEZ CABALLERO | Teacher | Industrial design | Rosa Milena Gómez, Industrial Designer from the Universidad Industrial de Santander and Management Specialist from the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. She has worked as a teacher and research in the lines of Design Theory and Service Design, and has also been a commercial advisor. | Colombia / Santander |
MYRIAM ORÓSTEGUI ARENAS | Research Professor | Infirmary | Myriam Oróstegui, graduated from the Nursing program of the Universidad Industrial de Santander and Master in Epidemiology of the Universidad del Valle. Professional with experience in undergraduate and postgraduate teaching in the area of Epidemiology and Public Health. | Colombia / Santander |
FABIO ALBERTO CAMARGO | Teacher | Infirmary | Fabio Camargo, graduated from the Nursing program and Master in Epidemiology of the Universidad Industrial de Santander, Doctor in Epidemiology from the Federal Universidade Católica de Pelotas Brazil. Professor at the School of Nursing of the Universidad Industrial de Santander. | Colombia / Santan |
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Notable Alumni
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Phone: +57 (607) 634 4000
Extension: 2871

UIS Central Campus
Bucaramanga, Santander
Carrera 27 calle 9
Ciudad Universitaria
Casona La Perla

Office hours:
Monday to friday
7:00 a.m. a 12:00 m.
2:00 p.m. a 5:00 p.m.
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Alumni Office
Phone: +57 (607) 634 4000
Extension: 2871

UIS Central Campus
Bucaramanga, Santander
Carrera 27 calle 9
Ciudad Universitaria
Casona La Perla

Office hours:
Monday to friday
7:00 a.m. a 12:00 m.
2:00 p.m. a 5:00 p.m.
do you want more information?
Contact Us

Alumni Office
Phone: +57 (607) 634 4000
Extension: 2871

UIS Central Campus
Bucaramanga, Santander
Carrera 27 calle 9
Ciudad Universitaria
Casona La Perla

Office hours:
Monday to friday
7:00 a.m. a 12:00 m.
2:00 p.m. a 5:00 p.m.