Knowledge is learned through study,
wisdom through observation
Being a UIS graduate, is an honor, so the university has strengthened its bond, through Superior Agreement 091 of 2008, in which the Graduate Policy was established and after a collective construction work that lasted about 3 years, the new Institutional Development Plan 2019 – 2030, a framework document that defines a vision of the future of the University for the coming years including the relationship with its graduates.
The Universidad Industrial de Santander recognizes its graduates as active members of the university community, seeking to support its development and thus strengthen its relationship with our alma mater. From the Office of Foreign Affairs, the Institutional Program of Graduates day by day gestates important programs and activities, seeking to maintain a connection and effective communication with the graduates; the accompaniment of the academic and administrative units in the accreditation processes of the University has been fundamental, for which it has visualized the need to strengthen the links between the Alumni Program and the Schools, Departments and Faculties.

León Esteban

León Esteban
Contact us
The doors of the University are always open to its graduates, with the purpose of continuously supporting the professional and personal development of the University’s graduates. That is why we have a high quality program that recognizes through the work performance of its graduates and the impact they have on the academic project and on the processes of social, cultural and economic development in their respective environments, we present the professional directory of our graduates.
Appoint the UIS Rector 2025
Cooperation Organizations
for Scholarships
Keeping the Alumni Network strengthened, active and committed, which interacts constructively for the benefit of each member and the alumni community itself, the following offer of scholarships and /or credit-scholarship programs for studies abroad is presented.
Everyday something new happens!
The most important news that motivates us to continue growing
Do you need more information?
Contact Us

Alumni Office
Phone: +57 (607) 634 4000
Extension: 2871

UIS Central Campus
Bucaramanga, Santander
Carrera 27 calle 9
Ciudad Universitaria
Casona La Perla

Office hours:
Monday to friday
7:00 a.m. a 12:00 m.
2:00 p.m. a 5:00 p.m.