Student Representatives Election Process



About the

Elections 2022 - 2024

Four candidates registered to be the new Student Representative to the UIS Superior Council 2022 – 2024 Four candidates presented their candidacy to be the new Student Representative to the UIS Superior Council 2022 – 2024, a position currently held by María Alejandra Aguilera. Voting will take place via internet on Friday, November 11th, from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. Around 4:06 p.m. on voting day, the name of the new Student Representative to the UIS Superior Council will be announced.

Let’s meet the candidates aspiring to the student representation of the Bienestar and Enrollment Committees.
The following are the government proposals of the candidates who nominated their names to assume the positions of student representatives to the Bienestar Estudiantil and Enrollment Committees.

Voting will take place via the Internet on Friday, November 11, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. At around 4:06 p.m. on voting day, the new student representatives to the Bienestar Universitario and Enrollment Committees will be announced.

Student Representatives Election Process

UIS Superior Council 2022 - 2024

Brayan Stiward

Donado Rincón

Guillem Frederick

Solo Uribe

Héctor Nicolás

Rosales Flórez

Martin Elías

Naranjo Forero

Student Representatives Election Process

Bienestar Universitario Committee 2022 -2024

Lesly Yuliana

López Villamizar

Andrés Yesid

Hernández Plata

Luisa Marcela

González López

Bayrón Yusseth

León Salazar

Student Representatives Election Process

Enrollment Committee 2022 -2024


Galán Rodríguez

Sergio Andrés

Cristancho Salazar

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