Documents required to set the value of the registration settlement 2023 I Bucaramanga
Universidad Industrial de Santander, will carry out the necessary consultations in the databases of the public and private entities, during the student’s stay in the academic programs studied at the UIS, in order to corroborate the veracity of the information provided by the students, as well as the authenticity of the documentation delivered for purposes of tuition settlement.
The presentation by the student of inaccurate or incomplete information that causes a decrease in the value of the registration, discounts or exemption from payment, will be considered as a serious offense, whose sanction may reach expulsion, following the regulatory procedures, without prejudice to the legal actions that may take place (Agreement 032 of 1996 of the Superior Council).
Note 1: The admitted student must request the password to enter the Academic System.
Note 2: Those admitted who have been students of the Universidad Industrial Santander, must present the documentation again. Whoever does not submit the information will not have registration settlement.
Tuition payment documents will be submitted in-person at the Auditorio de Ciencias Básicas from Wednesday, January 11 through Friday, January 13 and Monday, January 16 through Friday, January 20, 2023, from 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Submit the documents in a cardboard folder without any kind of hooks.
1. Socioeconomic form: on both sides duly signed with pen by the members of the Family Economic Unit (UEF).
Note 1: Review the instructions on the back of the form.
Note 2: The form must be filled out directly in the PDF without modifying the font size.
- Download the form
- Open it from Adobe Acrobat Reader
- Select “Fill & Sign”
“Add text” when located in the respective boxes to fill out the form. - Once completed, print the form.
- Sign to black pen.
2. Letter of admission:
2.1 Click on the “Letter of Admission” button.
2.2 Fill in the requested information
3. Baccalaureate degree certificate
3.1 Official and/or public institutions
Attach a copy of the degree certificate.
3.2 Private institutions
Original certification issued by the Educational Institution signed by the Rector or the Payer, indicating:
- ICFES School Code
- Indicate that it is a school
- Working day (day, night, semi-annual or other)
- Value of monthly pension paid at grade 11
- In case of having been a scholarship recipient in grade 11, it must be specified in the certification.
4. Place of residence
For admitted residents in Floridablanca, Girón, Piedecuesta or any other municipality in the country, attach the original of the certificate of stratification of the housing of the members of the Family Economic Unit-UEF, issued by the Municipal Planning Office and valid for no more than 30 days, in which the address of the property and the socioeconomic stratum are specified, (The address corresponds to the one reported in the admission letter).
Students residing in the city of Bucaramanga must not present such a certificate.
Los estudiantes residentes en la ciudad de Bucaramanga no deben presentar dicho certificado.
5. Single Tax Registry – RUT
Copy of the Single Tax Registration Form – RUT valid for more than 2012 (father and mother) if they are registered in the DIAN for holding the quality of taxpayers. Check with the citizenship card number.
6. Socio-Economic Form6. Income Family Economic Unit
Note 1: Income of UEF members. No extra-trial statements are received for any purpose. Submit the document as applicable to your case:
Persons obliged to declare Income for the accounting year 2021
- Fill out in the socioeconomic form only box 16, 23, 30 or 37 (Liquid Income): Income statement of the last taxable year, duly signed by the declarant and stamped by the bank or the electronic stamp of the DIAN.
- Form 110: Income and Complementary Declaration or Income and Patrimony for Legal and Assimilated and Non-Resident Natural and Assimilated Persons and Illiquid Successions of Non-Resident Originators year 2021. “Taxable net income”, line 79.
- Form 210: Income Tax Return and Complementary Persons and Assimilated Persons of Residents and Illiquid Inheritance of Resident Originators year 2021. “Total taxable net income general certificate”, line 97, if the tax paid was on net cedular income, or “presumptive income”, line 98, if the tax paid was on presumptive income.
- If the income taxpayer is a pensioner, he must add the “Net income of the pension certificate”, line 101, plus the “Total taxable net income of the general certificate”, line 97.
Employees and Pensioners Not Required to Declare Income.
- Fill out in the socioeconomic form only box 17, 24, 31 or 38 (Annual income):
- If you are an employee: Certificate of income and withholdings for Income from Work and Pensions year 2021 (Form 220).
- If you are a pensioner: Certificate from the Pension Fund or COLPENSIONES, specifying the total value of the income for the year 2021 for old-age, disability, substitution or survivor pension.
Independent workers not obliged to declare income.
- Fill out in the socioeconomic form only box 17, 24, 31 or 38 (Annual income):
- Certificate of Income for independent non-declarant person year 2022 (Available by clicking here or in the button below called Non-declarant certificate), duly completed and signed by the worker. (Total value received in the year).
- Download the form at the following link
- follow route:
First level registration process > registration settlement > non-declarant certificate.
- follow route:
Homebound or unemployed parent
- Certificate of Income for independent non-declarant person year 2022, duly completed and signed.
- You must attach the certificate of attachment to the General Social Security System in Health in which it is specified if it is from the contributory or subsidized regime and if you are a contributor or beneficiary.
Death of any of the members of UEF
- No survivor’s pension: original of the Civil Registry of death of the deceased member and certificate of the Pension Entity in which it is specified that there is no replacement or survivor pension for each of those who prove the quality of beneficiaries.
- With survivor’s pension: original of the Civil Registry of death of the deceased member and certificate of income and withholdings for income from work and pensions year 2021, issued by the Pension Entity that granted the replacement or survivor pension for those who prove the quality of beneficiaries. (Total value received in the year).
Disappearance of a parent
- Legal documents issued by the competent authority that support the disappearance. (kidnapping, natural events, repression or others).1
7. Electoral certificate
If the student participated in the elections of:
Presidential elections of June 19, 2022 (over 18 years of age).
Municipal Youth Council elections on 5 December 2021 (for children under 18 years of age).
8. Identity document
Photocopy of the identity document extended to 150 of the members (father, mother and student).
9. Student’s Sisben card.
Photocopy from student’s Sisben card.
10. Student’s marital status
Students who are married or in a de facto marital union must additionally attach the civil registry of marriage or the public deed of constitution of de facto marital union.
Print Settlement Download your tuition settlement:
- Click on the “Payments and electronic sales” button.
- Click on the option “Undergraduate and postgraduate settlement. payments”.
- Enter your assigned code and password.
- Download settlement or pay online.
Do you want more information?
Contact Us

Collections Section
Teléfono: +57 (607) 634 4000
Ext.: 2147 – 2127 – 2869 – 2037

Main Campus UIS
Bucaramanga, Santander
Carrera 27 calle 9
Ciudad Universitaria

Attention hours:
Monday to friday
7:00 a.m. a 12:00 m.
2:00 p.m. a 5:00 p.m.
Do you want more information?
Contact Us

Collections Section
Teléfono: +57 (607) 634 4000
Ext.: 2147 – 2127 – 2869 – 2037

Main Campus UIS
Bucaramanga, Santander
Carrera 27 calle 9
Ciudad Universitaria

Attention hours:
Monday to friday
7:00 a.m. a 12:00 m.
2:00 p.m. a 5:00 p.m.
Do you want more information?
Contact Us

Collections Section
Teléfono: +57 (607) 634 4000
Ext.: 2147 – 2127 – 2869 – 2037

Main Campus UIS
Bucaramanga, Santander
Carrera 27 calle 9
Ciudad Universitaria

Attention hours:
Monday to friday
7:00 a.m. a 12:00 m.
2:00 p.m. a 5:00 p.m.