Virtual Exchange
Foreign Affairs Directorate
Virtual modality
Virtual exchange is a new modality of educational interaction, in which students can take online courses (100% virtual) offered by higher education institutions with bilateral or network agreements, which may recognize the credits approved by the students subject to the exchange as long as they respect the bases and academic criteria required by the institution of origin. A virtual exchange program is in short a modality to study subjects of the curriculum in partner institutions through virtual platforms, without including travel to another city or country. These exchanges have the same validity as normal mobilities but with the ease of taking them from the comfort of your home.

- Complement to physical mobility.
- Additional certificate options.
- Promotion of interdisciplinarity in training.
- Intercultural competences.
- Reach out to other actors of the IES.
- Access to more HEIs and countries.
- Generation of bridges of collaboration and exchange.
- Learning opportunity for HEIs.
Aimed at: Undergraduate, graduate, faculty, graduate students
The Virtual Mobility Space in Higher Education consists of a consortium of higher education institutions member of the Inter-American University Organization (OUI), where each university proposes quotas in courses or subjects homologable in the University of origin, allowing the virtual modality of students, according to the offer of the consortium available in this link In total E-MOVIES for the second semester of this year there are 4,972 places in 1,317 courses.
1. Select course of your preference in:: E-movies courses
2. Prepare the following documentation:
- ID scanner.
- Official certificate of notes or polygraph.
- Fill out the following form: E-movie form
- Have passed 60% of their university credits in accordance with the exchange regulations.
- Have academic endorsement to take the course, so that it is approved at the UIS: Fre.15 format
Academic Exchange Agreement between ASCUN, ANUIES and the CIN, which aims to promote the exchange of students of undergraduate/postgraduate careers, as well as academics, researchers and managers of universities and higher education institutions associated with THE PARTIES, through the Program called: “Programa de Intercambio Latinoamericano (PILA)”, in order to enrich their academic, professional and integral training, as well as promote the internationalization of higher education and strengthen the ties of cooperation between Colombia, Mexico and Argentina.
The exchange program allows through the cooperation networks with universities in Argentina and Mexico, the offer of homologable courses in partner institutions. This is a great opportunity to take subjects at another university since the program will be carried out virtually and without having to travel to another country.
- Scanned copy of the identity document.
- Official certificate of notes or polygraph.
- Filling out the following form: PILA form
- Having passed 60% of their university credits in accordance with the exchange regulations.
- Having an academic endorsement from your School to take the course, and that it is approved at the UIS: Format
- Sending the documents to the movilidad@uis.edu.co mail
The Sígueme program has been created with the aim of providing possibilities for greater academic enrichment and openness to new regional experiences. The student will have the possibility to interact in different academic and cultural environments. The agreement has been established between ten national universities accredited high quality by the Ministerio de Educación Nacional.

Explora -e CCYK
We are pleased to share with you the launch of the Network’s Academic and Research Mobility Program called Explora CCYK, within the framework of our Axis 3 Roadmap. “Generate strategies to strengthen its members in issues of internationalization of Higher Education according to national and international challenges and challenges.”, Specific objective 3.2, “Generate spaces and actions aimed at strengthening the role of member universities and the benefits of these from the CCYK Network. activity Z, “Design and implement a CCYK Student Mobility Program with research emphasis.”
- Scanner of the identity document.
- Official certificate of notes or polygraph.
- Fill out the form.
- Undergraduate: Have passed 60% of their university credits in accordance with the exchange/Postgraduate regulations: Have completed and passed, at least the first semester of their postgraduate program
- Have academic endorsement to take the course, so that it is approved at the UIS: FRE.15 format

INILATmov+ is a program of the Latin American Initiative for the Internationalization of Higher Education, INILAT, made up of associations and networks from six countries in the region: Colombia (RCI-ASCUN), Argentina (REDCIUN-CIN), Brazil (FAUBAI), Chile (Learn Chile), Mexico (AMPEI) and Peru (REDIPERÚ).
This program, at no cost to participating students and institutions, has as its main objective to promote the virtual mobility of undergraduate and graduate students, activating online exchange opportunities and expanding the cooperation and relationships that unite the members of the institutions that make up INILAT.
Do you want more information?
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Foreign Affairs
Phone: +57 (607) 634 4000
Extension: 2055

UIS Central Campus
Bucaramanga, Santander
Cra 27 calle 9, Ciudad Universitaria.
Edificio administración 2, primer piso.
Universidad Industrial de Santander.

Office hours:
Monday to Friday
7:00 a.m. – 12:00 m.
2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.