Inbound Mobility
Foreign Relations Directorate
Mobility UIS
How to apply?
Foreign students or currently enrolled in a university abroad may be eligible for an academic exchange program at the Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS), as long as their home institution has an academic exchange agreement with the UIS.
If you are a student interested in entering the Universidad Industrial de Santander. Please complete the Obligatory UIS form
Required documents:
- Application Form for visiting students at UIS.
- Letter/introductory email from your home university.
- Recent certificate of grades for the entire race.
- Certificate of Proficiency in Spanish (B1) for non-Spanish-speaking students
- For Colombians, photocopy of the citizenship card and for foreigners photocopy of the page of the personal data of the passport.
- Agreement of the Superior Council No. 029 of 2014 by which the Undergraduate Student Academic Mobility Programs of the Universidad Industrial de Santander are regulated.
- Rectory Resolution No. 2570 of 2014 establishing the guidelines for granting additional support to that provided for in Article 26 of the Superior Council Agreement No. 029 of 2014 on undergraduate student academic mobility.
research internships available
for International Students
Get information by writing to our mobility email
* If you are interested in applying, please send this information to the International Office or the International Student Coordinator at your respective institution.
If you need additional information do not hesitate to contact us at the email movilidad@uis.edu.co
For more information you can consult our Guide for Foreign Students / Spanish
For details of our city, see:
Everything you need to know about Bucaramanga / BGA te activa
Registration to the mobility program
“Quien pisa tierra santandereana, es santandereano.”:
(“Everyone who steps on Santander soil will be a Santander citizen”)
Among the expectations with which a student enters the university is the possibility of carrying out an exchange in view of academic, cultural, and personal objectives. Undoubtedly, the possibility of making an experience like this allows us to live and see the magnitude of a world with customs and behaviors different from our daily ones and countless experiences that remain in the memory as an indelible stain. However, when it comes to choosing the country in which to live this experience, new doubts are created, all based on the expectations one has from the distance of the different countries: the climate, the food, the customs, the traditions, among others.
With all this, Latin America has become, thanks to its heterogeneity, a very valuable tourist destination for European and North American students, who see in this region, the opportunity to live an unforgettable experience. Colombia, being part of this rich territory at a demographic and cultural level, is one of the most desirable destinations to visit, for its magical landscapes, its delicious food, and the quality of its people.

Colombia an excellent option to live an exchange: Its great diversity of landscapes, human quality and incredible tourist places declared as heritage of the country. Its natural wealth catalogs Colombia as a paradise to live in due to its great variety of climates: warm, temperate and cold, presence of beaches, forests, deserts and even stops. In addition to all this, Colombia in recent years has presented improvements in economic development, represented in the quality of life and social opportunities. On the other hand, the festivities are part of the National agenda in different periods. In this sense, Colombia has a large number of festivities in all regions of the country, among the most important are: the Flower Fair in Medellín, the Carnival of Barranquilla, the Manizales Fair, the National Coffee Festival, the Cali Fair, the International Book Fair in Bogotá, among others. Each city contains unique qualities that make them unique, attractions beyond tourism that involve the foreigner as a new Colombian.
And within the many cities, why Bucaramanga?
To the northeast of the country is Bucaramanga, the beautiful city. It is bounded on the south by the imposing Chicamocha Canyon, on the east by the Berlin Páramo and on the west by the municipality of Lebrija. It has approximately 200 parks inside. Be part of the great Santander department, characterized by its beautiful villages listed as heritage, and promoting ecotourism as the main source of income.
Its gastronomy is part of the great virtues of the department of Santander. Having the opportunity to find an aperitif like the ass ants, at certain times of the year, make Bucaramanga a must to visit. The oreada meat, the Veleño sandwich, the pepitoria or the mute, are without a doubt, exquisite dishes that a foreigner should try.
In addition to the tourist elements that undoubtedly form an essential part, it is pertinent to consider the city of Bucaramanga as a sustainable city, since it contains economic and social indicators above the National Average and a territory longed for to live for its access to services, high educational coverage and quality in it, rescuing within the city the great Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS).
UIS - University in research Multidisciplinary
The UIS, an institution of higher education, is considered one of the leading multidisciplinary research universities in Colombia. It has a total of 32 Undergraduate programs, in its main headquarters in the city of Bucaramanga and from the Regionalization Program of the Universidad Industrial de Santander, in four municipalities of the department of Santander: Barrancabermeja, Socorro, Málaga and Barbosa. The university since its creation has been directed towards an efficient preparation of engineers, in which the Petroleum Engineer stands out, a career that is only found in four universities nationwide, its demand, its high preparation and training make the school, the faculties of engineering and the university in general, in a university with high quality, one of the best in the country.
Academic quality to the test
Pigeonholed, according to the QS World University Ranking, in the position number 9 of the best universities in the country and the best in northeastern Colombia. In the same way, according to the World Ranking of Research in Universities, the Universidad Industrial de Santander was ranked as the fifth best university in the country.
It is important to note that the university received in 2014 the accreditation of high quality, or in the words of the National Accreditation Council: “a testimony provided by the State on the quality of a program or institution based on a previous evaluation process in which the institution involves the academic communities and the National Accreditation Council issued by the National Ministry of Education (MEN)”.
Therefore, the Universidad Industrial de Santander is given this valuable recognition for its strengthening of the staff of professors, the development of research, the relevance of academic programs, among others. Similarly, Sapiens Research, an important academic publication has just published its most recent ranking of the Colombian universities with the highest recognition from its publications in 2016 at an international level. In this way, of the 350 universities evaluated in this ranking, the Industrial University of Santander ranked number 10 nationally and the best at the region.

On the other hand, the quality of the university has also allowed it to perform in different initiatives in favor of the well-being of the country. Thus, based on the historical conjunctural moment lived in the country and with the possibility of overcoming an armed conflict of more than 50 years, the Universidad Industrial de Santander managed to venture as the first university entity to provide training for the reintegration of ex-combatants of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) to civilian life. It was listed as the first educational institution to intervene in the new territories of peace in Colombia, betting on high-quality training to the rural areas of the country that lived through the conflict.
With the program “UIS paz a la selva”, the Universidad Industrial de Santander initiated this year a strategy that has as its main purpose, the presence of the territories “forgotten” by the State, where armed groups have been present for several decades of the conflict. This program aims to promote research and promote entrepreneurship projects for those citizens who are direct victims of the armed conflict in our country. With all this and the good results obtained by the university, it is possible to demonstrate the quality of educational institution in which we find ourselves.
Culture and Programs
In addition, the university opens up various cultural learning spaces for citizens. Thus, training in a foreign language for students who are studying the different programs offered by the university, allows to open numerous doors in the labor market; this opportunity is given through the Language Institute UIS, one of the best institutes at the departmental level.
Besides, the artistic groups of the UIS as the choir, Macondo, the folkloric dance group, the theater group and the tuna, make their presentations constantly in the different scenarios that the university has. This, in turn, enriches the culture in the students and people belonging to the institution and creates recreation spaces for its participants. The programs of storytelling, dance, yoga, physical conditioning, among others, created by the University Welfare office opens the opportunity for many interested parties to allow themselves to venture into new healthy activities, which with the Neighbors and Friends program are established on weekends within the university.
Each of these characteristics allows to evidence the level in which the university is located. The decision to choose a country for an exchange by a foreign student should focus on the various cultural, academic and personal experiences that can be lived. Undoubtedly, the Universidad Industrial de Santander opens its doors to all foreign students, hoping that their experience within the institution will be the best of their lives, providing them with quality in education and culture, two of its best characteristics. Colombia, Bucaramanga and the Universidad Industrial de Santander await you with open arms. This country, this city and this university hope to provide the best opportunity of their lives through their exchange. Cheer up, you won’t regret it.
In undergraduate, it can be consulted on the website: UIS Undergraduate calendars
Postgraduate courses usually handle different calendars and others may have specific modules by period, in the link there is a general description of the duration of each period, however, it is recommended that the student consult the availability of the courses of interest and the dates of execution of the same.
For information on the Postgraduate calendar, go to the link:
Research Internship Offer
The UIS research groups have reported some quotas to do an internship in their facilities, if you are interested in this type of mobility, access the information available on our website.
The UIS has a headquarters located in Bucaramanga – Colombia. Cra 27th calle 9.
Additionally, it has a Technology Park, where most of our laboratories and research centers are housed. The PTG is located within the Metropolitan Area of Bucaramanga (capital of the department of Santander), northwest of the urban area of the municipality of Piedecuesta on the road that starts from the Bucaramanga – Bogotá Highway, to the village and valley of Guatiguará.
Our headquarters in the Region*:
- Sede Floridablanca
- Sede Barbosa
- Sede Barrancabermeja
- Sede Málaga
- Sede Socorro
Some with different undergraduate programs than those offered at headquarters, however, these do not host graduate programs.
Tourism in Santander:
Apply details
Students interested in applying for an undergraduate or postgraduate mobility program at the UIS can contact us through their mobility offices in the universities of origin or directly with the following information (as long as they are officially postulated by the university of origin):
Lic. Mayra Jurado
E-mail: movilidad@uis.edu.do
Phone: PBX: (057) 7 6344000
Ext: 2578
Isable Cristina Gómez
E-mail: relext@uis.edu.co
Phone: PBX: (057) 7 6344000
Ext: 2055 – 2216 – 2578
Virtual exchanges
visitors (teachers, experts, administrators)
Icetex Expertos Program
This program seeks to provide support aimed at financing the participation of national and international experts in events and activities organized in Colombia or abroad, by higher education institutions (HEIs), research centers, technological institutions, higher normal schools or institutions that are dedicated to academic, research, development and / or innovation work, that are part of the Reciprocity program for Foreigners in Colombia or carry out cooperation activities with one of these or the Colombian government.
The International Experts program encourages and strengthens the internationalization and quality of higher and technological education in Colombia, as well as the research, development and innovation processes implemented by member institutions.
Note: For the application platform, only one user is assigned per institution which is usually managed by the Office of International Relations or the Vice-Rectory for Research.
Through the office’s own funds, a round-trip ticket or travel expenses of a professor who intends to generate new ties of cooperation with foreign institutions would be financed.
-Being a staff professor at your home university
-Proposal of work and objectives that seeks to obtain with the stay
-Commitment to generate a cooperation agreement
To apply, write to relextdir@uis.edu.co with a copy to relext@uis.edu.co
expertos internacionales program
Inbound Mobility
Institutions enrolled in the Reciprocity Program for Foreigners in Colombia and teacher training schools may request financial support under the conditions described in this call for applications, in order for an expert residing abroad to participate in an event or activity in Colombia. For this modality support may be requested for:
– Teachers
– Researchers
– Practitioners
expertos internacionales program
Outbound Modality
Institutions enrolled in the Reciprocity for Foreigners program in Colombia and higher normal schools may request financial support under the conditions described in this call, for the purpose of participating in an event, academic or research activity outside the country. Within this modality you can request support for:
– Teachers and academics who are going to make a presentation or academic activity outside the country.
– Internships for researchers and PhD students.
– Directors and administrative officials who will participate in an activity that contributes to the development of the institution from the internationalization.
– Academic missions.
– Students with high academic distinctions who will represent the institution or the country in an event abroad.
Funding by ICETEX is conditional on the duration of the expert’s visit, which may not be less than three (3) days or more than fourteen (14) days. In the event that the requested item is air tickets, the stay may last up to six (6) months.
Do you need more information?
Contact Us

Foreign Affairs
Phone: +57 (607) 634 4000
Extension: 2055

UIS Central Campus
Bucaramanga, Santander
Cra 27 calle 9, Ciudad Universitaria
Edificio de Administración 2, piso 1

Office hours:
Monday to Friday
7:00 a.m. – 12:00 m.
2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.