Union of University Workers and Employees of Colombia (SINTRAUNICOL)

Entidades Asociadas





The Trade Union of University Workers and Employees of Colombia (SINTRAUNICOL) is a first-degree organization and branch of economic activity, which is governed by the National Constitution, the Substantive Labour Code and other provisions on the subject. It will be composed of the Workers and Employees of the Institutions of Postsecondary Education.

The domicile of the Board of Directors of the Union of University Workers and Employees of Colombia “SINTRAUNICOL”, is located in the city of Bogotá, Department of Cundinamarca, Republic of Colombia and has Sub-Directives and Sectional Committees.

Currently Workers and Employees and Employees of 29 Official Universities, are linked to SINTRAUNICOL and there are approximately 7,500 members.


principles and


The mission of the Union of Workers and University Employees and Employees of Colombia – SINTRAUNICOL SUBIDRECTIVA BUCARAMANGA, is to respond to the needs of those who are part of it. Based on fundamental principles, which we respect and abide by as pillars of our daily actions, among which we find:

  • SINTRAUNICOL is a unitary, classist, democratic and progressive trade union organization, which proposes the unity of Colombian Workers and University Employees and Employees, without distinction of race, religious creed, philosophical ideas or political militancy.


  • SINTRAUNICOL will have as its primary task to unconditionally defend the current conquests and rights of Workers and Employees and seek the improvement of their living and working conditions, as well as of the people in general.


  • It will fight against imperialism, the bourgeoisie and the system of capitalist exploitation and oppression for full national independence, democratic freedoms, social justice, respect for human rights and social transformations that allow the development and progress of our people.


  • SINTRAUNICOL is an autonomous trade union organization independent of the State. Religious organizations, employers, bourgeois political parties and movements. Consequently, it will be a class trade union organization that tends to ensure that its orientations, political definitions and positions in the face of the various national and international economic, social and political problems interpret the interests and aspirations of the workers.


  • SINTRAUNICOL will fight for absolute respect for the self-determination of peoples, for the unrestricted fulfillment of the principles of non-intervention and for the peaceful solution of conflicts between nations.


  • SINTRAUNICOL will work for a consistent practice of proletarian internationalism. In this sense it will promote the struggle of the Workers and Employees and peoples of the world against all forms of capitalist oppression and exploitation, against colonialism, neocolonialism, neoliberalism, fascism and racial discrimination.


  • It supports in solidarity the peoples of the world who are fighting for their national and social liberation. It stands with all workers and employees and people of the world who are fighting to break the chains of exploitation and oppression.


  • It will work against the danger of imperialist war and demand an end to the arms and nuclear race. Consequently, it will defend the interests of world peace and progress of peoples with social justice.


  • SINTRAUNICOL is a subsidiary of the Single Confederation of Workers and Employees CUT, the sub-directives will promote its quantitative and qualitative strengthening.


  • SINTRAUNICOL will work for the unity of the Latin American peoples and contribute to developing within them an ideology in accordance with thoughts of freedom and self-determination.


  • SINTRAUNICOL will give its combative and solidary support to the peoples who suffer the ignominy of anti-democratic regimes on the continent and the world. In the same way, it will fight for the economic, social and political integration of Latin America, and for just international relations that guarantee respect for national sovereignty, development and progress of our peoples.
  • SINTRAUNICOL, will work with all the efforts and resources to achieve the most complete organization and unity of Colombian Workers and Employees, both in the countryside and in the city, in a single class trade union center.


  • SINTRAUNICOL will work for a single union organization at the level of Workers and Employees of education, in this sense it will promote together with the teachers and other sectors the formation of SUTEC. Thus SINTRAUNICOL, will advance and support the tasks that are required to transform the current union structure, through the construction of large unions by industrial and service branches.


  • In this context, it will also promote the formation of a broad social and political movement that raises the struggle for a popular, anti-imperialist, anti-oligarchic and democratic government.


  • SINTRAUNICOL will organize and operate in accordance with the principles of the broadest and most authentic trade union democracy, consult and discuss permanently with the workers, take their critical opinions and initiatives and defend their decisions. It will combat state and employer interference in the life of trade unions and machinations that tend to limit trade union democracy. It will defend trade union autonomy and the practice that its tactics and orientations are defined by the Workers and Employees and leaders themselves and will stimulate the practice of mass syndicalism. In the definition and development of their programs and policies, all sectors will have the full right to expose both within.


  • SINTRAUNICOL, and outside of it their points of view and opinions, the minority will abide by the decisions of the majority.


  • In defense of trade union democracy. SINTRAUNICOL will combat all those practices that threaten or harm the unity and strengthening of the organization. The sub-directives shall fulfil the mandates democratically approved by their respective assemblies and the national assembly.


  • Delegates to National Congresses and Assemblies shall be elected in assemblies or boards of directors and shall be aimed at the direct election of the leaders of the organization.


  • No leader or affiliates may be sanctioned or restricted because of their political or religious militancy, only trafficking with the interests of the workers, scabbing, corruption and betrayal of the principles and interests of the organization and the workers will be sanctioned.


  • SINTRAUNICOL will resort to mobilization as the main form of struggle including the strike and will practice the broadest unity of action with the popular, trade union, youth, women’s and indigenous organizations in order to consolidate in the mass actions the alliance of the workers, peasants, employees, workers and employees of culture and of all popular sectors, for the conquest of political and democratic freedoms based on the rights of organization, expression and participation of Workers and Employees in the fundamental determinations of the country.


  • SINTRAUNICOL will carry out political education campaigns among its members, seeking that Workers and Employees acquire class consciousness, participate and defend the ideology, interests and aspirations of the working class and the people.




The Governing Bodies of the Trade Union in their hierarchical order are:

  • The General Assembly of Delegates
    The National Board of Directors
    The General Assemblies of the Sub-Directives
    The Boards of Directors of the Sub-Directives
PresidentLuis Fernando Santander Ramírez
Vice-presidentJairo Medina
Secretary-generalLuz Ángela Joya Almayda

Ricardo Arenas Peña

FiscalJavier Enrrique Maldonado Quintero
Secretary of Labor Affairs, Social Security and Collective BargainingPedro Antonio Olarte Sandoval
Secretary of Welfare, Recreation, Sports and CultureDiego Fernando Rangel Sandoval
Secretary of Communications and Publicity Affairs

Jorge Eliecer Villadiego Pastrana

Secretary of Gender and Youth Workers Fredy Fernando Ariza Mejía
Secretary of Human Rights and SolidarityRoger Reyes Reyes
  • Sonia Stella Serrano García

  • William Fernando Sandoval Gallo

  • Sergio Latorre Camacho

  • José Santos Garzón García

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Contact Us

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Phone: +57 (607) 634 4000 

Extension: 2376

Telefax: +57 (607) 635 8493


Icono de la ubicación para la atención de la unidad

Campus Central UIS

Bucaramanga, Santander

Edificio Bienestar Universitario, oficina 204.

Universidad Industrial de Santander.

Icono del horario de atención

Office Hours:

Monday to friday

7:00 a.m. a 12:00 m.

2:00 p.m. a 5:00 p.m.

Doy you want more information?

Contact Us

Icono de la unidad responsable


Phone: +57 (607) 634 4000 

Extension: 2376

Telefax: +57 (607) 635 8493


Icono de la ubicación para la atención de la unidad

Campus Central UIS

Bucaramanga, Santander

Edificio Bienestar Universitario, oficina 204.

Universidad Industrial de Santander.

Icono del horario de atención

Office Hours:

Monday to friday

7:00 a.m. a 12:00 m.

2:00 p.m. a 5:00 p.m.

Do you want more information?

Contact Us

Icono de la unidad responsable


Phone: +57 (607) 634 4000 

Extension: 2376

Telefax: +57 (607) 635 8493


Icono de la ubicación para la atención de la unidad

Campus Central UIS

Bucaramanga, Santander

Edificio Bienestar Universitario, oficina 204.

Universidad Industrial de Santander.

Icono del horario de atención

Office Hours:

Monday to friday

7:00 a.m. a 12:00 m.

2:00 p.m. a 5:00 p.m.

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