Final Works, Projects and Papers



Dear University Community:

I am pleased to place at your disposal through this medium the documentation related to Undergraduate Degree Works, according to Acuerdo Superior No. 004 of 2007, which is part of all Undergraduate Programs that include in their Study Plans this Work as a requirement for obtaining the professional degree.

After the approval of the Superior Agreement, the Academic Vice-Rectory led a process of analysis so that the Schools and Programs of the IPRED Institute of Regional Projection and Distance Education, defined the strategic lines of contribution to regional development and the modalities of Degree Works to be implemented with their students, which were approved by the Academic Council.

To facilitate access to all information related to this new Bylaws and Regulations, the following groups of documents were established:

Summary of the Bylaws and Regulations: In this document the main details of the Bylaws and Regulations that students must know in order to select the modality of their Degree Project are listed by modality.

Documentation by modality: In this link you will find details of the Bylaws and Regulations related to each modality and the general documentation that applies to all Degree Project modalities.

Frequently Asked Questions: Based on the repetitive concerns, the answers to the most frequently asked questions about this new Bylaws and Regulations are defined and additionally a space is provided to establish new questions.

I hope that this compilation of information will help students to have at their disposal all the necessary criteria to select their Degree Project and its modality, within the framework of this new Bylaws and Regulations, which aims to bring the development of this last learning experience closer to the professional interests of the future alumni, strengthen the University-Society relationship, increase student mobility and the influence of each School or Program on its environment.

Yours sincerely,



Final Works, Projects and Papers

Due to the legal nature of the documents shared here, they can only be consulted in Spanish.

  1. Academic Agreement 099/2008
  2. Academic Agreement 240/2008 and its modifications
  3. Superior Agreement  004/2007
  4. Regulatory Summary

General Aspects

The following articles of the Superior Agreement 004/2007, apply to all the Modalities of Degree Works:



The other articles of the Superior Agreement 004/2007, are classified for each modality where applicable, in the link “DOCUMENTATION BY MODALITY”.


ARTICLE 1°. The University, in the Study Plan of some of its careers, establishes as a requirement for obtaining the professional degree, the completion by the student of a special work called “Final Work”. This work gives the student the opportunity to perform an exercise of analysis and application of knowledge, skills and values acquired during their training process and propose contributions or alternative solutions to problems or needs of the region or the country. Through the final work the student will have the possibility of: Apply the scientific method to study and decision processes.

  • Diagnose problems and needs using the knowledge acquired at the University.
  • Collect and analyze information to propose solutions to specific problems and needs.
  • Develop plans and execute projects that allow you to demonstrate your capabilities and talents, as well as strengthen your decision making.
  • To deepen the knowledge of a thematic area or problem of interest.

ARTICLE 2°. The Faculty of the School or the Program will define, in accordance with the vision of the Academic Unit and with the participation of the Final Work Committee, the strategic lines of contribution to regional development, prioritizing the areas and topics in which they have interest and possibility of impact, in order to generate a frame of reference to guide students in identifying the most relevant and pertinent problems, in which the School or the Program has decided to concentrate the productivity of students and professors in the Final Work.

PARAGRAPH. Four weeks before the end of each academic period, the School Director or Program Coordinator, as the case may be, shall publish those areas or topics that, according to the provisions of this article, constitute alternatives of priority and interest for students to develop their Final Work during the following academic period.


ARTICLE 3°. The final work will be developed in two academic periods, in each of which the student will register the subjects called Final Work I and Final Work II, respectively.

f both the formulation of the Work Plan and its approval take less than the maximum time established (16 weeks), the student will be able to begin the completion of his or her Final Work II immediately.

The Final Work II is the fulfillment of the Work Plan presented in the Final Work I, which will be carried out during one (1) academic period after its approval, without the development of the two subjects exceeding two (2) academic periods. The Director will establish, in agreement with the student or group of students, a schedule of face-to-face or virtual meetings with the periodicity deemed necessary, so that the Director may verify and monitor the progress of the work and the students may request his guidance when so required.

PARAGRAPH 1. Students who are developing their final work in institutions outside the University must have the time scheduled with the Director for consultation, counseling or follow-up sessions, which must be included in the document that formalizes the completion of the final work.

PARAGRAPH 2. The student in approved simultaneous careers, may choose to submit only one final work, in which case such plan must be approved by the Final Work Committee of each Academic Unit to which the student belongs. Likewise, the Director of the final work must be clearly defined, as well as its co-director.

ARTICLE 5°. The final work will be carried out by a plural number of students, who will form a team that may be interdisciplinary in nature. It is the responsibility of the Final Work Committee to authorize the work to be done individually. In all cases, only one report will be submitted.

ARTICLE 6°. Unce the Final Work I is enrolled, the student must request the support of one of the professors of the School or Program as Director of the Final Work, depending on the thematic area and the modality in which the student wishes to develop it. The definition of the Director of the final work must be established during the second week of classes of the academic period at the latest.


ARTICLE 4°. The final work can be developed in different modalities, which will allow students to strengthen or develop specific skills or competencies, according to their interests, their potential, their professional projection and the educational project of the respective academic unit. These modalities are: Research Work

  • Artistic Creation Work
  • Teaching Practice
  • Business Practice
  • Social Practice
  • Research Seminar
  • Courses in Master’s or Doctoral Programs
  • Research Internship
  • Internship in Business Creation

Research work includes the design and execution of a plan that seeks to provide solutions to theoretical or practical problems in the local, regional or national environment; adapt and appropriate technologies; replicate and validate knowledge produced in other contexts; generate innovation or carry out the study and theoretical analysis of a problem through a monographic work.

The Artistic Creation Work is an academic experience developed by students in the artistic area, which allows them to express their skills and talents through a personal language from which they generate their own work and present it in public. The work also implies the professional responsibility of the exhibition or socialization process in relation to themselves, the space and society; also demonstrating their argumentative and conceptual abilities in relation to their work and the general artistic context.

The Teaching Internship includes the student’s experience and contributions to the university professorship through the development of Classroom Projects aimed at proposing and/or evaluating new methodologies, didactic strategies, subject evaluation processes and other components that contribute to the improvement of the learning process, or the enrichment of learning units in which learning objects are developed through the use of ICTs.

The Business Internship is an academic experience in which the student comes into contact and interacts through specific projects, with the reality of business contexts at local, national or international level in areas of their profession, in which they apply and strengthen personal and professional skills.

The Social Practice allows the student to get in touch with the needs of territorial entities or communities in the country and design or apply alternative solutions to problems that are part of their professional field, in projects that aim to contribute to the improvement of the quality of life of population groups. The projects in which the student works must be framed within the territorial development plan or of the organization where the internship is carried out.

The Research Seminar is a reflective, systematic and critical process whose purpose is to strengthen the student’s skills required in the handling of information and communication to develop scientific research, using training for both personal and team work, and original work on a specific topic. It also seeks to initiate the study of new research objects of interest to the School. This work is carried out by a group of 3 to 5 students who, under the direction of a professor, elaborate and execute the plan of the Seminar on a research topic, through a dynamic that includes activities of reporting, correlation, discussion and elaboration of a synthesis document, which includes the study of the contextual references of the selected topic (political, ethical, economic and social aspects).

Courses in Master’s or Doctoral Programs at the Universidad Industrial de Santander, include the development by the student of subjects belonging to this type of graduate programs in their disciplinary area or others whose affinity allows the deepening and theoretical analysis of problems corresponding to a topic of their interest.

The Research Internship allows the student to identify and strengthen the skills required for the development of research processes by joining Research Groups of the Universidad Industrial de Santander or other national or international universities. During the internship, the student is involved in the formulation of a research protocol or in the development of an ongoing research project, contributing in some of its components under the guidance of the Project Director.

The purpose of the Business Creation Internship is to strengthen the entrepreneurial spirit and the generation of employment. It includes the formulation of a business plan, according to the guidelines defined by the Vice Rector’s Office for Research and Extension for this modality.

PARAGRAPH 1. The Academic Council will decide, based on the reasoned request of each School or Program, on the modalities that apply for the realization of the final work by their students (Academic Agreement 240/2008).

PARAGRAPH 2. The School Boards or Program Committees, as the case may be, must establish the minimum criteria that must characterize the companies or institutions that may receive students for the completion of their final work in the modalities of Business Practice, Social Practice and Research Internship.

PARAGRAPH 3. The student may take the subjects mentioned in paragraph g) of this ARTICLE, in the Master’s and Doctorate programs of the Universidad Industrial de Santander.

PARAGRAPH 4. The Graduate Programs Advisory Committee, in compliance with paragraph b) of ARTICLE 32 of the General Bylaws and Regulations, shall define the number of quotas for undergraduate students who opt for the modality of Courses in Master’s or Doctoral Programs as a final work option.


ARTICLE 7°. In each of the Schools or Programs there will be a Final Work Committee formed by the School Director or Program Coordinator, who presides it, and by two (2) professors appointed by the Faculty of the School or Program, as the case may be.

PARAGRAPH. The appointment of professors to the Committee shall be for a period of two (2) years.

ARTICLE 8°. The functions of the Final Work Committee are as follows:

  1. Analyze, approve or recommend improvements, if necessary, to the Work Plan proposed by the student(s) and guided by the respective Director of the Final Work.
  2. To issue the final approval for the Final Work I.
  3. Define the characteristics that the final report of the Final Work II must have.
  4. Assign qualifiers to the final report of the Final Work II.
  5. Define the schedule and protocol for the presentation of the Final Work II in each academic period.

PARAGRAPH 1. Ehe Committee may request the advice of professors or professionals of wide experience, internal or external to the institution, for the direction and evaluation of the final work, when the characteristics of the same so require.


ARTICLE 40°. No later than the tenth (10th) week of the academic period in which the student enrolls in Final Work I, the student must submit to the Final Work Committee of the School or Program, in a format designed for such purpose, four copies of the proposed Work Plan prepared according to the Director’s guidelines, which is the Final Work Report I. This proposal will be analyzed by the Committee for its approval or recommendation for improvement, if necessary. This proposal will be analyzed by the Committee for its approval or recommendation for improvement, if necessary, for which the Committee will have two (2) weeks. If the proposal requires improvement, the student must submit the corrected document to the Committee within two (2) weeks after notification. The Committee will issue its final decision within two (2) weeks following the delivery of the corrected document.

PARAGRAPH. If the student does not respond satisfactorily to the orientation given by the Director for the development of the Work Plan and at the time of submitting the report according to the established periods does not have such Plan, the student must request the cancellation of the course according to the established regulations.

ARTICLE 41°. In the eighth (8th) week of execution of the Final Work II, the student must submit to the Director of the work one (1) progress report on the proposed objectives, in which the difficulties encountered and the alternative solutions proposed and applied to overcome them are also consigned. All work reports where the student has a tutor must be endorsed by the tutor before being submitted to the Director.

ARTICLE 42°. As a result of the Final Work II, the student must prepare a final report following the general guidelines established by the respective Final Work Committee, which must be reviewed and approved by the Director of the project. Copies of the report must then be submitted to the Degree Project Committee in accordance with the regulations in force, so that the respective graders can be assigned.

PARAGRAPH 1. The Final Work Committee will orient towards the realization of brief reports. In the research modalities, the report will be oriented towards the realization of anarticle,a paper or a research proposal to be presented to external institutions.

ARTICLE 43°. As the only grade for the final work, the grade corresponding to the Final Work II will appear in the student’s academic record. When the student has opted for the modality of Courses in Master’s Programs, the grade will be the grade corresponding to the weighted average of the subjects taken during each academic period.

PARAGRAPH 1. A grade equal to or higher than 3.5 / 5.0 is considered a passing grade.

PARAGRAPH 2. In order to pass the final work in the modality of courses in Master’s or Doctoral Programs, a passing grade must be obtained in each subject taken. If in any of the subjects taken the student obtains a failing grade or if the average of the subjects taken corresponds to a failing grade, the student must choose a different final work modality in the following academic period.

ARTICLE 44°. For the evaluation of the Final Work II, the Final Work Committee will designate two (2) graders, who will have two (2) weeks to analyze and grade the report. Once this process is completed, the Degree Project Committee will summon the student(s) for public presentation of the results. The final grade of the Final Work will be obtained from the sum of 70% corresponding to the final work report and 30% of the presentation; in the case of the Artistic Creation Work modality, these percentages will be defined by the Undergraduate Work Committee.

ARTICLE 45°. When the student obtains a grade lower than 3.5 in the Final Work II, the work will be catalogued as Incomplete and the student must register again for the Final Work II in the following academic period to make the required adjustments and improvements, with the purpose of being presented again to the Final Work Committee.

ARTICLE 46°. When the student obtains a passing grade for the final report of the Final Work II, he/she must follow the Procedure for the submission of the Final Work to the Library, as well as the general guidelines established therein.

1. Artistic Creation

Articles 13, 14, 15 of the Superior Agreement 004/2007, apply to the Modality WORKS OF ARTISTIC CREATION.

ARTICLE 13°.     When the modality chosen by the student is the Artistic Creation Work, the student will select, with the guidance of the Director, the artistic development to be carried out in his/her final work. The theme of the work may be part of the areas or lines of work defined by the School or the Program.

ARTICLE 14°.     n the period in which the student enrolls in Degree Work I in the Artistic Creation Work modality, the student will elaborate with the Director’s advice the Work Plan to be followed, defining each one of the required stages until concluding with the document that will be submitted to the Final Work Committee as Final Work Plan I.

ARTICLE 15°. The Final Work II will be the execution of the Work Plan presented and approved as Final Work I. As a result, the student will prepare a final report, present his/her artistic creation production and make a public presentation, which will be evaluated by the graders designated by the Final Project Committee.

2. Master’s and Doctorate Course

Articles 30, 31, 32, 33, 43 of the Superior Agreement 004/2007, apply to the Modality Master’s and Doctorate Course

ARTICLE 30°.     Ahen registering for Final Work I in the modality of Courses in Master’s or Doctoral Programs, the student, with the guidance of the Director of the Final Work, must have identified the problem on which he/she wishes to deepen his/her knowledge and the Master’s or Doctoral program in which he/she will develop his/her Final Work; likewise, and with the guidance of the coordinator of the corresponding postgraduate program, the student will identify the subjects to be taken during the Final Work.

PARAGRAPH 1.     Por the Master’s or Doctoral Programs, the student must apply for acceptance to the Graduate Programs Advisory Committee, for which the student must comply with the following requirements:

  • A cumulative weighted average equal to or higher than 3.7.
  • Request two (2) academic reference letters, which will be sent directly by the professors to the Graduate Programs Advisory Committee, according to the form established by the University, which will be provided by the Academic Unit to which the Master’s or Doctoral program is attached.

PARAGRAPH 2.     The student may only enroll, be accepted and take and pass courses in Master’s and Doctorate programs of the Universidad Industrial de Santander, regardless of the type of financing, or in Master’s and Doctorate programs of universities with which an agreement has been established for this purpose.

PARAGRAPH 3.     The criterion for assigning the available places among the students who aspire to take their final work in this modality will be the highest weighted average.

PARAGRAPH 4.     Students who select as their final work the modality of Courses in Master’s or Doctoral Programs will not be considered graduate students.

ARTICLE 31°.     Once the student has registered his/her final work in this modality, he/she must send a written communication to the Final Work Committee informing the Master’s or Doctorate program and the subjects to be taken.

ARTICLE 32°.     During the academic periods in which the student enrolls in Final Work I and II, he/she must take a total of two (2) courses of the selected Master’s or Doctoral Program, for which he/she will have a maximum of two (2) academic periods.

ARTICLE 33°.     The student who has opted for this modality, once he/she obtains his/her undergraduate degree, may continue the Master’s or Doctorate program at Universidad Industrial de Santander in which he/she has taken courses. To do so, he/she will compete for the place according to the procedures defined in the General Bylaws and Regulations for Graduate Studies, but the development of his/her final work in this modality will be recognized when evaluating the resume component. Once the student is admitted, he/she may request the Graduate Program Advisory Committee the homologation of the courses taken and approved.

ARTICLE 43°.     As the only grade for the final work, the grade corresponding to the Final Work II will appear in the student’s academic record. When the student has opted for the modality of Courses in Master’s Programs, the grade will be the grade corresponding to the weighted average of the subjects taken during each academic period.

3. Business Creation

Articles 38, 39 of the superior agreement 004/2007, apply for the modality BUSINESS CREATION.

ARTICLE 38°.     When the student selects as Final Work I the modality of Internship in Business Creation, he/she must elaborate, with the guidance of the Director of the Final Work, a Work Plan according to the following  guidelines established by the Vice Rector’s Office for Research and Extension for this modality.

PARAGRAPH.        The Director responsible for the internship may be a professor of the University or a professional with experience in the area of project management or business creation, who must have the acceptance of the Degree Works Committee.

ARTICLE 39°. During Final Work II, the Work Plan designed during Final Work I and approved by the Final Work Committee will be implemented.

4. Research Internship

Articles 9, 34, 35, 36, 37 of the superior agreement 004/2007, apply to the following modality RESEARCH INTERNSHIP.

ARTICLE 9°. During the Business Practice, Social Practice and Research Internship modalities, the student must be legally enrolled at the University and therefore must comply with the institutional Bylaws and Regulations. Any offense committed in the company or entity will be sanctioned in accordance with the aforementioned Bylaws and Regulations, regardless of the sanction that may be applicable for the transgression of the internal Bylaws and Regulations of the company or entity.

ARTICLE 34°. In the period in which the student has enrolled in Final Work I in the Research Internship modality, at the end of the second week of classes, the student must have selected the Research Group of the Universidad Industrial de Santander or of another University at national or international level, in which he/she aspires to perform his/her internship, taking into account the guidelines defined by the respective School Council. For this purpose, a first contact must be established, preferably from the previous academic period, and the availability of the Research Group to accept the internship and define its linkage, either in the formulation of a research protocol or making a specific contribution to a project that is underway. Once the above aspects have been completed, the student will request the approval of the School Director regarding the selected Research Group.

PARAGRAPH 1. When the student is unable to define in the second week of classes the Research Group in which he/she will develop his/her internship, the Director of the School will analyze together with the student the factors that are influencing and will decide whether to extend the time for this requirement to be fulfilled. The student will assume the commitment to carry out the corresponding management in the established time.

PARAGRAPH 2. The Director of the research group must commit to involve the student as an active member of the group, who will participate in all meetings related to the research to which the student is assigned and in the events organized by the group.

ARTICLE 35°. Upon acceptance of the student to perform their internship in the Research Group, it will be formalized through a written communication from the Research Group expressing the interest and commitments mentioned above to support the internship, specifying that the Research Group will guarantee the student the use of scheduled times with the Director of the final work for consultation sessions, counseling or monitoring. As part of this willingness, a professional or professor from the Research Group will be designated to act as the student’s tutor during the development of the internship. The student will be responsible for the management to ensure compliance with these formalities.

PARAGRAPH. The responsible tutor in the Research Group must be a professional or professor with experience in the research line of the Group in which the student will perform the internship and must have the acceptance of the Degree Works Committee.

ARTICLE 36°. During the development of the Final Work I, the student must identify, with the tutor’s support, the project to be formulated or the contribution to be made in the selected research project. Based on this identification, the student will elaborate his/her Work Plan including the resources required for its fulfillment and defining the consideration corresponding to the participation of the Research Group.

ARTICLE 37°. During the Final Work II, the Work Plan designed and approved by both the Final Work Committee and the Research Group will be implemented. For the development of the final work II in this modality, the student will arrange with the Director of the Research Group the weekly schedule of activities, which must be equivalent to full time.

5. Teaching Practice

Articles 16, 17, 18 of the superior agreement 004/2007, apply to the Modalidad TEACHING PRACTICE.

ARTICLE 16°.     When the student selects the Teaching Practicum modality, at the end of the second week of classes, the student must have selected the subject in which he/she will develop his/her Classroom Project. The student must have the approval of the Director of the School to which the subject is assigned.

ARTICLE 17°.     In the period in which the student has enrolled in Final Work I in the Teaching Practice modality, the student will elaborate his/her Classroom Project, being one of the possibilities the enrichment of a learning unit using virtual learning objects as mediations; these developments must be articulated with the project of support to learning through ICTs of the University. The student will be able to count during this academic period with the support of CEDEDUIS for the orientation of their work from the pedagogical and methodological point of view. The student will submit the Classroom Project to the Final Work Committee for evaluation and approval.

ARTICLE 18°.     During Final Work II the student will develop their Classroom Project designed during Final Work I and approved by the Final Work Committee.

6. Social Practice

Articles 9, 23, 24, 25, 26 of superior agreement 004/2007, apply to the modality SOCIAL PRACTICE.

ARTICLE 9°.      During the Business Practice, Social Practice and Research Internship modalities, the student must be legally enrolled at the University and therefore must comply with the institutional Bylaws and Regulations. Any offense committed in the company or entity will be sanctioned in accordance with the aforementioned Bylaws and Regulations, regardless of the sanction that may be applicable for the transgression of the internal Bylaws and Regulations of the company or entity.

ARTICLE 23°.     In the period in which the student has enrolled in Final Work I in the modality of Social Practice, at the end of the second week of classes must have selected the public, private or non-profit institution in which the student aspires to perform the internship, taking into account the guidelines defined by the respective School Board. For this purpose, the student must have established a first contact, preferably from the previous academic period, to inquire about the availability of the selected institution to accept the internship and subsequently request the approval of the Director of the School on that institution.

PARAGRAPH.        When the student is unable to define in the second week of classes the institution in which the student will develop their internship, the Director of the School will analyze together with the student the factors that are influencing and will decide whether to extend the time for this requirement to be fulfilled. The student will assume the commitment to carry out the corresponding management in the established time.

ARTICLE 24°.     Upon acceptance of the selected institution as an internship site, the internship will be formalized through an agreement. The guidelines and characteristics for the configuration of such agreement will be specified by the Legal Advisor of the University. As part of this agreement, a professional from the institution will be appointed to act as the student’s tutor during the internship. The student will be responsible for the management to ensure compliance with these formalities.

For more information about the social internship, please contact Paola Cala Rugeles, Foreign Affairs Ofice Professional, extension 2870 or by e-mail at relextconvenios@uis.edu.co

PARAGRAPH.        The professional designated as tutor in the selected institution must have experience in the field of the work to be done and have the acceptance of the Degree Works Committee.

ARTICLE 25°.     During the development of the Final Work I, the student must initiate a process of knowledge of the selected institution in order to identify, under the guidance of the tutor, the needs or problems of the community or the beneficiary population that are susceptible to intervention in the time allotted for the social practice. Based on this identification, the student will develop their Work Plan including the resources required for its implementation.

ARTICLE 26°.     Durante for Final Work II, the Work Plan designed during Final Work I and approved by both the Final Work Committee and the Institution will be implemented.

7. Business Practice

Articles 9, 19, 20, 21, 22 of the Superior Agreement 004/2007, apply for the Modality BUSINESS PRACTICE.

ARTICLE 9°. During the Business Practice, Social Practice and Research Internship modalities, the student must be legally enrolled at the University and therefore must comply with the institutional Bylaws and Regulations. Any offense committed in the company or entity will be sanctioned in accordance with the aforementioned Bylaws and Regulations, regardless of the sanction that may be applicable for the transgression of the internal Bylaws and Regulations of the company or entity.

ARTICLE 19°. In the period in which the student has enrolled in Final Work I in the modality of Business Internship, at the end of the second week of classes, the student must have selected the company in which the student aspires to perform the internship, taking into account the guidelines defined by the respective School Board. For this purpose, the student must have established a first contact with the company, preferably from the previous academic period, to inquire about its availability to accept the internship; once this endorsement has been obtained, the student must request the approval of the School Director regarding the selected company.

PARAGRAPH. When the student is unable to define in the second week of classes the company in which the internship will be carried out, the Director of the School will analyze together with the student the factors that are influencing and will decide whether to extend the time for this requirement to be fulfilled. The student will assume the commitment to carry out the corresponding management in the established time.

ARTICLE 20°. Upon acceptance of the company as an internship field by the School, the internship will be formalized through an agreement. The guidelines and characteristics for the configuration of such agreement will be specified by the Legal Advisor of the University. As part of this agreement, a professional from the company will be appointed to act as the student’s tutor during the internship. The student will be responsible for the management to ensure compliance with these formalities.

Minute of agreement Pledge of Commitment

Para más información sobre las prácticas empresariales, póngase en contacto con Paola Cala Rugeles, Oficina de Asuntos Exteriores, extensión 2870 o por correo electrónico en relextconvenios@uis.edu.co

PARAGRAPH. The professional designated by the company as tutor must have experience in the field of the work to be performed and have the acceptance of the Final Project Committee.

ARTICLE 21°. During the development of the Final Work I, the student must initiate a process of getting to know the company, so that it is possible to identify, with the tutor’s support, those needs or problems susceptible of intervention in the time allotted for the internship. Based on this identification, the student will develop their Work Plan including the resources required for its implementation.

ARTICLE 22°. During the Final Work II, the Work Plan designed during the Final Work I and approved by both the Final Work Committee and the company will be implemented. For the development of the Final Work II in this modality, the student will arrange with the company the weekly work schedule, which must be equivalent to full time.

8. Research Seminar

Articles 27, 28, 29 of the Superior Agreement 004/2007, apply for the Modality RESEARCH SEMINAR.

ARTICLE 27°.     When the modality chosen by the student is the Research Seminar, the student will select, with the guidance of the Director, the problem to be studied in the seminar. The problem may be part of the thematic areas or problems defined by the School for the development of final work.

ARTICLE 28°.     In the period in which Final Work I has been enrolled in the Research Seminar modality, the student will elaborate with the advice of the Director, the Work Plan to be followed during the Seminar, in which the topics and subtopics to be studied around the selected problem, the bibliography to be consulted, the programming of sessions, the assignment of responsibilities in each session and the respective rapporteurs will be defined.

ARTICLE 29°. Final Work II will be the execution of the Work Plan of the Seminar presented and approved in Final Work I. As a result, the group of students of the Seminar will elaborate and deliver a synthesis document that gathers the results of the research and the discussion carried out in each session based on the summaries and the reports compiled, which will undergo the process of evaluation and final qualification.

This document more details about this modality.

9. Research Work

Articles 10, 11 and 12 of the Superior Agreement 004/2007, apply to the Modality RESEARCH WORK.

ARTICLE 10°.     When the modality chosen by the student is the Research Work, the student will select, with the guidance of the Director, the problem to be studied in their final work. The problem may be part of the thematic areas or problems defined by the School or of one of the lines of research recognized or registered by professors in the respective Faculty Research and Extension Department.

ARTICLE 11°.     During the period in which the Degree Project I is enrolled in the Research Project modality, the student will elaborate, with the advice of the Director, the Research Protocol or Monographic Project, developing cumulatively each one of the stages of the scientific methodology until concluding with the document that will be submitted to the Final Work Committee as Final Work Plan I.

ARTICLE 12°.      The Final Work II will be the execution of the Research Protocol or Monographic Work, presented and approved as Final Work I. As a result, the student will prepare a final research report, which will be evaluated by the graders designated by the Degree Project Committee.

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