Mobility and Exchange Program
Foreign Affairs Directorate
mobility and exchange
Academic mobility is defined as any long-term physical or virtual interaction for training purposes with local, national, or international institutions that may or may not include the movement of students, professors, researchers, administrative personnel, or alumni.
Aimed at: Students, professors, professors, researchers, administrative personnel, and alumni.
Note: Counseling for academic mobility is carried out in person at the Foreign Affairs Office or virtually through Microsoft Teams, at the following hours: 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. From Monday to Friday.

Mayra Rubiela
Jurado Villamizar
Professional – Mobility Coordination

Mayra Rubiela
Jurado Villamizar
Professional – Mobility Coordination
Contact us
Mobility and Exchange
Select the profile type that corresponds to you
- Carolina Foundation Scholarships
- Canada ELAP Scholarships
- AUIP Scolarship
- Santander Universities Scholarships
- Government of India Scholarships
Carolina Foundation Scholarships for Postdoctoral Stays
At the UIS, these scholarships are aimed at professors who wish to carry out their doctorates or postdoctoral stays, through the modality of paid commission. Those interested can send an email to movilidad@uis.edu.co to obtain the presentation steps before the organization and fill out the candidate link.
CANADA ELAP SCHOLARSHIPS (Emerging Leaders in the Americas)
These scholarships are aimed at undergraduate and graduate students who make stays of one semester in Canadian universities, to apply, students must be presented by the Canadian institution to which they aspire to mobilize, however, students must receive advice at the Foreign Office to know how to get to contact the university of their interest.
Through this program the mobilities of graduate students are favored, every semester the call opens in January and June, for this it is necessary that those interested request the cover letter provided by the UIS Foreign Relations office.
The scholarship covers the transfer to the place of mobility.
Banco Santander’s scholarship portfolio has various support modalities, undergraduate mobility scholarships are about 3000 euros and open in the second semester of each year to be assigned in the first semester of the following year. As for postgraduate mobility, There are financing programs whose application is made directly on the Banco Santander website, so we recommend visiting the link published by Foreign Relations.
Finally, the government of India has training courses for professionals, whose application process can be done through ICETEX or the Universidad Industrial de Santander, to know the details of this call, write to movilidad@uis.edu.co or enter the Scholarships link and identify the information available for this program.
Registration to the mobility program
general intererst
Manual de Procedimientos para la Movilidad Académica Estudiantil
Resolution 1290 | 2024 | Document available in spanish
Videos (In spanish)
Do you want more information?
Contact us

Foreign Affairs
Phone: +57 (607) 634 4000
Extension: 2578 – 2055

UIS Central Campus
Bucaramanga, Santander
Carrera 27 calle 9
Edificio de Administración 2, piso 1

Office hours:
Monday to Friday
7:00 a.m. a 12:00 noon